weight loss

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You Can Sleep the Pounds Away
 You Can Sleep 
 the Pounds Away 

You Can Sleep the Pounds Away

New study shows shut-eye will help you shed fat

(Newser) - If you’re dieting, but not losing body fat, you might just need to get more sleep. A small study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that 10 overweight men and women, all on the same calorie-restricted diet, lost the same amount of weight whether they got 8....

Teen Girls Drawn to Risky Weight-Loss Surgery

Gastric banding is popular—but not FDA-approved for youths

(Newser) - Teen girls are lining up for a weight-loss surgery known as gastric banding, prompting concerns from health experts who fear many may be sacrificing their well-being to look skinny, the Daily Beast reports. Banding is pitched as a safer, less invasive procedure than gastric bypass, and it's gaining popularity among...

New Magic Diet Potion? Water
 New Magic Diet Potion? Water 

New Magic Diet Potion? Water

Two glasses before meals works, says study

(Newser) - It's not the flashiest of diet drinks, but two glasses of water before meals seems to do the trick, a new study suggests. Researchers from Virginia Tech instructed a group of dieters to drink two glasses to start each meal. At the end of a 12-week-period, they each lost an...

These Shorts Freeze Your Butt Off—Literally

If not, at least they'll keep you cool

(Newser) - The latest way to burn fat without actually doing anything: FreezeAwayFat Cool Shape shorts, which promise to—you guessed it—freeze away fat. Turns out there may actually be something to it, writes Julie Deardorff in the Chicago Tribune . The shorts, which come with gel inserts to freeze and then...

Svelte Goodman: My Goal Weight Is '30 Pounds'

Talks dramatic weight loss with Letterman

(Newser) - David Letterman was quick to comment on John Goodman’s obvious weight loss last night on the Late Show , telling him “You look wonderful!” before asking what the actor weighed at his heaviest. “Pushing 400,” Goodman replies, then jokes that his target weight is “thirty...

Biggest Loser Finalist: It Gave Me an Eating Disorder

Weight loss show disregards safety, contestant says

(Newser) - The Biggest Loser tells tales of disciplined self-improvement, but one finalist has some horror stories to tell. In an interview with Golda Poretsky surfaced by Jezebel , season 3's Kai Hibbard says the brutal regimen and pressure from the show's staff endangered her health and gave her an eating...

Why Sugar-Free Sweets Are a Bad Move

They won't help your waistline or your teeth

(Newser) - A growing number of Americans are turning to sugar-free cookies, soda, gum, and candy to help them lose weight. But unless you're diabetic, sugar-free sweets are probably a bad dietary move, the LA Times reports. Here are some of the reasons why:
  • In most cases, the calorie difference is negligible:

50 Cent Drops 54 Pounds
 50 Cent Drops 54 Pounds 

50 Cent Drops 54 Pounds

No, it's not a disturbing diet trend

(Newser) - 50 Cent is barely recognizable in new pictures sweeping the Web. The rapper lost 54 pounds for an upcoming role as a cancer patient, ThisIs50.com reports. He went from 214 pounds to 160 pounds by going on a liquid diet and walking three hours a day on a treadmill,...

Kim Will 'Never Be Skinny'? BS
 Kim Will 'Never Be Skinny'? BS 

Kim Will 'Never Be Skinny'? BS

Kardashian and Shape team up to destroy body image

(Newser) - Shape thought it would be a good idea to put a bikini-clad and, yes, skinny Kim Kardashian on its cover…alongside the coverline, “I’ll never be one of those skinny girls.” The obvious problem here is that she is one of those girls, writes Hortense on Jezebel...

Scientists Learn to Trigger Fat-Burning Fat

So-called 'brown fat' could help in fight against obesity

(Newser) - Scientists are a step closer to being able to help people slim down with the help of the body's own fat, reports Time . German researchers were able to use an enzyme known as COX-2 in order to make white fat—the majority of human fat cells—act more like brown...

Jillian Michaels: Childbirth Would Ruin My Body
 Jillian Michaels: 
 Childbirth Would 
 Ruin My Body 
reasons to not procreate

Jillian Michaels: Childbirth Would Ruin My Body

Experts miffed at Biggest Loser trainer's comment

(Newser) - Jillian Michaels probably should have thought twice before telling Women’s Health magazine she’ll never give birth…because she “can’t handle doing that to my body.” The Biggest Loser trainer is now under fire for her comment, and the feel-good bit about adopting that she added...

Supermodel's Daughter Weighed in at 330 Pounds

Zulekha Haywood, whose mom is Iman, writes about her obesity battle

(Newser) - Being the daughter of a supermodel can't be easy—but how about being the 330-pound daughter of a supermodel? Zulekha Haywood, whose mother is Iman (and father is NBA legend Spencer Haywood), recounts her obesity battle in a lengthy piece in Glamour . The now 165-pound 31-year-old, who has "more...

Hudson Is New Weight Watchers Spokesperson

Singer got in shape after pregnancy

(Newser) - Jennifer Hudson is the newest celebrity spokesperson for Weight Watchers, the company announced today. The Oscar- and Grammy-winning singer/actress, 28, lost weight after giving birth to son David Jr. in August, and is now thinner than she was pre-pregnancy, Us reports. The ads will begin airing Sunday; Hudson calls Weight...

Kirstie Alley's New Show Is 'Dated, Whiny'

Do we really need to tune in to Alley's weight loss struggle?

(Newser) - Kirstie Alley’s Big Life is the actress’s second shot at losing weight on reality TV, and enough is enough. Maybe once “everyone thought it was cool that you weren't afraid to play an insecure, self-involved, overly-catered-to celebrity,” writes Mary McNamara in an open letter, but “...

Kirstie's Weight Loss Plan: Scientology Scheme?

Alley's 'Organic Liaison' has links to church

(Newser) - Kirstie Alley’s new weight loss program may just be one more way for the church of Scientology to make money. An anti-Scientology campaign group first uncovered a link between the two: “Organic Liaison” combines an organic diet with “organic and natural diet supplements,” but critics believe...

Next Role for Sidibe: Diet-Pill Peddler?

In return for one-year supply of product...provided it works

(Newser) - Gabourey Sidibe’s weight has become a matter of national interest. The latest: A weight loss company reached out to the Precious star, saying it wants to help her fight the “terrible affliction” of obesity. AcaiSupply.com will give Sidibe a one-year supply of its weight loss formula as...

Japanese Women Are Skinny, Think They're Fat

Media ideal and stiff competition leads to wacky body image

(Newser) - “I think I am very fat,” a 40-year-old Japanese woman of normal weight whose BMI is verging on “thin” tells the Wall Street Journal , and that’s the story all over the island nation. Japan continues to be the thinnest industrialized nation, and its women have gotten...

Skipping That Cookie Won't Make You Lose Weight

 Skipping That Cookie 
 Won't Make You Lose Weight 
sorry, michelle

Skipping That Cookie Won't Make You Lose Weight

In fighting obesity, little things don't count for much

(Newser) - Obesity experts would beg to disagree with the first lady, who said last month that it's the "small changes that add up" in fighting childhood obesity. Contrary to what Michelle Obama and many dieters believe, the body is actually wired to adapt to minor lifestyle changes—one less cookie...

Running Again? 5 Mistakes to Avoid

Don't start too fast; wear the correct shoes; eat right

(Newser) - With winter showing signs (well, in some places) of easing off, it’s time for a lot of us to get back into running. But beginner or old hand, Megan Kretz cautions, beware these mistakes:
  • Too much, too soon: Stick to the 10% rule when increasing distance (ie, if you’

Get High to Lose Weight: Study
 Get High to Lose Weight: Study 

Get High to Lose Weight: Study

Elevated altitudes stimulate weight loss in the obese

(Newser) - Slimming down without diet or exercise may be as easy as relaxing for a few weeks in the Swiss Alps. A new study found that 20 obese men who spent two weeks at a mountain facility 8,700 feet above sea level—but were forbidden to exercise and could eat...

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>