Sarah Palin

Stories 1501 - 1520 | << Prev   Next >>

Palin Used State Politics to Settle Personal Scores

Career reveals history of favoritism, vendettas, secrecy

(Newser) - Throughout Sarah Palin’s political career the Republican vice presidential nominee has played favorites, kept secrets and waged personal vendettas, according to the New York Times. A lengthy examination of the Alaska governor’s record reveals that she appointed at least five former schoolmates to state positions, threatened and fired...

Fey 'More Palin Than Palin'
 Fey 'More Palin Than Palin' 

Fey 'More Palin Than Palin'

Tina nails Sarah impersonation on SNL season opener

(Newser) - Tina Fey ushered in the new Saturday Night Live season last night with her much-anticipated Sarah Palin impersonation, sharing the opening skit with Amy Poehler’s Hillary Clinton in a “public service announcement” deriding the media’s sexist coverage of the presidential campaign. The sketch also skewered Palin’s...

Forget VP, Mac: Put Palin on the High Court

She could enact her social platform more easily from bench

(Newser) - John McCain is wasting Sarah Palin’s talents, Dahlia Lithwick writes in Slate. After all, Palin is too much the outsider to navigate Washington's political backroads as vice president. So why not put her on the Supreme Court? Palin’s main issues are social, and she would have more success...

How Palin Got Her Political Updo

Palin, stylist collaborated on business-like look

(Newser) - The Beehive Beauty Shop is an unassuming bubble-gum pink cut-and-color salon, but it’s in this little Wasilla establishment that Sarah Palin forged her trademark look, the New York Times reports. As mayor, Palin often wore her hair down, but when she jumped into the race for governor, she collaborated...

Clintons Want McCain to Win, Says Morris

Ex-adviser argues they're shooting for another run in 2012

(Newser) - The Clintons may be campaigning for Obama, but they really want McCain to win so Hillary can run in 2012, friend-turned-foe Dick Morris tells the UK Telegraph. And if that happens, get ready for a historic Clinton-Palin showdown (Morris thinks McCain would not run again) that will shake up the...

Lawmakers to Subpoena Todd Palin in Alaska

GOP efforts to delay probe thwarted by state senator

(Newser) - The abuse of power investigation against Sarah Palin took a potentially ominous turn for her party today when state lawmakers voted to subpoena her husband. Republican efforts to delay the probe until after the Nov. 4 election were thwarted when GOP State Sen. Charlie Huggins, who represents Palin's hometown of...

Palin's Posture Reveals Her Self-Doubt: Expert

Posture, clenched hands reveal lack of confidence

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s performance in her first television interview pales when compared to her commanding convention speech, an expert told CBS News. The Alaska governor’s poor posture and hand-wringing in the ABC interview reveal insecurity, according to body language pro Jo-Ellan Dimitrius, who gave the Republican veep pick an...

GOP Sees Smoother Ride on Palin's Coattails

VP candidate has some in Congress worrying less about ugly November

(Newser) - Congressional Republicans nervous about their own election chances are encouraged by the thought of a Sarah Palin-fueled boost to the GOP’s overall image, Real Clear Politics reports. Polls conducted since she was picked as John McCain’s running mate show a generic Republican congressional candidate trailing a generic Democrat...

Obama Has Lost Control of the Election
Obama Has
Lost Control
of the Election

Obama Has Lost Control of the Election

He must skip the Palin sniping, remind voters what's at stake

(Newser) - Talk about change: John McCain is hosting celebrity rallies of his own while all the excitement has fizzled out of the Barack Obama campaign, EJ Dionne observes in the Washington Post. "It's clear that Obama has lost control of this campaign." His task, then, is "to remind...

Hollywood's Righties See Star Quality in Palin

Tinseltown's conservatives throwing weight, money behind VP candidate

(Newser) - Much of Hollywood may lean leftward, but Sarah Palin has the conservatives in town dreaming of capitalizing on the Alaska governor’s overnight popularity, Reuters reports. Palin’s “the kind of candidate that is made for Hollywood,” says MGM chief Harry Sloan, a vocal Republican. “She’s...

Palin Stumbled in Interview, But Made No Big Mistakes

VP stuck to Republican talking points, perhaps too well

(Newser) - How did Sarah Palin do in her much-awaited interview with Charlie Gibson? Everyone’s got an opinion:
  • Palin “looked like a student trying to bend prepared answers to fit unexpected questions,” offering statements far too general for Gibson’s liking, writes Alessandra Stanley in the New York Times.

Palin Attacks Have Damaged Dems, but It's Not Over

And Obama can't make the media look dumb on this one, or it'll get really bad

(Newser) - The only way to contain the new power that is Sarah Palin (the power conferred by Democratic attacks) is to start ignoring her and return to the basics, Peggy Noonan advises in the Wall Street Journal. To overcome the "catastrophe" of the last two weeks, Barack Obama needs to...

SNL Wants Tina to Play Sarah
 SNL Wants Tina to Play Sarah 

SNL Wants Tina to Play Sarah

Fey could portray VP candidate as early as tomorrow's season premiere

(Newser) - Saturday Night Live creator Lorne Michaels is in talks with Tina Fey to return to the show to play Republican VP nominee Sarah Palin, Broadcasting & Cable reports. The former SNL head writer could take on "The Barracuda" as early as the show's season premiere tomorrow. "There are...

GOP Plays Down Book-Ban Controversy
GOP Plays
Down Book-Ban Controversy

GOP Plays Down Book-Ban Controversy

Party says Palin's censorship questions were hypothetical

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s inquiries into book-banning were hypothetical and entirely appropriate, a McCain campaign spokesman said today, trying to clamp down on the growing online controversy. As mayor of Wasilla, Palin on three occasions asked the head of the library if she’d have a problem with banning books. The...

Palin Warms up on Climate Change
Palin Warms up
on Climate Change

Palin Warms up on Climate Change

VP wannabe blurs her position on global warming, stays defiant on drilling ANWR

(Newser) - Sarah Palin used her debut interview last night to soften her earlier position that global warming is not man-made, reports the Los Angeles Times. The Alaska governor had stated just a few weeks ago that she didn’t believe global warming to be human-caused. Her position is now closer to...

Palin Flubs Bush Doctrine Question
Palin Flubs
Bush Doctrine

Palin Flubs Bush Doctrine Question

She may not know the term, but clearly supports the strategy

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s interview with Charlie Gibson makes it fairly clear that she doesn't quite know what the Bush Doctrine is, writes Mark Silva in the Chicago Tribune. "But just as clearly, she supports it." When Gibson asked Palin in an interview if she agreed with the Bush...

Palin Ties Iraq to 9/11 Attacks
Palin Ties Iraq
to 9/11 Attacks 

Palin Ties Iraq to 9/11 Attacks

Tells deploying troops mission is to 'defend innocent from enemies' who planned strikes

(Newser) - In her speech yesterday to Iraq-bound troops in Alaska—a brigade that includes her oldest son, Track—Palin linked the war in Iraq with the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Washington Post reports, making a connection the Bush administration has long since stopped making. She said the soldiers' mission is to...

Palin Raises Specter of War With Russia

Candidate tells Gibson that Russian aggression could pull US into war

(Newser) - Sarah Palin talked tough on Russia in excerpts from her interview with Charlie Gibson aired last night, CNN reports. The candidate said she firmly backed NATO membership for Ukraine and Georgia. Asked if that meant America would have to go to war if Russia invaded Georgia again, she said "...

Palin's Town Billed Rape Victims for Evidence Kits

Alaska had to pass law to stop Wasilla from charging victims

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's Alaskan hometown billed rape victims and their insurance companies for the cost of rape evidence kits while she was mayor, AP reports. The state had to pass a law—over the objections of Wasilla's police chief—to stop the practice. It was the only town in Alaska to...

Palin: 'I'm Ready' to Step In
 Palin: 'I'm Ready' to Step In 

Palin: 'I'm Ready' to Step In

(Newser) - Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin talked tough on foreign policy today and said she feels ready to step into the presidency if something were to happen to John McCain. Asked by ABC's Charlie Gibson in her first TV interview since joining the ticket if she felt prepared, she responded, "I...

Stories 1501 - 1520 | << Prev   Next >>