
Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>

Chicago Day-Care Home Used for Dogfights

Cops make arrests after raids in Maywood, Ill

(Newser) - Chicago police raided an Illinois day-care center that apparently doubled as a brutal dogfighting operation. Ten children were being watched at the private home at the time of the raid. A swing set used by the kids was only 10 feet from a bloody garage where a “vicious” pit...

Swayze's Biggest Regret: No Kids

Actor writes about wish for fatherhood in memoir

(Newser) - Patrick Swayze desperately wanted to have children and was “crushed” when wife Lisa Niemi had a miscarriage, the Boston Globe reports. Swayze wrote of his longing for fatherhood in his memoir The Time of My Life: "I couldn't wait to become a dad, to have a child with...

Little Kids Still Need 2 Swine Flu Shots

Older kids, like adults, get effective H1N1 inoculation from just 1 dose

(Newser) - Kids over age 9 can safely join adults in receiving just one shot of swine flu vaccine, the Washington Post reports. A test of 650 subjects showed 76% of children between 10 and 17 had a response to a vaccine produced by Sanofi Pasteur, and it was strong enough that...

Yemen Right-Wingers Blocked Push to End Child Marriages

Conservatives claimed introducing minimum marriage age was un-Islamic

(Newser) - Conservative lawmakers in Yemen, where a 12-year-old girl died giving birth to her husband's child last week, shot down an attempt to set the minimum marriage age at 17 earlier this year, CNN reports. The lawmakers kept the bill from reaching the country's president by arguing that it violated Islamic...

3-Year-Old Creates Viral Buzz With Foul Ball Toss

Toss-back earns young girl offers to close for Phillies

(Newser) - A happy Phillies fan made a sensational catch to snag a foul ball at last night’s game against the Nationals. Then he gave the ball to his 3-year-old daughter, and the result is turning into a YouTube sensation: She chucked it back over the railing. “When she first...

TV Noise Hurts Parent-Kid Bond
 TV Noise Hurts Parent-Kid Bond 

TV Noise Hurts Parent-Kid Bond

Having TV on reduces quantity and quality of parent-child interactions

(Newser) - Having a television on reduces parent-child interaction and may hold back the development of young children—even if nobody's watching it, according to a new study. Researchers studied children ages 1 to 3 playing with their parents with and without an adult's show like Jeopardy playing in the background and...

Save the Planet: Use a Condom

Studies point to environmental toll of each kid

(Newser) - You’ve got your hybrid, your low-watt bulbs, and your solar panels: what’s the next step to saving the planet? Try a pack of condoms. New studies point to the hefty environmental toll of each child, particularly in America, the Washington Post reports. Every kid born in the US...

Yemeni Child Bride, 12, Dies in Childbirth

Girl forced to marry 24-year-old dies after three days in labor

(Newser) - A pregnant 12-year-old Yemeni girl has died after three days of excruciating labor that also claimed her baby, a human rights group tells CNN. Fawziya Ammodi's poverty-stricken family forced her to drop out of school last year to marry a 24-year-old man. More than half of Yemeni girls are married...

Parents Leery About H1N1 Vaccine

'Uncertainty' dominates as families mull shot

(Newser) - Concerned over unforeseen effects and unconvinced that the H1N1 virus is really anything worse than a case of the sniffles, some parents are leaning away from vaccinating their kids against it, the Los Angeles Times reports. “It's a different brand of flu, but it is still the flu,”...

Parents Turn to Facebook to Keep Tabs on Junior

Some kids quick to 'unfriend'; others call it 'sensible'

(Newser) - For some parents, Facebook has become a window into the lives of their children, a means for mom and dad to monitor—and sometimes admonish—their kids. “It's so much easier to keep track of what they eat and when they pick their nose this way,” notes one...

A Post-Racial Society? Your Toddler Would Beg to Differ

Kids learn racial difference early, and parents aren't helping

(Newser) - Parents, if you think you’re raising color-blind children by avoiding open discussions on race, you’re wrong and could actually be doing the opposite, Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman write in a lengthy Newsweek article exposing how babies really learn about racial difference. Many white parents shy away from...

Web Monitoring Firm Sells Kids' Chatter

Company also notifies parents when kids go astray online

(Newser) - A company that polices children's Internet chatter is also selling it to companies that want marketing data on the quick, CNET reports. Sentry Parental Control Software, which monitors kids online—and triggers a phone call to parents when kids go astray—is amassing their chatter about products and selling it....

Back-to-School Speech Anger Rooted in Race

Right-wingers show 'irrational,' gut antipathy to Obama

(Newser) - If there’s one thing we should all be cool with, it’s the leader of the free world inspiring kids about education. But somehow the idea of President Obama giving a back-to-school speech has spawned an “outbreak of right-wing crazy,” writes Joan Walsh for Salon—“and...

Obama School Address Infuriates Critics

Republicans denounce speech as 'socialist' indoctrination

(Newser) - Conservative critics are blasting President Obama’s plan to give a speech on education in Virginia next week as a ploy to brainwash the nation’s children, the Washington Post reports. The address, which the White House is encouraging educators and students to watch, is part of a push to...

Man Charged With Striking Stranger's Child

Annoyed by crying, Ga. shopper pledged to 'shut her up for you'

(Newser) - A Georgia man is being held on charges of felony cruelty to children after he slapped a stranger’s crying child in Wal-Mart, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. Roger Stephens, 61, approached the mother and said, “If you don’t shut that baby up, I will shut her up for...

Inside Jaycee's Tent: a Wii, and Squalor

Pics show hints of domesticity amid trash and dirt

(Newser) - Photos of the backyard and tents where Jaycee Lee Dugard and her children lived reveal a small slice of normalcy amid appalling squalor, CBS News reports. The yard that Dugard’s meticulously dressed girls emerged from is littered with piles of trash and rusting bikes. But inside, where there was...

Hotels Woo New Cash Cow: Kids
 Hotels Woo New Cash Cow: Kids 

Hotels Woo New Cash Cow: Kids

(Newser) - Families are traveling more often, and recession-battered hotels are ramping up their kid-friendly offerings, the Boston Globe reports. Rooms occupied by families with children accounted for 27% of the total in 2008, up from 25% in 2004, and lodgings are watching the trend. Whether it's free Wii, a dog to...

25 Car Tunes for Kids and Parents

Add some Marley, Beach Boys to the Disney playlist

(Newser) - Parents, don’t let Disney's catalog of saccharine tunes ruin any more of your road trips. There are songs that can bridge the generation gap, Lindsay Armstrong writes on Babble:
  • Jackson Five’s “ABC”: School the kids on the alphabet and pop music—all at once.
  • Billy Idol’s

Conn. Boarding School Sued Over Molester Dean

Kids at man's apartment at 'all hours': lawyer

(Newser) - A Connecticut boarding school has been hit with two lawsuits over a former dean’s alleged sexual abuse of students he is charged with having as "overnight guests" in his apartment, the Danbury News-Times reports. The now-fired dean at The Gunnery School was charged Aug. 5 with sexual assault,...

SF Remakes Crookedest Street as Candy Land Board

(Newser) - San Francisco’s Lombard Street, “the crookedest street in the world,” will tomorrow be shut to traffic and set up as a giant Candy Land game board for sick kids, the Appeal reports. The event, to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the kids’ board game, is being hailed...

Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>