Sarah Palin

Stories 1621 - 1640 | << Prev   Next >>

Palin's Town Scored $27M in Pork

McCain has praised her opposition to 'wasting taxpayers' money'

(Newser) - As mayor, Sarah Palin employed a lobbying firm that secured some $27 million in earmarked federal funds for her town of 6,700, a watchdog group has discovered. The money went toward railways, sewers, a transportation hub, and a youth shelter, reports the Washington Post. Fighting federal earmarks, which are...

Bristol's Pregnancy Raises Serious Vetting Questions

Mac picked in haste after conservatives nixed his two faves: sources

(Newser) - The steady stream of stories emerging about John McCain's brand new running mate has some Republicans wondering how thoroughly Sarah Palin was vetted, the New York Times reports. McCain has said he was aware that her teen daughter Bristol was pregnant, although aides are vague about when he learned of...

McCain, Palin Both Oppose Teen Pregnancy Programs

Both support abstinence-only sex ed

(Newser) - Pregnancies in 17-year-olds like Bristol Palin are something John McCain and his running mate, her mother, agree on: neither believes the government should support sex education and pregnancy-prevention programs, other than encouraging abstinence, in schools. "The explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support," Sarah Palin wrote in...

Palin Babydaddy a 'Redneck' Who 'Doesn't Want Kids'

Bristol's pregnancy no secret in hometown

(Newser) - Bristol Palin's husband-to-be is a self-described "redneck" hockey player who "doesn't want kids," according to his MySpace page. High school senior Levi Johnston has been dating the 17-year-old daughter of John McCain's new running mate for a year, and the teen's pregnancy was no secret in Wasilla,...

Evangelicals Applaud Palins
 Evangelicals Applaud Palins

Evangelicals Applaud Palins

Daughter's pregnancy makes Palin even more popular among religious right

(Newser) - Evangelical groups are standing squarely behind Sarah Palin and her family following the news that her teenage daughter Bristol is pregnant, CNN reports. Pro-life leaders hailed Bristol's decision to keep her baby with her family's support and dismissed any suggestion that her pregnancy is at odds with Palin's promotion of...

McCain Raised $47M in Aug.
 McCain Raised $47M in Aug.

McCain Raised $47M in Aug.

With $10M since bringing Palin on board, GOP looking amply financed

(Newser) - John McCain’s presidential campaign raised $47 million in August, its biggest monthly take yet, the AP reports. The campaign has apparently received $10 million in donations since McCain announced Friday that Sarah Palin would be his running mate. Officials say the total Republican general-election chest will be at least...

Palin's Woes Make Her More American
 Palin's Woes Make
 Her More American

Palin's Woes Make Her More American

Teen pregnancy, DUI are problems average voters relate to

(Newser) - Revelations about Sarah Palin's personal and political life may in fact boost her image among average Americans, Charles Mahtesian writes in Politico. A pregnant teenage daughter and a husband with a DUI are problems many voters can relate to, unlike the elite scandals of Capitol Hill. "It is this...

Obama Denies Connection to Palin Family Rumors

Candidates' private lives 'shouldn't be part of our politics,' Dem says

(Newser) - Barack Obama sharply denied today any connection to rumors about Sarah Palin’s family, the Chicago Tribune reports. A John McCain staffer said earlier sites with “Barack Obama's name on them” were among those spreading the rumor that Palin’s 17-year-old daughter was the real mother of her youngest...

Palin's Husband Busted for DUI in 1986

Latest revelation about family doesn't worry McCain camp

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's husband was arrested in 1986 for driving while intoxicated, the Christian Broadcasting Network reports. Todd Palin, who was dating the VP candidate, then Sarah Heath, was not involved in any accident but was jailed briefly. A spokesman for John McCain told CNN the campaign was aware of the...

Why Sarah Palin Didn't Get the Harriet Miers Treatment

Absurd, since she's more inexperienced that Bush's ill-fated Supreme Court nominee

(Newser) - E.J. Dionne can't resist comparing John McCain’s selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate to President Bush's attempt to put Harriet Miers on the Supreme Court. “Palin is, if anything, less qualified for the vice presidency (and the presidency) than Miers was for the court,”...

Palin's Daughter, 17, Is Pregnant, Will Keep Child

Teen will "grow up faster than we had ever planned," GOP candidate says

(Newser) - The 17-year-old daughter of Sarah Palin is 5 months pregnant, the Republican vice presidential candidate said today, and plans to keep the child and marry the father. John McCain knew about Bristol Palin’s pregnancy before choosing the Alaska governor as his running mate, Reuters reports. The statement comes after...

Sarah Bio an Instant Bestseller
 Sarah Bio an Instant Bestseller

Sarah Bio an Instant Bestseller

Obscure book by Fairbanks journalist leaps into Amazon Top 20

(Newser) - An obscure biography of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin by a Fairbanks author has rocketed to the bestseller list. Now the media is scrambling for interviews with Alaska author and journalist Kaylene Johnson, reports the Fairbanks Daily News Miner. "It's been a wild ride," said Johnson, who met with...

Convention Didn't Win Points for Obama: Poll

Palin pick may have canceled bounce

(Newser) - The Democratic National Convention and Barack Obama’s acceptance speech failed to boost his ratings despite their favorable reception, reports CNN. Obama and John McCain were in a dead heat a week ago, and remain virtually tied, according to a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey. McCain’s well-timed announcement of Sarah...

Palin Backed 'Bridge to Nowhere' in Governor's Race

(Newser) - Sarah Palin bragged yesterday about opposing a nearly $400 million pork barrel project that, it turns out, she initially supported, the AP reports. Palin did slam the so-called "bridge to nowhere" after becoming governor of Alaska 2 years ago. But on the campaign trail, she was all for the...

McCain Calls Palin a 'Soulmate'
 McCain Calls Palin a 'Soulmate' 

McCain Calls Palin a 'Soulmate'

Mac draws sharp contrast between his pick and Obama

(Newser) - Calling Sarah Palin “a partner and a soul mate,” John McCain gave his first televised interview this morning since dropping the Alaskan bombshell on the nation as his pick for running mate. He highlighted her experience—a single visit to Kuwait and her role as commander-in-chief of the...

Morning Talk Shows Abuzz With Palin Pick

Republicans called Alaska gov. a 'maverick'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin ruled the political morning shows today at the expense of Barack Obama's historic speech last week, Politico reports:
  • John McCain rebuked criticisms that Palin was unqualified to be "a heartbeat away" from the presidency. “She’s been commander in chief of the Alaska National Guard,"

Palin Campaign Starts With Undecided Mom-in-Law

'We don't agree on everything,' she says

(Newser) - It's great that Sarah Palin landed the No. 2 slot and all, but her own mother-in-law likes that Barack Obama and hasn't quite made up her mind which ticket to vote for in November, she tells the New York Daily News. “We don’t agree on everything,” Faye...

Palin's Story: A Political Chick-Flick
 Palin's Story: A 
 Political Chick-Flick 

Palin's Story: A Political Chick-Flick

Republicans get pumped for a 'babe' on the ticket: Dowd

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s rise to the national stage makes for a great political chick-flick, Maureen Dowd observes in the New York Times. The plot: “the 2-year governor of an oversized igloo becomes commander in chief after the president-elect chokes on a pretzel on day one.” And experience, schmexperience...

Is Palin a Woman's Woman?
 Is Palin a Woman's Woman? 

Is Palin a Woman's Woman?

Women divided over conservative female veep pick's stand on women's issues

(Newser) - John McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate is drawing a mixed reaction from the female swing voters his campaign is desperate to woo, reports the New York Times. Some conservative women who have been lukewarm about a McCain presidency are energized by the pick, whereas many...

‘Kindred Spirit’ Palin Wowed McCain Right From Start

'Maverick’ was always top pick: Mac camp

(Newser) - Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was a strong contender to be John McCain's running mate all along, his campaign has revealed. Looking to diffuse speculation that Palin was a hasty, last-minute choice, aides told the Washington Post that she was high on McCain’s list since their first meeting in February....

Stories 1621 - 1640 | << Prev   Next >>