weight loss

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Low-Carb Diet Linked to Lower Blood Pressure

Both low-fat plan and Atkins-style regimen lead to weight loss

(Newser) - Besides leading to weight loss, a low-carbohydrate diet helps lower blood pressure, according to a new study. Research subjects randomly assigned to a low-carb regimen lost about as much weight as patients following a low-fat plan and taking a weight-loss drug—the generic version of the medication marketed as Alli—...

You Can Be Thin and Obese
 You Can Be Thin and Obese 

You Can Be Thin and Obese

Study shows you can be 'obese' at a normal weight

(Newser) - You don't have to look fat to be fat, a new study suggests. A report from the Mayo Clinic finds that people of a normal weight with a high percentage of body fat are at greater risk for heart problems than those with lower fat. In cases of "normal...

Exercise Curbs Colds, Even Cancer
 Curbs Colds, 
 Even Cancer 

Exercise Curbs Colds, Even Cancer

Moderate, regular activity is like a 'drug' that boosts immune system

(Newser) - Some benefits of exercise are less visible than weight loss and muscle mass, but no less tangible. In fact, the most awesome effects of physical activity are measured by what doesn’t happen: A brisk walk five times a week has been shown to ward off respiratory infections, and regular...

Weight-Loss Surgery About to Get More Popular

New, less invasive procedures are in the works

(Newser) - Bariatric surgery has the reputation of being a last-chance procedure for the obese, but that will likely change soon. Several new "incisionless" procedures in the works are expected to make weight-loss surgery a far more common option for even moderately overweight people, reports the Los Angeles Times . They mimic...

Your Won't Keep Those Resolutions: Try These Instead

Don't quit smoking, start e-smoking, and other easy outs

(Newser) - Gawker knows you can’t keep those virtuous New Year’s resolutions, so it’s come up with some substitutions. They won’t make you “a better person,” but are at least achievable. Herewith, from Brian Boylan:
  • Lose weight: That's too hard; "we live in a

20 Mins of Exercise a Week Keeps Shrink at Bay

Far less clear is how much exercise is best for physical health

(Newser) - If the goal of your exercise program is better mental health, a new study shows that even 20 minutes a week of sports, gardening, or housecleaning may be enough to boost your mood. But if you want to improve your cardiovascular fitness, lose weight, or reduce your risk of life-threatening...

Why Your New Year's Resolutions Will Fail

Skip the self-help advice, keep a journal for better chance of success

(Newser) - The New Year's ritual of resolving to lose weight, get organized, and give up smoking is not only pointless—78% of resolutions fail—but may actually do harm, psychologists say, as broken resolutions leave people feeling dispirited and powerless. In a study of 700 people, those who tried to change...

Biggest Loser Verges on Exploitation

 Biggest Loser
 Verges on 

Biggest Loser Verges on Exploitation

Experts weigh in on whether reality show has gone too far

(Newser) - The Biggest Loser is getting bigger each year: Next season, 526-pound Michael Ventrella will be the show’s largest contestant ever. Though wanting to help people shed pounds is a good thing, the show seems exploitative when it uses “heaviest ever” to promote itself. PopEater rounds up media experts’...

Lose Weight: Do a Puzzle
 Lose Weight: Do a Puzzle 

Lose Weight: Do a Puzzle

Mental puzzles can help you shed a few pounds, says brain trainer

(Newser) - Hunkering down with a Sudoku puzzle could help you shed some pounds. Tim Forrester, the man behind brain training website cannyminds.com, says mental exercise doubles as real exercise, with the body burning 90 calories for every hour spent working on crossword puzzles or brain teasers. A passive brain requires...

Biggest Loser Loses Sight of Contestants' Health

Fasting, dehydration, hospitalization daily reality of reality show

(Newser) - The Biggest Loser has produced some amazing results for its obese contestants, but at what cost? Many see the pounds come right back, and it’s likely because they engage in dangerous, damaging behavior in the first place in order to win the weight-loss reality show, the New York Times...

Today's Hot Dieting Tool: Breast Feeding

Study shows breastfeeding women slim faster

(Newser) - It's not the most PC thing to admit, but more and more moms are jumping on the breast-feeding wagon for the love of their...waist, reports Catherine Saint Louis for the New York Times. "For those incredibly shrinking women, the time they nurse is precious not only for its...

Drudge Alarmed Over Skinny Obama
 Drudge Alarmed 
 Over Skinny Obama 

Drudge Alarmed Over Skinny Obama

Prez not chain-smoking, but does skip some meals

(Newser) - In a post today headlined “Barack ‘N Bones,” the Drudge Report sounds the alarm over President Obama’s gaunt appearance over the weekend. An intense, hoops-heavy exercise regimen is behind what the conservative site calls “dramatic” weight loss. “No, he’s not chain smoking,”...

Sarko to French Pols: Put Down the Croissants

French government gets the fitness bug after president loses 15 pounds

(Newser) - Nicolas Sarkozy has lost 15 pounds since he married Carla Bruni, subsisting on a diet of cottage cheese, fruit compote, and bottled water—and he's not the only one in the French government who's slimming down. As the Times of London reports, Sarkozy is pressuring his ministers to lose weight,...

Goodbye, K-Fat: Federline to Slim Down—on TV

Britney Spears' ex has packed on the pounds, will appear on Celebrity Fit Club

(Newser) - Kevin Federline is going to have to stop eating at McDonald's. Nicknamed K-Fat for the pounds he's packed on, Britney Spear's porky ex is on board for the next season of Celebrity Fit Club, TMZ reports, complete with embarrassing shirtless photos of the blown-up former model and wannabe rapper. He'll...

Phylicia Rashad Slims Down
 Phylicia Rashad Slims Down 

Phylicia Rashad Slims Down

(Newser) - Dr. Huxtable would be proud: Phylicia Rashad has shed 35 pounds since December with a little help from Jenny Craig, reports the New York Daily News. Filling the shoes of past spokeswomen Kirstie Alley and Valerie Bertinelli, Rashad decided to take action after getting winded while walking up stairs. The...

Why Exercise May Not Erase That Gut

 Why Exercise 
 May Not Erase 
 That Gut 


Why Exercise May Not Erase That Gut

Rigorous exercise can make you eat more, and diet affects weight more than exercise

(Newser) - Despite forcing himself to do a rigorous amount of aerobic exercise, John Cloud hasn't budged from 163 pounds—with gut fat. Shouldn’t all that exercise change something? Not necessarily, he writes for Time. Science has shown that exercise has much less effect than diet on overall weight. The problem,...

'Cankle' Anxiety Grips Body-Conscious

(Newser) - Body-conscious Americans have been given a whole new area to fret about about in recent years, the Wall Street Journal reports. "Cankle"—a lower calf too chubby for an ankle to be properly defined—has entered the lexicon in recent years. Gyms, plastic surgeons, and shoe companies have...

Health Bill Has a Big Carrot for the Healthy

Senate measure would let employers cut premiums up to 50%

(Newser) - A measure slipped into the Senate’s health care reform bill could cut workers’ insurance costs by up to half if they eat well, lose weight, and quit smoking, the Boston Globe reports. The measure may be key to encouraging Americans to stay healthy without too much government imposition, a...

I'll Help Kirstie Lose Weight: Bertinelli

Yo-yo dieter Alley 'not a failure,' fellow Jenny Craig alum says

(Newser) - Actress Valerie Bertinelli wants to help Kirstie Alley in the battle of the bulge, she tells ABC of her fellow Jenny Craig pitchwoman, who gained back all 75 lost pounds she lost on the weight-loss system, plus 10, and set off to start her own diet plan. “Let me...

Dieting? Skip the Pricey Pills
 Dieting? Skip the Pricey Pills 

Dieting? Skip the Pricey Pills

No way around healthy eating and exercise

(Newser) - Now that Americans have had access to the first over-the-counter weight-loss drug for 18 months, we've become a lean, mean nation, right? Not so much, writes Debra Sherman for Reuters. It's true that Alli—$60 for a 30-day supply—gives users slightly better results, but they're probably not worth the...

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