Sarah Palin

Stories 1561 - 1580 | << Prev   Next >>

Tiny Trig Palin a Vital Player in Mom's Political Life

Governor's work-family balance draws cheers, criticism

(Newser) - Baby Trig is a key part of Sarah Palin's campaign story, underlining her real-mom image and her stance against abortion. But Palin kept the pregnancy under wraps until the seventh month, "struggling to accept that her child would be born with Down syndrome" and fearing it could undermine her...

Palin to Finally Meet the Press
Palin to Finally Meet the Press

Palin to Finally Meet the Press

ABC's Gibson gets first shot at grilling McCain's running mate

(Newser) - Sarah Palin will sit for her first press interview since accepting the Republican vice presidential nomination, reports the Chicago Tribune. She'll be interviewed by ABC anchor Charlie Gibson in Alaska later this week. The McCain camp has kept Palin from the press so far, calling its coverage of the Alaska...

Palin Politics, Family Inseparable
 Palin Politics, Family Inseparable 

Palin Politics, Family Inseparable

Alaska Gov. defends, depends on her family in all aspects of her career

(Newser) - Sarah Palin slides seamlessly from perfectly coiffed GOP attack dog to doting hockey mom —so just what is life in the Palin clan like? “Sarah Barracuda” has always intertwined her family and her political life, the Washington Post reports, from her working-mom, Wal-Mart-shopper image to her husband’s...

McCain Takes Up Change Banner; Biden Says Malarkey
McCain Takes Up Change Banner; Biden Says Malarkey

McCain Takes Up Change Banner; Biden Says Malarkey

(Newser) - Talk shows were once again abuzz this morning, as both presidential campaigns entered the two-month sprint to the White House. A round-up of today’s highlights:
  • Obama revealed to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that he’d once seriously considered joining the military, and rebutted Palin’s jabs at his community

Working Women Leery of Palin
Working Women Leery of Palin

Working Women Leery of Palin

Female solidarity aside, it's the economy, stupid —and Obama's feeling their pain

(Newser) - Working-class women may decide who makes it to the White House, and while Sarah Palin piqued the interest of many undecideds, her gender isn’t enough to override their main concerns over soaring food and gas prices, unaffordable health care, and record-high unemployment. The Los Angeles Times takes the pulse...

Palin Pick Takes Battle to New States

GOP to capitalize on revived base in Ohio, Penn.

(Newser) - John McCain's camp is pushing some states back into play in the presidential election, convinced that Sarah Palin has re-energized GOP voters, the New York Times reports. McCain believes Palin improves his chances in Ohio and Pennsylvania, states Barack Obama is counting on. And with just 8 weeks left, both...

'Troopergate' Cop Regrets Bad Blood With Palins

Ex-brother-in-law thinks Palin nomination is 'great for Alaska'

(Newser) - The Alaska state trooper at the heart of the "Troopergate" scandal dogging Sarah Palin wants to put the whole thing behind him, the Washington Post reports. Mike Wooten said he regrets his mistakes, and is proud to have been part of the Palin family. Palin is under investigation for...

Why Her 'Servant's Heart' Matters
 Why Her

Why Her 'Servant's Heart' Matters

Palin's speech demonstrated ordinary, old-time conservative values

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has the “power of the normal,” and she has the Democrats rightfully running scared, writes Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal. The mother of 5 with her hockey-mom jokes and imperfect voice is "vividly genuine," a trait that helped her be the first...

Woman Denies Husband Was Palin's Lover

'1000%' certain there was no hanky panky, says ex wife

(Newser) - The  former wife of Todd Palin's business partner has denied rumors that her ex-husband, Scott Richter, had an affair with Sarah Palin, Us magazine reports. "I can tell you with 1000% certainty, Sarah Palin never had an affair," said Debbie Richter, who was treasurer of Palin's gubernatorial campaign...

Palin, McCain Differ on Sex Education

Senator supports abstinence-only; she is 'pro-contraception'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin and John McCain differ on sex education, with Palin favoring both contraceptive and abstinence education in schools—while McCain and the GOP platform support teaching abstinence only, the Los Angeles Times observes. “I'm pro-contraception, and I think kids who may not hear about it at home should...

Bible Underpins Palin's Politics

Her church promotes gay 'cure,' she hoped Alaskan pipeline was 'God's will'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's pastors say an abiding faith in the Bible is at the core of her personal and political life, the New York Times reports. She attends the nondenominational Wasilla Bible Church. Its links to groups which seek to convert Jews and "cure" gays have caused concern—but townspeople...

Oprah Won't Host Palin
 Oprah Won't Host Palin

Oprah Won't Host Palin

Moratorium on political guests in effect til presidential election

(Newser) - Talk show queen Oprah Winfrey will not host Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin on her program—and some viewers are hopping mad, ABC News reports. “She's doing an injustice to women,” said one likely former fan. The Drudge Report had suggested that the Oprah camp was at...

Troopergate Continues to Follow Palin

Police union's ethics complaint alleges gov. broke confidentiality

(Newser) - Alaska’s Public Safety Employees Association has filed a complaint against Gov. Sarah Palin, charging she disclosed confidential information about state trooper Mike Wooten in attempts to get him fired, the Anchorage Daily News reports. The union says a Palin aide cited confidential information about Wooten—involved in thorny divorce...

Quayle: Palin Furor 'Sounded Familiar'

1988 Republican VP candidate offers advice: 'Be yourself'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s entrance into the election campaign seems like déjà vu to Dan Quayle, who played that part for the Republicans in 1988. Like Palin, he was supposed to connect an old moderate to the party base and win over the Midwest with small-town charm. And like Palin,...

Palin Approval Runs Along Partisan Lines

Poll: VP pick creates sharp divides, making overall impact a wash

(Newser) - About half of the public had a favorable first impression of vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin, and that half consists primarily of Republicans, a new ABC News poll finds. This not-so-shocking divide mirrors the numbers on Joe Biden: his candidacy makes 22% of people more likely to support the Obama ticket...

Band to GOP: Turn Off 'Barracuda'
Band to GOP:
Turn Off 'Barracuda'

Band to GOP: Turn Off 'Barracuda'

Heart blasts campaign's use of song as Palin's theme

(Newser) - The members of the band Heart aren’t pleased that the GOP has been using their song “Barracuda” as Sarah Palin’s theme, reports Entertainment Weekly. Palin’s nickname since high school has been “Sarah Barracuda.” After a mild statement failed to stop the Republicans from using...

Palin Changed Colleges 6 Times
 Palin Changed Colleges 6 Times 

Palin Changed Colleges 6 Times

VP hopeful zig-zagged from Idaho to Hawaii to Alaska over 6 years

(Newser) - Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin seems to have switched colleges at least six times in 6 years, including two stints at the University of Idaho before she graduated from there in 1987. Palin and three friends went to the University of Hawaii at Hilo after graduation from high school in...

Palin, Obama Share Suits of Teflon
 Palin, Obama
 Share Suits
 of Teflon

Palin, Obama Share Suits of Teflon

Wary of sexism charges, Dem counts on media to do his dirty work

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s campaign is treading carefully around Sarah Palin. Lacking a “silver bullet” to use against her, and concerned about being called sexist, Obama likely will “keep his focus largely on John McCain,” reports Politico. The Obama camp anticipates that the reporters who’ve worked over...

McCain's Image as Lackluster Speaker Intact
McCain's Image as Lackluster Speaker Intact

McCain's Image as Lackluster Speaker Intact

Pundits view speech as workmanlike, maybe even boring

(Newser) - Last night was John McCain’s big moment at the Republican National Convention. Oratory hasn’t been his strong suit in the past. How were the reactions to his speech?
  • McCain bored Michael Tomasky at the UK Guardian, who wonders if he was baiting negative reviews to rile up his

Camps Vie for 'Reformer' Label
 Camps Vie for 'Reformer' Label 

Camps Vie for 'Reformer' Label

McCain, Obama fight for 'nebulous' image of change

(Newser) - John McCain and Barack Obama are both laying claim to an agenda of “reform”—but neither has offered a clear idea of what that means, writes Jonathan Weisman in the Washington Post. In opening speeches last night, the words “reform” or “reformer” were spoken 11 times....

Stories 1561 - 1580 | << Prev   Next >>