Mike Huckabee

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Pols Use Dubious TV Gigs to Prep for Elections

Politician-analysts get paid, get exposure, but ethics are murky

(Newser) - In a trend that crosses party and network lines while raising a bevy of ethical questions, potential candidates for elected office are finding easy employment as cable news analysts. Fox News leads the pack, with three former office holders widely seen as possible future candidates: Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, and...

The View Brings Politics to Daytime TV

Goodbye, celebrity gossip, recipes—hello, health care, gay marriage

(Newser) - The View is bringing politics to the daytime talk show, once the realm of cooking tips and fashion advice. Discussion of topics like health care is "one of the reasons I watch it," an audience member tells the Los Angeles Times . "When they do the fashion stuff,...

Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin Lead GOP Fundraising

He's got about $3M, and she's got $2.1M

(Newser) - Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin lead the pack of possible 2012 GOP presidential challengers when it comes to fundraising, with $2.9 million and $2.1 million coming in over the last year, respectively. Romney still had $1.1 million in the bank at the beginning of the year after...

Huckabee's Fox Gig Perfect for a Presidential Run
Huckabee's Fox Gig Perfect for a Presidential Run
Howard Kurtz

Huckabee's Fox Gig Perfect for a Presidential Run

...If he were running, which he's totally not. Really. Maybe.

(Newser) - Listen to Mike Huckabee unload on Obama ("he's never run even a Sno-Cone stand") on his Fox News show and you'd probably conclude he's running for president in 2012, writes Howard Kurtz. Huckabee insists that he’s unconcerned with his political career, that he’s really not sure...

Huckabee Tied With Obama in 2012 Poll

Fox host polls stronger than any other Republican hopeful

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee would give Barack Obama a run for his money if an election were held today; he’s just 1% behind the commander in chief in a new Public Policy Polling survey. Among the 1,253 surveyed, 46% said they’d back Obama, 45% Huckabee. Despite the heat he...

Don't Bury Clemency with Clemmons
Don't Bury Clemency with Clemmons

Don't Bury Clemency with Clemmons

Mike Huckabee's decision was unfortunate, but just

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee's mercy in granting clemency to cop killer Maurice Clemmons was horribly betrayed, but that's no reason to reject the very notion of clemency, writes Michael Gerson. Strong arguments in favor of the role clemency plays in the justice system were made at the time of the Founding Fathers,...

Clemmons Not Huckabee's 1st Freed Killer
Clemmons Not Huckabee's 1st Freed Killer
Joe Conason

Clemmons Not Huckabee's 1st Freed Killer

Ex-gov said to be a sucker for cons who got religion

(Newser) - Maurice Clemmons isn’t the first killer Mike Huckabee released as governor thanks to his religious sense of mercy. Huckabee granted more commutations and pardons than any governor in the 40 years before him. Some, no doubt, were warranted by Arkansas’ draconian drug laws, but many more came courtesy of...

O'Reilly to Huckabee: Clemmons 'Not Your Fault'
 O'Reilly to Huckabee: 
 Clemmons 'Not Your Fault'
Cop Killer Blame Game

O'Reilly to Huckabee: Clemmons 'Not Your Fault'

But other conservatives are less understanding

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee’s a “standup guy,” and shouldn’t beat himself up for granting clemency to suspected cop killer Maurice Clemmons, Bill O’Reilly told him last night. “It’s not your fault, governor,” O’Reilly declared. “I mean, look, you’ve got 1,200...

Shots Fired, Cop-Killer May Be Dead
 Shots Fired, 
 May Be Dead 

Shots Fired, Cop-Killer May Be Dead

Clemmons believed to be holed up in Seattle home

(Newser) - Shots were fired today as police surrounded a Seattle home where a suspected cop-killer was holed up and officials say he may be wounded or dead. Police used loudspeakers and explosions in a bid to flush out Maurice Clemmons, 37, who investigators believe shot dead four officers at a cafe...

Huckabee Freed Man Sought in Wash. Cop Massacre

Then-gov commuted repeat felon's sentence

(Newser) - A man being sought as a "person of interest" in the execution-style slayings of four police officers this morning in Lakewood, Wash., was 11 years into a decades-long prison term in Arkansas when then-governor Mike Huckabee approved the commutation of his sentence. Prosecutors objected to clemency for Maurice Clemmons,...

Levin: No Afghan War if We'd Caught bin Laden
 Levin: No 
 Afghan War if 
 We'd Caught 
 bin Laden 

Levin: No Afghan War if We'd Caught bin Laden

Senators hit talk shows to talk Afghanistan

(Newser) - Had the US not missed its chance to nab Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan in 2001, there's a “good chance we would not have forces or need to have forces there," Senate Armed Services Committee Chair Carl Levin told Face the Nation. Given the current situation, however, Politico...

Huckabee: Obama Attacks 'Shameful'
Huckabee: Obama
Attacks 'Shameful'

Huckabee: Obama Attacks 'Shameful'

Republican condemns knee-jerk criticism

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee denounced some of his fellow Republicans' knee-jerk attacks on President Obama as "deplorable" and "shameful" in a recent speech. Huckabee said attacking Obama over well-intentioned actions like visiting Dover Air Force Base as the bodies of American troops arrived home or handing out Halloween candy made...

Palin Not Fit for Presidency: Poll
 Palin Not Fit for Presidency: Poll
survey says

Palin Not Fit for Presidency: Poll

Voters think Hillary Clinton would be swell, though

(Newser) - With a blockbuster memoir and national tour, Sarah Palin is again grabbing headlines. But does she have what it takes for a 2012 presidential bid? The answer is a resounding “no,” according a CNN and Opinion Research poll. Only 28% believe she’s qualified for the nation’s...

After Initial Flurry, GOP Mutes Criticism of Nobel

(Newser) - Michael Steele and Rush Limbaugh quickly heaped scorn on President Obama's Nobel win yesterday morning, but criticism from the rest of the GOP has been notably lacking since. Nothing from Palin, Newt, Romney, et al., perhaps taking Mike Huckabee's advice to heart about "right-wing whining" on the subject. Tim...

Limbaugh: Obama Nobel a Bid to 'Emasculate' US

Rush, fellow conservatives jump all over award

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh doesn’t think the Nobel committee members were trying to honor President Obama—he thinks they’re trying to “emasculate" the United States. “With this ‘award’ the elites of the world are urging Obama, THE MAN OF PEACE, to not do the surge in Afghanistan,...

Huckabee Wins Conservative Straw Poll

Palin lags behind with Pawlenty, Romney, Pence

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee easily won a presidential straw poll today at a conference for social conservatives, Politico reports. The former Arkansas governor garnered 28% of 597 votes at the annual Values Voter Summit in Washington, DC. Tying for second, each with about 12% of the vote, were former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt...

Obama Wouldn't Cover Kennedy: Huckabee

Says under Dem plan he'd be told to 'take pain pills and die'

(Newser) - Passing health care reform in Ted Kennedy’s honor “not only defies good taste, it defies logic,” Mike Huckabee declared yesterday. Adding his own take on Sarah Palin's death panel meme, he said that under Democratic health care proposals, Kennedy would have been told to “go home...

Romney Emerges as GOP's 2012 Frontrunner: Poll

(Newser) - The 2012 presidential race is heating up—at least in a Gallup poll of Republican voters. CQ Politics looks at the results, which have former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney out front, with 26% saying he should top the GOP ticket. Sarah Palin snags 21%, Mike Huckabee gets 19%, and Newt...

GOP Torn on 2012 Frontrunner
 GOP Torn on 2012 Frontrunner 

GOP Torn on 2012 Frontrunner

(Newser) - A frontrunner has yet to emerge among Republican candidates for the 2012 presidential election, according to a new CNN poll. Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, and Mitt Romney are currently tied as the most popular potential candidate, each winning roughly 21% of support among those surveyed. They're trailed by Newt Gingrich...

Huckabee's Plan to Revive GOP Doesn't Add Up

Nate Silver shows why party shouldn't play to social conservatives

(Newser) - Perhaps it's Mike Huckabee's admitted distrust for math, but he's dead wrong about the best strategy to bring back the Republican Party's power, writes Nate Silver on his blog. To make the case that the party shouldn't move to the middle, Huckabee says, "People that are social conservatives are...

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