
Stories 421 - 440 | << Prev   Next >>

General Mills Slashes Sugar in Kids' Cereals
 General Mills Slashes 
 Sugar in Kids' Cereals 
third cut in 3 years

General Mills Slashes Sugar in Kids' Cereals

Cut affects Cocoa Puffs, Lucky Charms, 8 other breakfast treats

(Newser) - General Mills is bowing to consumer pressure and cutting the amount of sugar in all of its cereals aimed at children, the third time in three years the food giant has taken its sweet breakfast treats down a notch. The goal this time is bring the amount of sugar per...

Angelina Jolie Has Secret Family
 Angelina Jolie 
 Has Secret Family 

Angelina Jolie Has Secret Family

She either has secret kids, or is helping orphans, depending on your take

(Newser) - If Angelina Jolie does in fact adopt another kid with Brad Pitt, it won't exactly be her seventh—she already has seven “children” in Jordan she's kept secret since 2003. The “secret family,” as the National Enquirer oh-so-sensationally dubs it, is actually a group of orphans living...

Parents' Deployments Hit Kids Extra Hard

Broad study finds children of all ages more likely to struggle

(Newser) - Kids whose parents are serving in Iraq and Afghanistan struggle with their emotions and responsibilities far more than children of civilians, a large new study reveals. Children of service members were twice as likely to report anxiety, emotional problems, and other symptoms of stress than their civilian counterparts. "Kids...

Parents Fall to Pieces Over Unassembled Toys
 Parents Fall 
 to Pieces Over 
 Unassembled Toys 
THanks for nothing, IKEA

Parents Fall to Pieces Over Unassembled Toys

Construction toy sales booming, but then you have to build them

(Newser) - Toys that required assembly were once an end in themselves, and their elaborate instructions made the process fun. These days, parents shopping for their kids don’t have much of a choice. “Toys do have more parts today,” a store owner tells the New York Times . Shipping flat...

Biologists: Drive to Help Others 'Innate'

Hard-wired helpfulness separates us from chimps

(Newser) - An inborn urge to be helpful may a key universal trait that makes us distinctively human, according to biologists. Experiments have found that babies just 12 months old are naturally helpful—pointing to help an adult find a lost item, for example—while chimpanzees aren't. The helpful instinct was found...

NYC Man Jumps to His Death—In Front of Kids

Friends say 53-year-old showed no signs he was suicidal

(Newser) - A New York man leapt from his apartment window to his death last night while his young daughters looked on in horror. “There were never any signs of problems,” a friend tells the Post . “I'd never expect anything like this from him.” The 53-year-old died instantly...

Aussies 'Sorry' for Abused Children

Children forced to migrate to Australia neglected, beaten

(Newser) - The Australian government has apologized—again—this time for abusing thousands of children forced to migrate to the nation. Some 500,000 "forgotten Australians" were abused or neglected in orphanages and children's work homes from 1930 to 1970. "We are sorry," Australian Prime Minister Devin Rudd told...

Inside the Octo-Family Circus
 Inside the Octo-Family Circus 

Inside the Octo-Family Circus

A behind-the-scenes look at Nadya Suleman as her TV special films

(Newser) - As the paparazzi follow Nadya Suleman around, a film crew shooting OctoMom: Me & My Fourteen Kids films them filming her…and John Bowe records it for the New York Times Magazine. From the British film director to the children’s welfare representative ensuring labor law compliance, people who expect...

Half of US Kids Will Get Food Stamps at Some Point

Figure hits 90% for black children, study finds

(Newser) - Nearly half of all US children and 90% of black youngsters will be on food stamps at some point during childhood, and fallout from the current recession could push those numbers even higher, researchers say. The estimate comes from an analysis of 30 years of national data, and bolsters other...

Shine a Light on Sneaky TV Product Placement

Do you know when you're being sold something?

(Newser) - You can tell when you’re watching a commercial, right? Not at all, writes NE Marsden , and that’s a huge problem. A new FTC measure seeks to expose the practice of paid consideration—“stealth advertising” is a better phrase—online by requiring bloggers and marketers to disclose remuneration,...

Yes, I'm a Mom&mdash; But That's Not My Name
 Yes, I'm a Mom— 
 But That's Not My Name 
identity crisis

Yes, I'm a Mom— But That's Not My Name

(Newser) - The latest trend in nomenclature rings false to at least one person who recently realized that "Mom" has become "the now generic name for every female parent in our country." Thinking it over, Anne Albeck dates the phenomenon to the early '90s, but familiarity—and overfamiliarity—...

Vaccine Scarier Than Swine Flu: Poll
 Vaccine Scarier 
 Than Swine Flu: Poll 

Vaccine Scarier Than Swine Flu: Poll

Concern high and building, but 60+% don't plan to get a shot

(Newser) - Americans are spooked by the growing threat of swine flu but even warier of the vaccine. Half of respondents in a recent Washington Post poll are a “great deal” or “somewhat” worried they or a family member will catch H1N1, up from 39% in August. But more than...

Barbie Braces for Doll Wars
 Barbie Braces for Doll Wars 

Barbie Braces for Doll Wars

Upstarts move in while Mattel hits back

(Newser) - Barbie remains the best-selling doll in the world, but she's in a dogfight. Mattel is banking on a new iteration—complete with 12 movable joints—called “Fashionista Barbie” to combat incursions from the likes of Spin Master's “Liv” dolls, and MGA’s “Moxie Girlz.” The Wall ...

Gaming Causes Joint Pain in Kids: Study

Child scientist finds 60+ minutes of daily play may cause trouble

(Newser) - The repetitive motions involved in playing video games cause joint pain in children, according to a new study by a true expert—an 11-year-old gamer. Deniz Ince, with the help of his rheumatologist dad, studied joint pain among his fellow video game enthusiasts, aged 7 to 12. More than an...

Parents Track Sex Offender Homes for Halloween

But critics warn that friends, family members are responsible for most kid assaults

(Newser) - Parents are preparing for their kids' trick or treating this year with a costume, candy bag—and a map of all the sex offenders in the neighborhood. Concerned families are turning to an iPhone application locating sex offender addresses to plan routes on the spooky night. "With Halloween, I'm...

Medical Weed's Been Great for My 9-Year-Old
Medical Weed's Been Great for My 9-Year-Old

Medical Weed's Been Great for My 9-Year-Old

Marijuana helps autistic, allergic child with debilitating pain

(Newser) - Almost as soon as Marie Myung-Ok Lee began giving daily doses of marijuana to her 9-year-old son J, she noticed a big change: He returned from school with his whole shirt on. J is autistic, has an inflammatory bowel condition, and has had two serious spinal cord surgeries. Before pot,...

Photo of Nude Tween Brooke Shields Stokes Controversy

Critic slams display as 'magnet for pedophiles'

(Newser) - A nude photo of 10-year-old Brooke Shields set to appear in an exhibition at the Tate Modern is drawing criticism from child-safety advocates. The photo, by Richard Prince, shows a heavily made-up Shields standing in a bathtub looking into the camera. Prince has said the work, Spiritual America, comments on...

Parents Lie to Kids All the Time: Study

Nearly 80% of parents acknowledged fibbing to kids

(Newser) - Parents lie to their children, even while telling them that lying is wrong, so often it surprised researchers, a new study reveals. Presented with a list of seven hypothetical lies—such as “the police will come if you don't stop crying now” or “you did a good job...

Popular Kids Become Healthier Adults

Classroom outcasts much likelier to suffer chronic health problems as adults

(Newser) - Children with few friends at school are much more likely to suffer poor health as adults, according to a new study. Swedish researchers asked 6th graders in 1966 which children they preferred to work with at school, then matched that data with hospital admissions between 1973 and 2003. They found...

Spanked Kids Have Lower IQs
 Spanked Kids 
 Have Lower IQs 

Spanked Kids Have Lower IQs

Offspring of hands-off parents test better: scientists

(Newser) - American children whose parents use spanking for discipline have lower IQs than those who aren't spanked, a new study finds. Researchers assessed about 800 2- to 4-year-olds and 700 5- to 9-year-olds and revisited them 4 years later, reporting a dropoff of up to 5 IQ points in kids whose...

Stories 421 - 440 | << Prev   Next >>