Sarah Palin

Stories 1601 - 1620 | << Prev   Next >>

Palin Vetted Just Before Being Chosen

But McCain camp stresses she was still thoroughly checked out

(Newser) - Sarah Palin did not meet with John McCain’s top veep-vetter until the day before the Republican nominee announced his pick, the Washington Post reports. Despite the apparent haste, McCain’s camp assured the public that the Alaska governor’s past had been thoroughly examined. But it wasn’t until...

Meet the Conservatives' New It-Girl

If McCain wins, can President Palin be far behind?

(Newser) - Sarah Palin may have been a risky choice for John McCain, but “it’s paying off, big-time,” writes Pat Buchanan for World Net Daily. She's quickly become the greatest asset the conservative movement has, according to Buchanan. The pick will energize conservatives, and give McCain a puncher’s...

Palin Perfect on Energy: 'Drill, Drill, Drill'

Alaskan gov's call to 'drill, drill, drill' will resonate

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s Alaska experience gives her just the right expertise for a year when the price of gasoline is going to be the hot-button issue, writes Larry Kudlow in National Review. Her energy policy? “I call it drill, drill, drill,” says Kudlow approvingly. "Our abundant country...

As the Vice's Vices Stack Up, GOP Says 'Life Happens'

Cries sexism in the face of 'legitimate questions'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has brought an “onslaught of wild soap opera storylines” to the McCain campaign, and his party is defending itself by insisting that “life happens,” Maureen Dowd observes in the New York Times. Palin already has a Troopergate, a pregnant teen daughter, and a National Enquirer...

Cindy Cries 'Sexism' in Palin Uproar

McCain rips media, can't recall Palin's 'whining' zinger at Clinton

(Newser) - Cindy McCain "absolutely" believes sexism is behind the media scrutiny of Sarah Palin, the beer heiress told ABC's Good Morning America, complaining that the Palin coverage is "insulting" and "outlandish." McCain, however, said she didn't remember Palin deriding Clinton's "whine about that excess criticism" as...

Palin Used Wedge Issues to Win Mayor's Race

Abortion, guns, religion became small-town issues

(Newser) - Running for mayor in Wasilla, Alaska, Sarah Palin brought ideological politics to a small-town race that had been focused on roads and sewers, the New York Times reports. The 32-year-old candidate defeated a three-term incumbent by highlighting her anti-abortion stance, her NRA membership, and her religious work —while the...

'First Dude' or Shadow Governor?
'First Dude'
or Shadow Governor? 

'First Dude' or Shadow Governor?

Todd Palin's role is scrutinized as he's thrust into spotlight

(Newser) - Todd Palin likes the title "first dude," but some Alaskan critics of his wife have dubbed the apparently unassuming husband the state's "shadow governor," the Wall Street Journal reports. The oilfield worker and champion snowmobiler is copied on some official correspondence and is accused of playing...

Palin Resurrects the Culture Wars

Watchers agree they never left, but require an event, like Palin's candidacy, to reemerge

(Newser) - The culture wars are heating up again, thanks to Sarah Palin’s staunch opposition to abortion and demonstrated fondness for firearms, Politico reports. Social issues have been largely absent from the campaign so far, with both candidates preferring to focus on the war and the economy. But Palin’s own...

McCain Camp Preps Palin for Convention

RNC speech tonight offers vital chance for VP to introduce herself

(Newser) - Instead of basking in the limelight as co-star of the RNC, Sarah Palin has been hunkered down in a Minneapolis hotel since Sunday, painstakingly working with John McCain's staff to hone the message she will present as she steps onto the national stage tonight. Her public appearances have been canceled...

Palin Projects Hit Mac's Pork List

Requests from Sarah Palin made it onto McCain's 'pork list' 3 times

(Newser) - Requests from Sarah Palin made it onto John McCain's "pork list" of objectionable spending three times while Palin was mayor of Wasilla, the Los Angeles Times reports. McCain's lists came as part of his long campaign against the earmarking system in which members of Congress can chuck cash at...

Bristol's Babydaddy Heads to GOP Convention

Future son-in-law in wings for big speech

(Newser) - Bristol Palin's babydaddy is on his way to join the family at the Republican National Convention, AP reports. Hockey-loving Levi Johnston, 18, left Alaska for Minnesota yesterday, according to his mom, who said the young couple planned to marry even before they knew 17-year-old Bristol was pregnant. Sarah Palin, whose...

Palin Pick Completes De-Greening of McCain
Palin Pick Completes De-Greening of McCain

Palin Pick Completes De-Greening of McCain

Green voters left with one choice after McCain ceases being a maverick

(Newser) - John McCain's choice of Sarah Palin completes his transformation from the most green-leaning GOP candidate for years into just another mouthpiece for Big Oil, Thomas L. Friedman writes in the New York Times. Palin backs drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and she does not believe humans play any...

Mayor Palin Sped Town's Turn From Frontier to Suburb

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s image as an intrepid frontierswoman comes largely from her 10 years as city councilwoman and then mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, home of the Iditarod dog-sled race. But the Iditarod’s start had to be moved north because of Wasilla’s numerous new driveways, the Wall Street Journal...

Lohan Gets Political: Palin Baby Drama 'Distracting'

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan has some advice for Sarah Palin: Stick to the issues. On her MySpace blog, the actress writes that she’s “concerned” John McCain’s GOP running mate “brought the attention to her daughter’s pregnancy, rather than all world issues and what she believes she could...

5 GOP Convention Viewing Tips
 5 GOP Convention Viewing Tips 

5 GOP Convention Viewing Tips

Assuming Palin's shadow doesn't obscure everything, that is

(Newser) - With the Republicans set to turn on all the lights at their convention tonight, Martin Kady II of Politico runs down five things to watch for:
  • Palin’s shadow: “The theme of tonight’s convention is ‘service,’” Kady notes, “and the trick for the GOP

Working Moms, Conservatives Question Palin

Fellow multitaskers wonder about VP pick's judgment, values

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's candidacy adds a twist to a familiar "mommy wars" debate: Most social conservatives argue that the mother of five, one a special-needs infant, can handle the heat of the nation's second-highest job, while liberal working women by and large disagree. "You can juggle a BlackBerry and...

Palin's Problem: She's Too Much Like McCain
Palin's Problem: She's Too Much Like McCain

Palin's Problem: She's Too Much Like McCain

Kindred spirit running mate can't rein in candidate: Brooks

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s inexperience and family turmoil don't concern David Brooks of the New York Times. She's a “marvelous person” who “seems to get up in the morning to root out corruption,” much like—maybe too much like—John McCain. "My worry about Palin is that...

Palin Surprises Say a Lot ... About McCain

Slate's Dickerson questions McCain's 'hasty' impulse

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is so entertaining to cover, from her daughter's pregnancy to her policy disagreements with John McCain, that Slate's John Dickerson is wondering if it's "being made up as we go along." After painting Barack Obama as the risky candidate, McCain made a choice even veteran party...

Hotshot Lawyer to Rep Palin in Ethics Tussle

Ex-official says guv fired him for refusing to fire her rogue in-law

(Newser) - A private-sector lawyer is making the unusual move of defending Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and her office in a state investigation into the firing of her public safety commissioner, the Anchorage Daily News reports. But the lawyer's request for witness statements and other materials was immediately shot down —"...

Palin's Alaskan Secessionist Sympathies Come to Light

Governor recorded video message for separatists this year

(Newser) - The latest surprise from Sarah Palin's past is her membership in the fringe Alaskan Independence Party, ABC News reports. A party leader says the governor and her husband were members in the 1990s. Though not strictly secessionist, the AIP is a "states' right party" that wants a vote on...

Stories 1601 - 1620 | << Prev   Next >>