poll numbers

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Almost 20% of US Underemployed
 Almost 20% of US 
Poll Numbers

Almost 20% of US Underemployed

Actual job picture much worse than official statistics indicate

(Newser) - Roughly 30 million Americans, almost 20% of the workforce, are either unemployed or able to find only part-time work, according to a new poll. The Gallup survey, which tallied 20,000 respondents and has a 1% margin of error, paints a far darker picture of the economic landscape than official...

86% Say America Is Broken
 86% Say America Is Broken 
Poll Numbers

86% Say America Is Broken

But most still believe it can be fixed

(Newser) - A whopping 86% of Americans believe that their government is broken—an 8-point increase from 2006, according to a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey. But among that group, 81% say it can be fixed, while 5% say it’s beyond repair. The increase came mostly from higher-income earners and people in...

52% Think Obama Doesn't Deserve 2nd Term

Support even weaker for Congress, with 34% liking most incumbents

(Newser) - Lucky for Obama he's not up for reelection this year: 52% of Americans polled by CNN recently don't think the president deserves a second term, with just 44% saying he does. The anti-incumbent sentiment burns even brighter when it comes to Congress, with just 34% of those polled saying that...

75% of Americans Oppose Don't Ask, Don't Tell
 75% of Americans Oppose 
 Don't Ask, Don't Tell 
Poll Numbers

75% of Americans Oppose Don't Ask, Don't Tell

The country has changed a lot since 1993

(Newser) - The American public overwhelmingly supports allowing gay people to serve openly in the military, which wasn’t the case when “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was introduced in 1993. In a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, three out of four respondents supported allowing openly gay service members. That’...

GOP Makes More Gains With Public
GOP Makes
More Gains
With Public
poll numbers

GOP Makes More Gains With Public

More than half of America feels 'anti-incumbent'

(Newser) - There’s more bad news for Democrats in the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll , which shows that the once-decimated Republicans have essentially evened the playing field. More than 70% gave Congress a failing grade, with almost half saying they felt “anti-incumbent” to just more than a third feeling “...

43% of Americans Report Bias Against Muslims

Muslims face worst prejudice, most unfavorable view

(Newser) - A whopping 43% of Americans report at least “a little” bias against Muslims, and a majority, 53%, have an unfavorable view of the religion, according to a Gallup poll released today. That makes Islam far and away the most reviled religion in the country; Only 18% reported some prejudice...

What Americans Really Think About Obama

Poll analysis divides Americans into five sharply divided groups

(Newser) - Since his inauguration, Barack Obama’s approval rating has plummeted from 67% to just 50%. But to add some nuance to the numbers USA Today broke respondents down into five profiles. They are:
  • Sunny Side Up (33%): This diverse, optimistic group overwhelmingly believes the economy will improve, and gives Obama

'Angry White Men' Could Rule 2010
 'Angry White Men' 
 Could Rule 2010 
Poll Numbers

'Angry White Men' Could Rule 2010

Republicans enjoy big enthusiasm gap

(Newser) - The new year could look a lot like 1994, with another uprising from the “angry white male” demographic, says one Republican pollster. In the bipartisan George Washington University Battleground Poll, 20% of respondents described themselves as “angry” about “the way things are going in the country today....

Huckabee Tied With Obama in 2012 Poll

Fox host polls stronger than any other Republican hopeful

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee would give Barack Obama a run for his money if an election were held today; he’s just 1% behind the commander in chief in a new Public Policy Polling survey. Among the 1,253 surveyed, 46% said they’d back Obama, 45% Huckabee. Despite the heat he...

Only 50% Prefer Obama to Bush

 Only 50% Prefer 
 Obama to Bush 
Poll Numbers

Only 50% Prefer Obama to Bush

Latest numbers show steady decline for president

(Newser) - Only 50% of respondents to a recent poll say they prefer Barack Obama to George W. Bush, with 44% saying they’d like Dubya back. Given Bush’s vast unpopularity at the end of his term, that’s probably the most troubling number for the president in the latest Public...

Many Health Care Naysayers Are Liberal
 Many Health Care 
 Naysayers Are 
Nate Silver

Many Health Care Naysayers Are Liberal

Surprisingly large number say bill doesn't go far enough

(Newser) - Polls show that the health care reform bill is pretty unpopular, but what they don't always show is how much of the opposition actually comes from the left. In a new Ipsos/McClatchy poll, 46% said they opposed “the health care reform proposals presently being discussed,” versus 34% in...

This New Poll Should Terrify Democrats
This New Poll Should Terrify Democrats

This New Poll Should Terrify Democrats

Almost half say they won't vote next year; but 8 in 10 GOPers will

(Newser) - The enthusiasm gap between angry Republicans and blasé Democrats is ridiculously wide, according to a new poll that ought to scare the bejeezus out of those who color themselves blue. Conducted by the non-partisan firm Research 2000 for the decidedly partisan Daily Kos, the poll asked respondents how likely they...

Doubt Rising on Global Warming
 Doubt Rising on Global Warming 

Doubt Rising on Global Warming

But majority still believes in it, wants action

(Newser) - An overwhelming majority of Americans believe in global warming, but that majority has grown a bit smaller. According to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, 72% of the country believes global warming is happening, down from 80% last year. A smaller majority, 55%, believe the US should act to curb...

Women Refuse to Cut Back on Mammograms: Poll
Women Refuse to Cut Back on Mammograms: Poll
they overestimate risk, too

Women Refuse to Cut Back on Mammograms: Poll

But most are misinformed about the risks

(Newser) - An overwhelming majority of American women intend to ignore the recommendation that they get fewer mammograms, with most wildly overestimating their risk of breast cancer. In a new poll, 84% of women aged 35 to 49 say they still intend to get routine mammograms before age 50, in keeping with...

Far-Right Challenger a Threat to McCain

 a Threat 
 to McCain 
poll shows dead heat

Far-Right Challenger a Threat to McCain

Talk show host JD Hayworth gets close in new poll

(Newser) - Everyone’s favorite maverick could be unseated in 2010 by a hard-line conservative talk show host who's mulling a bid, a new Rasmussen poll suggests. John McCain leads potential primary opponent JD Hayworth, a local radio host and former House member, by a razor-thin 2%, which is within the poll’...

Public Doesn't Want to Pay for Health Care Fix

Americans support goals, but not if it will cost them personally

(Newser) - Americans are enthusiastic about health care reform, but only as long as it doesn't drive up the price of their own premiums, a new AP poll finds. Whenever questions were framed broadly, voters seemed to support Democrats’ plans, but when asked about specific trade-offs they balked. A whopping 82%, for...

Blame Weak Candidates, Not Obama
 Blame Weak 
 Not Obama 
Nate Silver

Blame Weak Candidates, Not Obama

Polling guru gives a post-mortem on last night's elections

(Newser) - The numbers are in, now it's time to make sense of them. Nate Silver breaks down last night's election results:
  • Don’t blame Obama; Creigh Deeds and Jon Corzine were probably just weak candidates. In New Jersey, 57% of voters approved of Obama, but 27% of those supporters voted Republican

Is Biden Really Less Popular Than Cheney?
Is Biden Really Less Popular Than Cheney?
Marc Ambinder

Is Biden Really Less Popular Than Cheney?

Nope! Recent Gallup numbers don't give whole picture

(Newser) - The latest Gallup numbers look bad for Joe Biden. His approval rating has sunk to 42%, which seems to put him way below the 55% Al Gore averaged in his first year, and way, way below the 65% Cheney averaged in his. Say it ain’t so! “OK, it...

Public Backs Afghan Troop Surge 47%-43%
Public Backs Afghan Troop Surge 47%-43%
Poll Numbers

Public Backs Afghan Troop Surge 47%-43%

....and majority support holding off on decision until after runoff

(Newser) - Public support for a troop surge in Afghanistan is surging, too, according to a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll . Support for a troop increase edged out opposition 47% to 43%, after trailing opposition 44% to 51% last month. But 58% also support waiting until after the runoff election to make...

You Betcha: Palin Won't Run
 You Betcha: Palin Won't Run 

You Betcha: Palin Won't Run

She has nothing to gain, and no hope of victory

(Newser) - Tom Schaller is so sure that Sarah Palin won’t run in 2012, and wouldn’t be nominated if she did, that he’s made a bet on it with fellow FiveThirtyEight.com writer Nate Silver. Schaller’s argument, in a nutshell, is that short of winning the presidency or...

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