Sarah Palin

Stories 1521 - 1540 | << Prev   Next >>

Earmarks Show Palin's Quite the Political Animal
Earmarks Show Palin's Quite the Political Animal

Earmarks Show Palin's Quite the Political Animal

Fish, crabs, and seals studied with millions Alaska gov. requested

(Newser) - Despite what he calls her “recasting as an anti-earmark champion,” Ben Smith writes in Politico that Sarah Palin has consistently sought millions in such funds for her home state of Alaska. But while "every self-respecting mayor and governor in America seeks federal dollars for local projects,"...

This Ain't Your Granddaddy's Lipstick on a Pig
This Ain't Your Granddaddy's Lipstick on a Pig

This Ain't Your Granddaddy's Lipstick on a Pig

Contrary to Obama aide, phrase is new twist on prettying porky

(Newser) - Whether Barack Obama was taking a rouge-colored swipe at Sarah Palin is debatable, but a staffer’s claim that "lipstick on a pig" is a phrase “older than my grandfather’s grandfather” should raise eyebrows, Ben Zimmer explains on Slate. The phrase has probably only been around since...

Palin's Glasses Are a Fashion Spectacle

But is the focus on her look just sexist?

(Newser) - Sarah Palin: Hockey mom, moose-hunter … trend setter? Marie Claire says Palin's $375 designer glasses are “a style hit,” and opticians have been flooded with inquiries about the Kazuo Kawasaki 704s, reports the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.  “It’s always been, ‘Men don’t make passes...

Lying Corrupts Campaigns Just as Money Can
Lying Corrupts Campaigns Just as Money Can

Lying Corrupts Campaigns Just as Money Can

Maybe it's time for finance reformer to swear off fabrications

(Newser) - We all know John McCain wasn’t really offended by Barack Obama’s “lipstick on a pig” comment—the one he pretended to think was a reference to Sarah Palin. “The whole controversy is ginned up, a fraud, a lie,” writes Michael Kinsley in the Washington Post....

Palin's First Press Tidbits Will Air on ABC Tonight

Gibson face-off to be featured on 20/20

(Newser) - Charles Gibson's interviews with Sarah Palin will be featured on a special prime-time edition of ABC's 20/20 tomorrow, reports AP. Gibson is traveling to Fairbanks and Wasilla, Alaska, for the first TV interviews with Palin since she was selected as John McCain's running mate. Excerpts will be shown on ABC's...

Palin Overstates Progress on Pipeline Project

Project may never be built, but will still cost taxpayers $500M

(Newser) - On the campaign trail, Sarah Palin has been touting her role in brokering a deal for a $40-billion natural gas pipeline in Alaska that, she says will "help lead America to energy independence." But the New York Times, investigating the status of the project, finds that the Alaska...

Attention Obamaniacs: Remain Calm!
 Remain Calm! 

Attention Obamaniacs: Remain Calm!

With 2 months to go, Dems are going nuts, writes Collins

(Newser) - In the space of just 10 days, many Democrats have decided that Barack Obama's once sure-fire candidacy is now doomed. Gail Collins has some advice for them: stop hyperventilating. If Team Obama seems as cool as always, says the New York Times columnist, it's because "they don’t care...

Ditch the Double Standard for Palin, McCain
Ditch the Double Standard
for Palin, McCain

Ditch the Double Standard for Palin, McCain

Respect and courtesy, certainly, but 'deference' is pushing it

(Newser) - The McCain camp's insistence that Sarah Palin not submit to questioning until the media shows "respect and deference" is a brazen double standard bound to raise voter eyebrows, Tim Rutten writes in the Los Angeles Times. She is certainly due respect, Rutten writes, but it is hard to justify...

Palin Was Warned Over Troopergate
Palin Was Warned Over Troopergate

Palin Was Warned Over Troopergate

Governor's ethics adviser urged her to apologize

(Newser) - An attorney who acted as an informal ethics adviser to Sarah Palin urged her to apologize for her role in firing Alaska's safety commissioner before it grew into a scandal, the Wall Street Journal reports. "The situation is grave," he wrote shortly before Palin was picked for the...

Letterman, Obama Sort Out Pig Logic

(Newser) - Barack Obama chalked up the lipstick-on-a-pig kerfuffle to "silly season in politics" during a taped appearance on David Letterman's show tonight, ABC News reports. He reiterated that he meant it as a swipe against John McCain's policies, not his running mate. When Letterman asked if he'd ever actually tried...

PTA Mom: Gotta Love Palin for Public Schooling Kids

Advocate (and Dem) Tsing Loh disturbed to see candidates' offspring in private education

(Newser) - Sandra Tsing Loh likes Barack and Michelle Obama’s politics, but, as a proud PTA mom, wonders why they couldn’t send their kids to a public school in their native Chicago, she writes in the New York Times. The inclusion of middle-class or affluent children, especially from families who...

Obama Blasts Mac's 'Phony Outrage' in Lipstick Flap

GOP distracting from issues with 'Swift Boat politics,' Dem charges

(Newser) - Barack Obama fired back today at a McCain campaign ad claiming he smeared Sarah Palin, calling the tactic "phony outrage and Swift Boat politics," the Washington Post reports. Obama used the phrase "lipstick on a pig" to describe John McCain's policies during a campaign stop yesterday, which...

Palin Bounce Flusters Dems
 Palin Bounce Flusters Dems 

Palin Bounce Flusters Dems

Surprising popularity defies conventional wisdom, logic

(Newser) - Democrats have been caught off-guard by Sarah Palin’s appeal, which has helped vault John McCain ahead of Barack Obama in some polls, the LA Times reports. Obama has begun attacking Palin more forcefully, which some Democrats worry will backfire, turning Palin into a “working class heroine,” in...

Hockey Mom's Policies Won't Help Disabled Children

Palin, McCain set to continue policies that 'trample the weak, hurdle the dead'

(Newser) - The image of Sarah Palin as a take-no-prisoners hockey mom doesn’t square with advocating for special-needs kids, Marianne Leone writes in the Boston Globe. She may have a newborn with Down syndrome, but the “warrior culture” that suits "pit bull" Palin has "no place for the...

Paglia Loves Palin's 'Annie Oakley' Feminism
Paglia Loves Palin's
'Annie Oakley' Feminism

Paglia Loves Palin's 'Annie Oakley' Feminism

Dems' attack on pro-life governor underline insecurities on abortion

(Newser) - Sarah Palin represents “an explosion of a brand-new style of muscular American feminism,” writes Camille Paglia on Salon. After Barack Obama’s convention speech, Paglia assumed the election was over. "Hoary, barnacle-encrusted“ McCain seemed unthinkable as president. Then came the Palin pick, and "the biggest step...

GOP's Heartland Appeal Just Plain Heartless
GOP's Heartland Appeal Just Plain Heartless

GOP's Heartland Appeal Just Plain Heartless

McCain, Palin pander to 'values' of voters they'd sell out to big business

(Newser) - Sarah Palin can’t say enough about the virtues of small-town Americans, the good, honest folk “who do some of the hardest work,” skip college and join the military. But they have to work so hard and skip college because they’re not doing very well, Thomas Frank...

Palin's Female Fans Not Confined to Right

Some see evolving breed of feminism in those drawn to Republican VP nominee

(Newser) - The crowds turning out for Sarah Palin show that the vice-presidential candidate is pulling her main support from conservative women. But she has also gained some followers who, though they identify as independents or Democrats, are "fed up with a man's world," the Washington Post reports. While some...

Palin Is Feisty, Good-Looking: Schwarzenegger

Governator's Q&A with German mag ruffles Calif. feathers, too

(Newser) - Arnold Schwarzenegger has given an interview to a German magazine so candid that some in Sacramento are wondering if the Q&A with the California governor was mistranslated, the Los Angeles Times reports. Schwarzenegger told Der Spiegel he was surprised by John McCain's choice of the "feisty" and "...

Enquirer: Palin's Son Addicted to Painkillers

Tab claims would-be VP kicked pregnant Bristol out of house

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s Iraq-bound 19-year-old son, Track, was addicted to the painkiller OxyContin and binged on cocaine before joining the army last year, the National Enquirer reports. The supermarket tab also claims the Alaska governor kicked 17-year-old daughter Bristol—also supposedly a party animal—out of the house and made...

Just You Wait, Charlie Gibson, Just You Wait
Just You Wait, Charlie Gibson, Just You Wait

Just You Wait, Charlie Gibson, Just You Wait

Dowd can't wait for the TV debut of Wasilla's own Eliza Doolittle

(Newser) - Maureen Dowd hops a plane to Wasilla, Alaska, where Sarah Palin will hold her first interview as a VP candidate this weekend. Media types might be flocking to the Last Frontier, but Palin has been sequestered from the press, brushing up for her sit-down with Charles Gibson. She's the Eliza...

Stories 1521 - 1540 | << Prev   Next >>