Mike Huckabee

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GOP Base Sees Moderate Plot in Reform Group

Righties compalin that Cantor rebranding effort excludes them

(Newser) - With Eric Cantor's high-profile new group aimed at diagnosing what ails the GOP, members of the party base are worried that the answer might be them. Social conservatives from Steve King to Mike Huckabee are accusing the group of excluding them from the National Council for a New America, Politico...

Republicans Take Page From Libertarian Book
Republicans Take Page From Libertarian Book

Republicans Take Page From Libertarian Book

From tea parties to budget proposals, GOP changes tune

(Newser) - It looks as though the GOP is turning libertarian, says Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight.com. The tea parties it championed last week take their cue from libertarian movement shindigs, and participation was high in libertarian-leaning states like New Hampshire. The GOP’s alternative budget was a like-minded proposal, "dramatically...

Obama's Not One of Us, Says Socialist
Obama's Not
One of Us,
Says Socialist

Obama's Not One of Us, Says Socialist

Lefty says prez sticks to center; a socialist only to 'odd conservatives'

(Newser) - Thanks to conservative politicians and pundits, socialists are in the limelight as never before, writes Billy Wharton in the Washington Post—and Wharton, as editor of Socialist magazine, ought to know. Mike Huckabee and John McCain became "our most effective promoters," he says, as they portrayed Obama...

Bush Fans Rare at Conservative Pow-Wow

CPAC speakers slam former president, along with Obama

(Newser) - George W. Bush spoke at the Conservative Political Action Conference every year of his presidency, but this year when you hear his name, it’s usually being derided, writes Andy Barr of Politico. Newt Gingrich spent his speech railing against “Bush-Obama big spending,” while Mike Huckabee cited Bush’...

Huckabee: MSNBC? More Like 'MSBS'

Ex-guv slams network, Chris Matthews

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee took a swipe at MSNBC in a speech to fellow conservatives yesterday, calling the network “MSBS,” Politico reports. “It's not MSNBC, but the MSBS channel,” the former Arkansas governor said. He went on to rip Chris Matthews’ audible “oh God” before Bobby Jindal’...

Huckabee Rips 'Unholy' Plan
 Huckabee Rips 
 'Unholy' Plan 

Huckabee Rips 'Unholy' Plan

Cites ban on funds for religious schools

(Newser) - The new stimulus package is out to undermine religion. That's what former Arkansas governor  and one-time presidential candidate Mike Huckabee has told supporters in an email, Politico reports. Shortly before the Senate passed the bill yesterday, Huckabee wrote that the $828 billion package is "anti-religious." He cites  provisions...

Huckabee Keeps On Running
 Keeps On

Huckabee Keeps On Running

Calls for great moral awakening

(Newser) - Almost a year removed from the presidential campaign trail, Mike Huckabee is as busy as ever, with a Fox News show, a book tour, and a crowded speaking schedule. Tagging along with "the most likable politician I've ever met" as he visits suburban New Jersey, AJ Jacobs of Esquire ...

Bizarre Political Moments of '08

Weird doings with Hillary, Huck and a chucked shoe

(Newser) - Oh-eight was a banner year for politics, and half the time it was a really strange banner. Politico looks back on the weirdest moments in a topsy-turvy year.
  • Mike Huckabee holds a news conference to announce he won’t run a negative ad, then plays the ad for everyone.
  • Desperate

Conservative Radio Sees Boom Ahead
Conservative Radio Sees Boom Ahead

Conservative Radio Sees Boom Ahead

Limbaugh, Hannity & Co. ready to play foil to Obama White House

(Newser) - Where Bill Clinton’s presidency triggered Rush Limbaugh’s ascent, many see a new boom coming for conservative talk radio under President Obama, the New York Times reports. Limbaugh is touting the “rebirth of principled opposition,” and Sean Hannity claims to lead “conservatism in exile.” Says...

'Unsexiest' Men Alive: Post-Election Edition
'Unsexiest' Men Alive: Post-Election Edition

'Unsexiest' Men Alive: Post-Election Edition

(Newser) - The Boston Phoenix drew up its  “Unsexiest Men” list in March, but the election season produced some new contenders, while others earned a reprieve.
  • John Edwards: The perennial Dem also-ran wasn't on the first list, but his very public dalliance earns him a spot after a recount of sorts.

No More Mr. Nice Huck
 No More Mr. Nice Huck 

No More Mr. Nice Huck

Republican Huckabee takes on new post-election life

(Newser) - The post-election, book-peddling Mike Huckabee is folksy and affable as ever, but he's no longer pulling his punches when it comes to his party's run at the presidency: If he’d been the nominee, the election “would’ve been very different,” Huckabee tells Lauren Collins in the New ...

Blame Rush and Co. for GOP's Fall
 Blame Rush
 and Co. for
 GOP's Fall 

Blame Rush and Co. for GOP's Fall

Divisiveness makes for good ratings, bad political movement

(Newser) - Blame has been flying in Republican circles, but not enough has stuck where it belongs: on conservative talk radio. Rush Limbaugh and his imitators skyrocketed to prominence by being "rabble-rousers—high intensity, 'hot' performers whose appeal is based on energizing their base," writes Steven Stark in the Boston ...

2012 Campaign Gets Under Way
2012 Campaign Gets Under Way

2012 Campaign Gets Under Way

Huckabee, Jindal among possible GOP candidates hitting trail in Iowa, elsewhere

(Newser) - Likely candidates for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination are playing it cool, but their feet tell a different story, Jonathan Martin writes for Politico. Mike Huckabee, for example, says 2012 is “way too far away” to think about, but his book tour has lots of stops in Iowa and...

Huck: We Need a Leader, Not a Symbol

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee laid out the coming election as a clear choice between big government and small, and as one between a "thoroughly tested" candidate of "stubborn integrity" and one ill-prepared to lead the nation, CNN reports. Barack Obama's candidacy may be a nice milestone for America, "but...

McCain Picks Running Mate, But He's Not Telling Yet

Pair heads for debut rally Friday

(Newser) - John McCain has picked his running mate, but he's not telling just yet, Politico reports. McCain will reportedly inform his vice-presidential pick tomorrow, then unveil his choice to the nation on Friday. The two are then expected to campaign in battleground states this weekend, ahead of the GOP convention on...

Frank: Romney Will Say Anything to Win

Potential McCain VP pick is 'completely without moral scruple'

(Newser) - Barney Frank ripped into Mitt Romney yesterday as part of a DNC effort to discredit the possible Republican VP choices, the Boston Herald reports. Citing flip-flops on abortion and gay rights, the Massachusetts Congressman called the ex-Massachusetts governor ‘the most intellectually inconsistent politician I’ve ever known.” Romney,...

The Southern Drawl's Double Standard
The Southern Drawl's Double Standard

The Southern Drawl's Double Standard

Only GOP candidates are allowed to 'tahlk like thee-us'

(Newser) - When Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama stumped in Arkansas, each tried on a Southern drawl, and both were roundly mocked as pandering Yankees. Even John Edwards, a native Southerner, was accused of “carefully maintaining” his accent for political effect. Yet Fred Thompson and Mike Huckabee were allowed to drawl...

Gimmickry Makes McCain the Howard Dean of 2008
Gimmickry Makes McCain
the Howard Dean of 2008

Gimmickry Makes McCain the Howard Dean of 2008

His Berlins ad blast calls to mind antics Dem used in '03-04—when he didn't win, either

(Newser) - What’s the most apt parallel for John McCain’s underdog White House run? It’s Howard Dean’s gimmick-loving, maturity-lacking 2004 run, Ezra Klein writes in the American Prospect. McCain’s “whimsy” shone yesterday with ads in Berlin, NH; Berlin, Penn.; and Berlin, Wis. (with Barack Obama in...

Look Well Beyond Nov. in Picking Your Running Mate

Former Bush speechwriter suggests a McCain-Giuliani ticket

(Newser) - It’s a myth that running mates put a ticket over the top, former Bush speechwriter David Frum writes in the New Republic—so John McCain might as well just look to the future of the Republican Party. "Keep in mind that, when you choose, you may well be...

Want to Be Veep? What to Do, and Not to Do
Want to Be Veep?
What to Do, and Not to Do

Want to Be Veep? What to Do, and Not to Do

Pundit advises the wannabes on how to play it cool

(Newser) - Dear wannabe running mates, here’s how to campaign for the No. 2 job, per Mark Halperin in Time: DO:
  • Prove you can be an attack dog while maintaining “eloquence.”
  • Suck up to Michelle/Cindy. They’ll have the final say before the final say.
  • Notify the campaign of

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