Sarah Palin

Stories 1541 - 1560 | << Prev   Next >>

'Wal-Mart Mom' Voters Swing, Will Be Crucial
'Wal-Mart Mom' Voters Swing, Will Be Crucial

'Wal-Mart Mom' Voters Swing, Will Be Crucial

Shift of working white women to GOP spells trouble for Obama

(Newser) - Polls clearly show the white women's vote swinging away from Barack Obama and it's a particular group the candidate needs to worry about most, Karen Tumulty writes in Time. Soccer moms comprised the key swing group in 1996, and "security moms" did last election, Tumulty notes. This time, it's...

Obama's 'Lipstick on a Pig' Jab Draws GOP Squeals

Candidate accused of smearing Palin

(Newser) - John McCain's campaign has accused Barack Obama of bringing politics down to barnyard level after he compared its talk of change to "putting lipstick on a pig," the New York Post reports. McCain representatives charged that the line was a thinly veiled personal attack on Sarah Palin, and...

'Palin Factor' Levels Race
 'Palin Factor' Levels Race

'Palin Factor' Levels Race

McCain tied with Obama in latest poll

(Newser) - John McCain has erased Barack Obama's lead, transforming the presidential race to a statistical dead heat, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll. Obama's lead among women dropped from 10 to 4 points since August, which is largely attributed to Sarah Palin's popularity, reports MSNBC.

Palin 'Scary,' Koch Says in Endorsing Obama

Former NYC mayor, who campaigned for Bush in '04, rips Alaska book-banning

(Newser) - Ed Koch, the former Democratic New York mayor who has skipped among political parties for 15 years, today endorsed Barack Obama for president. Why, Ben Smith asked him for Politico? “The designation of (Sarah) Palin to be vice president. She's scary.” Koch says foreign attacks aren’t all...

Super Sarah? Action Figures Go on Sale

Company attempts to cash in on guv's soaring popularity

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has become a household face, and as of today you can have a plastic representation of her face in your household. is cashing in on Palinmania with three action figure versions of the would-be veep, the Daily Telegraph reports. Palin is available in a conservative blue...

'Trojan Moose' Palin Shifts Focus Off Bush Legacy

VP pick has turned the debate away from actual issues; Obama must steer it back

(Newser) - Of Troopergate, the “Bridge to Nowhere,” and the other so-called scandals the left has been hoping will sully Sarah Palin’s reputation, Arianna Huffington scoffs: “who cares?” McCain-Palin will gladly take up time discussing various small lies to distract from the “big truth”: that George Bush’...

Dominatrix Palin Wants to Whip Drooling Nation
Dominatrix Palin Wants to Whip Drooling Nation

Dominatrix Palin Wants to Whip Drooling Nation

Extreme views make GOP's fox less attractive

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has turned out to be a big hit with voters, many of whom think she’s hot, writes Greg Kamiya on Salon. Republicans have made a play for America’s gonads, hoping to make the election a referendum on “the perceived doability of the governor of Alaska....

Palin Isn't Ready, and Mac Knows It
Palin Isn't Ready, and Mac Knows It

Palin Isn't Ready, and Mac Knows It

Hence the request for 'deference,' VP pick's absence from talkfests

(Newser) - John McCain knows that running mate Sarah Palin isn’t ready to be president, which is why the campaign is hiding her away and bullying journalists who investigate her, EJ Dionne argues in the Washington Post. She has yet to respond to any “serious questioning” since being nominated, a...

Advice to Candidates: 'Weirdness Wins'

Candidates must surprise voters: Brooks

(Newser) - For the 2008 presidential candidates, “weirdness wins,” writes David Brooks in the New York Times. They soar when they surprise voters by making unusual choices, drag when they run more typical campaigns. Barack Obama beat Hillary Clinton by saying he’d “cleanse the country of the baby-boom...

Palin's Fiscal Claims a Fraud
Palin's Fiscal Claims a Fraud

Palin's Fiscal Claims a Fraud

Alaska shamelessly sucks money from Lower 48, behaves like OPEC: Kinsley

(Newser) - Maybe Sarah Palin is better than all the rest of us because she's a small-town hockey mom, Michael Kinsley writes in Time, but “spare us, please, any talk about how she is a tough fiscal conservative.” Palin’s state ranks first in the nation in taxes and spending...

Another Palin Firing That Looks Personal

Highly praised aide was dismissed after affair with friend

(Newser) - In another case of Sarah Palin's personnel decisions getting tangled up with family and friends, the Alaska governor fired her legislative director, an old friend, after he had an affair with another family friend, reports the Wall Street Journal. Just 7 weeks before John Bitney was fired, Palin praised his...

McCain, Palin Embrace Hugging Etiquette

What's the etiquette for a mixed-gender ticket?

(Newser) - In 1984, Walter Mondale had a strict "hands-off" policy with running mate Geraldine Ferraro, never even putting his palm on her back when they waved to crowds. Two decades later, times have changed: John McCain and Sarah Palin have been embracing on the campaign trail, forgoing handshakes for a...

McCain, Obama in Dead Heat: Poll
McCain, Obama in
Dead Heat: Poll

McCain, Obama in Dead Heat: Poll

Gains among white women give GOP momentum

(Newser) - The John McCain/Sarah Palin ticket has all but wiped out Barack Obama's lead, according to a Washington Post/ABCNews poll. White women voters now back McCain by a 12% margin, a sharp change from Obama's 8% edge among the same voters before the conventions. They view McCain as being better able...

Palin Billed State to Live at Home

Gov. charged per diem home fee, and family got $43K in travel expenses

(Newser) - Sarah Palin charged the state of Alaska nearly $17,000 in per diem fees for 312 nights she spent at her Wasilla home, even though she had moved with her family to the state capitol of Juneau before the legislative session last year, reports the Washington Post. The state has...

Bring Your Own Lipstick: The Hockey Mom Vote

Now that hockey moms are the hot political constituency, a closer look

(Newser) - Sarah Palin describes herself as a “hockey mom,” but in a land of soccer moms and Nascar dads, that's a less familiar life form. The Wall Street Journal looks at the predawn practices, smelly yet pricey equipment, and long-distance travel helping shape a demographic that makes twice the...

Gossip Mags Bash Palin— But They'll Be in Love Soon

Running mate's star power may mean more favorable coverage

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has been an instant hit with gossip mags and supermarket tabloids, making the covers of US, People, OK!, and the National Enquirer, even before her knockout speech at the Republican convention. It hasn't been all that flattering—the US headline was “Babies, Lies and Scandal”—but...

Palin Hasn't Let Science Stall a Good Hunt
Palin Hasn't Let Science Stall
a Good Hunt

Palin Hasn't Let Science Stall a Good Hunt

Alaska gov. makes killing wolves from aircraft a bullet point

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has spent her Alaska governorship aggressively pushing to expand aerial wolf hunting, contrary to the advice of wildlife experts, reports Salon. The practice consists of shooting wolves from low-flying aircraft. Palin believes wolves compete with human hunters for moose and caribou, and has encouraged the curbing of the...

Advice for Biden: Pretend Palin's a Man
Advice for Biden: Pretend Palin's a Man

Advice for Biden: Pretend Palin's a Man

VP debate against 'unserious' opponent is minefield for Democrat

(Newser) - Joe Biden has only one prayer of winning the vice-presidential debate: He has to pretend Sarah Palin’s a man, Dahlia Lithwick writes on Slate. Biden has the experience and knowledge to crush the Alaska governor, but that’s precisely his problem. Palin’s not a serious candidate, but if...

This Year, the Culture Wars Won't Work
This Year, the Culture Wars Won't Work

This Year, the Culture Wars Won't Work

Palin rhetoric rallies the base, but indies care about their wallets

(Newser) - The McCain-Palin ticket is hoping to reignite the culture wars—but this time, it might not work, writes Michael Tomasky in the Guardian. While the Republicans once again drag out attacks against secular elitists on the coasts, the small towns whose "values" the GOP extols are suffering from 6....

Palin Swings Hard, Lacks Follow-Through
 Palin Swings Hard, 
 Lacks Follow-Through 

Palin Swings Hard, Lacks Follow-Through

Record shows her taking bold stances, shying away from follow-through

(Newser) - Those who have worked with Sarah Palin in Alaskan politics—Democrats and Republicans alike—are split on the governor's leadership style. While most praise her bold, tough approach, they also point out her lack of follow-through and seeming disinterest in the details of governing, and her inability to work with...

Stories 1541 - 1560 | << Prev   Next >>