poll numbers

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>

DC Hotshots More Optimistic Than Public

 DC Hotshots 
 More Optimistic 
 Than Public 
survey says

DC Hotshots More Optimistic Than Public

More believe country is on the right track than wrong

(Newser) - Wealthy Washingtonians are out of sync with the rest of the country on a host of issues, according to a new poll. Politico surveyed 227 “Washington elites”—meaning DC residents who make at least $75,000 a year, and work in politics in some form—and found a...

Poll: 73% Oppose Drilling Ban
 Poll: 73% Oppose Drilling Ban 

Poll: 73% Oppose Drilling Ban

Most consider Deepwater Horizon spill a fluke

(Newser) - Americans are furious with BP for sparking the largest environmental disaster in US history, but they largely consider it a “freak accident,” and oppose the Obama administration’s deepwater drilling moratorium, according to a new poll from Bloomberg . “A ban will destroy the economy in that area...

Obama's Approval Hits New Low
 Obama's Approval 
 Hits New Low 

Obama's Approval Hits New Low

But Congress, as ever, is even worse

(Newser) - President Obama’s approval rating dips to a new low in the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll . Just 43% approve of the job the president is doing, while 54% disapprove—including one-third of Democrats. Obama’s supporters aren’t very enthusiastic, either: Twice as many people gave him a strongly...

Americans Flunk History
 Americans Flunk History 
happy independence day

Americans Flunk History

One-quarter of Americans don't know who got the short end of Revolution

(Newser) - On July 4th, Americans from all walks of life will gather to celebrate their independence from … someone or other. According to a new poll, more than 1 in 4 Americans can’t name England as the country the colonists fought in the Revolutionary War, CNN reports. That figure includes...

In a First, More Americans Disapprove of Obama

Gulf spill pulls down his ratings

(Newser) - Rough news for President Obama (and others) in a new poll from the Wall Street Journal and NBC . Highlights:
  • In a first, more people disapprove of Obama's job performance (48%) than approve of it (45%).
  • Half disapprove of his handling of the oil spill, vs. 42% who approve.
  • 62% say

Support for Health Care Bill Hits New High

 Support for Health Care 
 Bill Hits New High 
Poll time

Support for Health Care Bill Hits New High

More now support plan than oppose it

(Newser) - The patient is alive and kicking. A new Associated Press-GfK poll finds public support for President Obama's new health care law has risen to its highest point. The nation remains divided, with 45% in favor and 42% opposed to the president's signature domestic accomplishment, but the shift is significant—last...

71% Say Obama Hasn't Been Tough Enough on BP
 71% Say Obama Hasn't 
 Been Tough Enough on BP 
Poll Shows Pessimism

71% Say Obama Hasn't Been Tough Enough on BP

And BP should pay up, even if it bankrupts them

(Newser) - The public is overwhelmingly pessimistic, and angry, about the Deepwater Horizon spill. According to a new USA Today/Gallup poll , 80% of Americans expect the spill to hurt the US economy and drive up the cost of gas. Half predict that some beaches will never be the same, and even more...

Poll: Tea Partier Will Trounce Reid
 Poll: Tea Partier 
 Will Trounce Reid 
LEADS 50% to 39%

Poll: Tea Partier Will Trounce Reid

And she was supposed to be the 'easy' opponent

(Newser) - Sharron Angle was supposed to be the easiest possible opponent for Harry Reid, but the rumors of his resurrection may be greatly exaggerated. A day after Angle’s primary victory, a Rasmussen poll shows her jumping to an 11-point lead over Reid, with 50% of the vote to his 39%....

Support for Incumbents Dips to All-Time Low
Support for Incumbents Dips to All-Time Low
Poll Numbers

Support for Incumbents Dips to All-Time Low

...but half the population hates the Tea Party, new poll shows

(Newser) - It’s a bad time to be an incumbent, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a good time to be allied with a far-right protest movement. In a new Washington Post-ABC News poll , only 29% of Americans say they plan to vote for their current House representative in...

Immigration Turns Latinos Against GOP
 Turns Latinos 
 Against GOP 
New Poll

Immigration Turns Latinos Against GOP

Poll shows wide racial divide over immigration

(Newser) - You know that Latino blowback Republicans have been bracing for regarding immigration? It's here. According to a new NBC/Telemundo poll , only 22% of Latinos have a favorable view of the Grand Old Party, compared to 37% of whites. You can chalk that divide up in part to the immigration debate,...

Don't Trust Any Poll That Omits Cellphones
Don't Trust Any Poll That Omits Cellphones
Nate Silver

Don't Trust Any Poll That Omits Cellphones

They're ignoring 25% of the populace

(Newser) - Yeah, it's expensive, but pollsters need to start calling cellphones. According to the latest CDC data, 23% of US adults, or 25% of US households are cellphone-only, writes Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight.com . Add in “cellphone-mostly” households and that jumps to 40%—and it could be even higher by...

Immigration Will Help GOP (for Now)
 Immigration Will Help 
 GOP (for Now) 

Immigration Will Help GOP (for Now)

Poll shows support for Arizona law in battleground states

(Newser) - Democrats are quaking in their boots over yesterday's poll showing that a majority of Americans supported Arizona's harsh new immigration law. The numbers—which are even worse in battleground states than they are nationally—indicate that while immigration hawkishness may someday come back to bite Republicans, it's a big advantage...

Silent Majority Backs Immigration Crackdown

Only 36% say Arizona law too harsh

(Newser) - Arizona may be under heavy fire for its strident new immigration law, but it appears a slim majority of Americans actually support it—and want more action taken. In the latest New York Times/CBS News poll, 51% said the Arizona law “is about right,” while another 9% said...

CNN, Fox News America's Most Trusted Sources

'New York Times' far down the list

(Newser) - Apparently cable news reigns supreme in America—and it's deeply partisan. In a new 60 Minutes / Vanity Fair poll, respondents named CNN and Fox News their most trusted news sources by a wide margin, with CNN in the No. 1 slot with 32% and Fox close behind with 29%....

Poll: Americans Prefer American Cars Again

Toyota recalls cost Asian automakers their reputation

(Newser) - After a long romance with foreign rivals, Americans are once again falling in love with American cards. In a new AP-GfK poll, 38% said US-made cars are of a higher quality than their Asian rivals, compared to 33% who preferred Asian brands. The numbers appear to have been largely fueled...

Harry Reid Trails GOP Foe by 10 Points

Senate majority leader's reelection bid in big trouble: poll

(Newser) - Don’t look now, but Harry Reid’s in big trouble in Nevada. The latest poll has him a full 10 points behind Republican Sue Lowden, and that’s with the independent and Tea Party candidates in the mix, reports the Hill . Reid has trailed in polls consistently throughout the...

Tea Partiers Are 'Average' Americans, Just 57% GOP
Tea Partiers Are 'Average' Americans, Just 57% GOP
2 new polls

Tea Partiers Are 'Average' Americans, Just 57% GOP

Movement currently accounts for 17% of voters

(Newser) - A pair of new polls poke holes in the conventional image of the tea party as a fringe group of loud Republicans. In a Sunday poll of 1,000 registered voters, 17% identified themselves as “part of the Tea Party movement,” the LA Times reports. Of those, 28%...

Obama Starting to Take Blame for Economy
Obama Starting to Take Blame for Economy
Poll Numbers

Obama Starting to Take Blame for Economy

More fault him, and 50% say he doesn't deserve re-election

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s health care victory doesn't seem to have helped him with voters struggling in the recession. (The president isn't much bothered by the early polls.) In a new USA Today/Gallup poll, roughly 50% said Obama deserved at least some blame for the economy, with 26% saying he...

Public Flip-Flops, Now Likes Health Care Reform
Public Flip-Flops, Now Likes Health Care Reform
That Was Fast

Public Flip-Flops, Now Likes Health Care Reform

Poll shows 49% in favor of new law, to 40% opposed

(Newser) - The ink is barely dry on the new health care reform law, but the public has already come around on it, says a new USA Today/Gallup poll . Among those surveyed, 48% called the law “a good first step,” saying more should be done to reform the system. Roughly...

Israelis Still Love Obama: Poll

Most still see him as fair, friendly despite diplomatic row

(Newser) - The recent diplomatic kerfluffle over East Jerusalem hasn’t hurt President Obama at all with Israelis; in a new Haaretz-Dialog poll , a “sweeping majority” say they still believe he is “fair and friendly” to Israel. Most don’t believe politicians who try to paint Obama as anti-Semitic, anti-Israel,...

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>