
Stories 401 - 420 | << Prev   Next >>

iPhone Child Care: There's an App for That

Smartphones double as children's toys

(Newser) - Parents have long relied on books, toys, and distractions to entertain their kids when taking them out in public—but these days, they are likely to just grab a smartphone. Kids find the intuitive interface of iPhones and other touchscreen gadgets entertaining, and software designers have taken note: over two-thirds...

Chain Blasted Over Padded Bikinis for 7-Year-Olds

Itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny thing prematurely sexualizes girls, say critics

(Newser) - A UK clothing chain has yanked a padded bikini top for young girls off its shelves amidst charges that the product sexualizes children. Discount retailer Primark offered the $6 bikini set in pink with gold stars and black with white polka dots, in sizes small enough for 7-year-olds. Child protection...

Spanking Makes Kids Aggressive

Docs recommend time-outs rather than corporal punishment

(Newser) - Spanking an unruly child may make a parent feel better in the moment, but the effects on the spank-ee are negative and long-lasting, new research shows. Tulane University scientists looked at 2,500 3-year-olds, waited 2 years, and controlled for other factors that might have influenced their behavior. "The...

Insurers Cave on Covering Sick Kids Now

Industry argued for narrow interpretation of health bill

(Newser) - The insurance industry, faced with an outraged administration, has retreated from efforts to deny sick children with pre-existing conditions coverage until 2014. Health secretary Kathleen Sebelius plans to issue regulations in the coming weeks making it clear that sick children must be given access to their parents' insurance plans by...

Lohan Dodges Law in Sweat Shop 'Rescue'

Lilo tweets of saving kids thousands of miles away

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan is in trouble with foreign authorities after indicating in a tweet that she rescued 40 kids from a sweat shop in India. Actually, she was in the US and nowhere near the Indian factory during the raid, but that's not what upset India officials. "Over 40 children...

Glitch Lets Kids See Playboy Channel

Time Warner snafu gives North Carolina youths previews

(Newser) - Whoops! Kids watching cartoons yesterday morning may have been shocked by glimpses of something not exactly G-rated: the Playboy channel. A two-hour equipment failure allowed previews for the X-rated channel to run in the corner of two kid-specific Time Warner channels in parts of North Carolina, the News & Observer...

Now, Even Recess Gets a Teacher
 Now, Even Recess 
 Gets a Teacher 

Now, Even Recess Gets a Teacher

'Recess coaches' straighten out America's schoolyards

(Newser) - In a bid to prevent bullying, foster social skills, and fight obesity, schools across the country are reining in recess. At one Newark school, that meant hiring a "recess coach" to lead games and watch out for wallflowers. "Coach Brandi does miracles with 20 cones and three handballs,...

Madonna to Design Teen Fashion Line
Madonna to Design Teen Fashion Line

Madonna to Design Teen Fashion Line

Pop star's daughter Lourdes inspires label for Macy's

(Newser) - Madonna will launch a fashion line for kids inspired by her 13-year-old daughter, Lourdes. The pop queen has engineered a fashion deal that will give her a stake in labels like Candie's, Rampage, and Ed Hardy through the acquisition of the firm Iconix by her company MG Icon. This could...

How to Stop Obesity, Starting Before Birth

Researchers find links to problems later from prenatal to 3 years old

(Newser) - A kid's path to fat camp may begin even before conception, and, as one doctor tells the Los Angeles Times , “during pregnancy and the first two years of life, mothers and their infants are seen by physicians more often than any other time. It's kind of a golden opportunity”...

Heart Risk Linked to Obesity—in Preschoolers

Definitive connection can't be made due to lack of relevant study

(Newser) - Levels of a marker tied to adult heart disease were twice as high in the blood of obese children as in the blood of average-weight kids in a recent study. The twist is that the research subjects were 3 to 5 years old, sparking concerns about the cumulative health effects...

How to Tell if You're Raising a Hipster Brat

Forget about the Ramones education and teach manners instead

(Newser) - David Hochman tackles the question surely foremost on every parent’s mind: “Am I raising a douchebag?” Sure, you want your kid to be hip, and you might think it’s cute when your offspring “can tell which Ramone is Dee Dee and which one is Joey.”...

Google Buzz Dangerous for Kids: Parents

Children unprepared for virtual world share more than is prudent

(Newser) - Normally vigilant parents are in a tizzy over Google’s surreptitious addition of its Buzz social networking client to Gmail, which they say enables kids with little understanding of what is prudent to share online to enter a dangerous world. “This is foisted on children and they love it,...

YouTube 'Safety Mode' Adds Filters for Parents

Video site will rely on users to flag objectionable videos

(Newser) - YouTube has added content filters for parents who want to keep their kids from seeing offensive content on the site. "Safety Mode" blocks videos flagged by the user community as inappropriate for young viewers, either for violence, sex, drug use, or other objectionable content—those pro-anorexia videos, for example....

Study Finds Sharp Drop in Child Abuse

Public awareness campaigns credited with helping abuse drop 26% since '93

(Newser) - Cases of child abuse and neglect have fallen sharply since the early '90s, according a huge federal study. A total of 553,000 children suffered physical, emotional, or sexual abuse in 2005-6, the study found, down 26% from the 743,200 abuse victims in 1993. Cases of sexual abuse were...

IQ Tests for 4-Year-Olds Reveal Nothing but Wealth

Gifted and talented programs might as well just choose rich kids

(Newser) - A common fear among high school juniors is an SAT score so bad it derails ambitious future plans. A similar fear grips affluent New Yorkers—but the kids in question are 4-year-olds taking IQ tests. The tests are de rigueur for admission to prestigious kindergartens, which feed into top high...

Ricky Gervais: Stop Having 'Useless' Kids

Comedian's not apologizing for the Globes, or anything else

(Newser) - Look out, New York: Ricky Gervais is coming. The comedian, whose divisive Golden Globe hosting gig included jokes about masturbation and onstage drinking—“which Jane Fonda didn’t appreciate apparently”—says he already has digs in the Big Apple, where he's moving with his partner of 25 years,...

Rickets Up Among Kids Hooked on Computers

Indoor play cuts sun, Vitamin D

(Newser) - Britain is experiencing an uptick in rickets, a Victorian-era disease caused by Vitamin D deficiency that causes children to develop bow legs. Today's computer-loving kids spend more time playing indoors, avoiding sunlight and the Vitamin D is provides. Researchers suggest adding Vitamin D to milk and other foods to combat...

Gaming Worse for Kids Than Porn: Ron Jeremy

Famed porn star's 'ignorance' upsets baffled techie gathering

(Newser) - If there’s anything odder than legendary porn star Ron Jeremy showing up the Consumer Electronics Show, it’s said legendary porn star pooh-poohing one of the sacred cows of the people he was talking to. CES coincided with the Adult Entertainment Expo, and Jeremy wandered over to participate in...

Fla. Man to Cops: 'Tase the Baby'

Suspect uses infant as human shield

(Newser) - A Florida man headed for a charge of resisting arrest found himself in even more trouble after brandishing an infant at sheriff's deputies ordered to Taser him and saying, "Tase the baby." Jorge Garcia is out on bail after being arrested early Friday in DeBary, between Daytona Beach...

Mom Calls Cops on Grand Theft Auto-Addled Teen

Boston police talk boy into shutting off PlayStation

(Newser) - A Boston teen's excessive video game playing caused his mom to call 911 this weekend. Angela Mejia awoke at 2:30am to find her son still playing Grand Theft Auto IV, so she unplugged his PlayStation. "I want to help my son, but I can’t find a way,...

Stories 401 - 420 | << Prev   Next >>