weight loss

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Women Hard-Wired to Eat More
 Women Hard-Wired to Eat More 

Women Hard-Wired to Eat More

Brain scans reveal that men may be better able to resist food

(Newser) - Women may be hard-wired to overeat, according to a new study of why men diet more successfully than women. A little-understood mechanism in the brain appears to give women less self control when it comes to dieting. Researchers speculate that women have evolved to crave food for pregnancy and lactation....

Diet Books for a Skinny 2009
 Diet Books for a Skinny 2009 

Diet Books for a Skinny 2009

Menu: Lemon juice, meditation, and a lunchbox of meat

(Newser) - Another year, another diet book. What's new? The Wall Street Journal dishes the skinny—and the zany—for 2009:
  • I Can Make You Thinner, Paul McKenna: Train your brain to only eat when hungry (hypnosis cd included).
  • The Lemon Juice Diet, Teresa Cheung: The initial recipe—lemon juice, water, maple

Jobs: Hormone Imbalance Is Causing Weight Loss

(In other words: Stop saying I have cancer)

(Newser) - Apple mastermind Steve Jobs, looking to silence whispers about his health, said today his doctors have discovered a hormonal imbalance that's causing his weight loss, reports the AP. Rumors have been flying since the increasingly gaunt-looking cancer survivor canceled his annual speech to the Macworld conference tomorrow. “The remedy...

Why Oprah's Weight Matters to Millions

We're sharing in her long health struggle

(Newser) - Why do we follow Oprah’s battle with her weight so avidly? Because so many of us share the same battle, and identify so strongly with its ups and downs, writes Robin Givhan in the Washington Post. Oprah “may sell a million books, hand out scholarships and cars, build...

Weight Can Increase Risk of Breast Cancer

But side effects of treatment can make it harder to shed pounds

(Newser) - There may be a direct connection between weight and breast cancer in women, MSNBC reports. Overweight women “have more exposure to estrogen,” one doctor said, "which we think increases their risk of several different cancers.” Breast cancer patients across the country are now coupling their therapy...

Half-Ton Mexican Man Dies After Pleading For Help

Man had gone on TV to ask nation for assistance in solving his weight problem

(Newser) - A bedridden 990-pound man who had appealed on Mexican television for help tackling his weight problem has died of heart failure, AP reports. Emergency officials had to knock down Jose Luis Garza's bedroom wall and hoist him onto the back of a friend's pickup truck to take him to the...

Recruit Drops and Gives the Army 100 ... Pounds

263-pound woman lost weight to enlist

(Newser) - A Texas woman shed 113 pounds to join the Army, saying she was startled into action after being told she was too heavy to qualify. “I’ll never see her again,” a recruiter says he thought on meeting 263-pound Ashley Barrett-Carter, the Dallas Morning News reports. Now in...

Moss: Fashion Biz Made Me Thin

Models blame industry practices for weight

(Newser) - Über-thin supermodel Kate Moss blames the fashion industry, not anorexia, for the "heroin chic" look she made famous in the '90s. Moss sets the record straight in Interview, saying her hectic modeling schedule contributed to her scant weight: "You go to a show, and there's no food...

30 Mins Daily Won't Cut It: Study
 30 Mins Daily Won't Cut It: Study

30 Mins Daily Won't Cut It: Study

Researchers recommend at least an hour daily to keep off pounds

(Newser) - Thirty minutes of moderate exercise daily may not trim off the fat after all, a new study says. University of Pittsburgh researchers say it takes at least 55 minutes per day, five days a week, to keep off the pounds. The study followed 200 overweight women, and found that only...

Rumors About Jobs' Health Hit Ghoulish Point
Rumors About Jobs' Health Hit Ghoulish Point

Rumors About Jobs' Health Hit Ghoulish Point

Speculation about Apple boss has crossed the line

(Newser) - Speculation about the state of Steve Jobs' health is reaching fever pitch, and the scramble to know more is over the top, Tom Krazit writes in CNET. Shareholders, concerned by the Apple CEO's recent weight loss and the fact that he once had pancreatic cancer, are calling for full disclosure....

Food Diaries Help Dieters Shed Pounds

Those who wrote down every snack lost more weight in study

(Newser) - Dieters who keep a detailed record of their caloric intake in a food diary are more likely to lose weight, a major new study says. Out of nearly 1,700 participants, those who wrote down every snack and nibble of the day lost twice as much weight—and continued to...

No-Longer-Fat Lady Sings Part She Was Denied

Slimmed-down Voigt mocks 'little black dress' incident online

(Newser) - In 2004 Deborah Voigt, one of the world's most gifted sopranos, was dismissed from a London production of Ariadne auf Naxos for being too fat to fit in the little black dress that the director insisted was integral to the production. On Monday Voigt, who has gone from a size...

Your Body Wants You to Stay Fat
 Your Body Wants You to Stay Fat 

Your Body Wants You to Stay Fat

Keeping weight off made much tougher by brain, hormone cues to get it back

(Newser) - Your body doesn't want you to lose weight, scientists say, and makes it tough to keep off pounds lost. Scientists tell the Los Angeles Times that brain and hormone cues increase post-diet as natural processes try to get that old figure back. And while research into the heavy issues is...

Scientists Slim Down, Speed Up Mice by Stripping Enzyme

Removing an enzyme triggered a speedier mouse metabolism

(Newser) - Australian scientists have made a breakthrough that could lead to treatments for obesity and diabetes, the BBC reports. Researchers removed an enzyme in fat cells of mice and found it sped up their metabolisms.  The mice with altered cells were an average of 20% lighter than normal mice and...

Why You're Still Chubby
 Why You're Still Chubby 

Why You're Still Chubby

Common mistakes can prevent weight loss

(Newser) - If you've mustered the energy to lose weight, nothing is more frustrating than not seeing results. Men's Health lists some common mistakes:
  1. Too much carb consumption
  2. You're eating low-fat foods, but more of them
  3. Skipping breakfast can lead to sugar bingeing

Gossiper Trades Fat for Fortune
 Gossiper Trades Fat for Fortune 

Gossiper Trades Fat for Fortune

Perez Hilton loses weight, adds radio show to media empire

(Newser) - The Starbucks barista who turned his Perez Hilton alter ego into a web and TV sensation is bulking up his multimedia ventures by adding a radio show and slimming down his waistline, reports the Hollywood Reporter. "I want to frickin' jog shirtless in Malibu by the Fourth of July,...

Drunkorexia On Rise in Women
Drunkorexia On Rise in Women

Drunkorexia On Rise in Women

Eating disorders increasingly blending with substance abuse, experts say

(Newser) - Drunkorexia isn't an official medical term, reports the New York Times, but the disorder is on a growing list of afflictions that combine societal acceptance of substance abuse and pressure to be thin. Drunkorexics, who are typically college-age women, shun food to prevent weight gain and to offset the calories...

Here Comes the Bride, No Matter the Cost

Women going to unhealthy extremes in bid to look perfect

(Newser) - Wedding dress? $1,500. Ceremony? $30,000. Rapid weight loss, whitened teeth, artificial tan, laser surgery and a shot of Botox? Apparently, priceless—but they may come at a health cost as brides-to-be try to look picture-perfect with "red carpet-worthy good looks" on their wedding day. Such extremes can...

Diabetic Dieters Take Big Risks
Diabetic Dieters Take Big Risks

Diabetic Dieters Take Big Risks

Skipping insulin as weight-loss technique leads to early death

(Newser) - Psychologists studying eating habits in type 1 diabetics have found that women who cut back on their insulin as a weight management tactic—and 30% do—triple their chances of dying young. Women who restrict their insulin use have higher rates of kidney disease and foot problems, and die on...

Look Out Jenny, Here Comes Kirstie!
Look Out
Jenny, Here Comes Kirstie!

Look Out Jenny, Here Comes Kirstie!

Alley aims to cash in on weight loss with own diet brand

(Newser) - After cutting her ties with weight-loss company Jenny Craig, former spokeswoman Kirstie Alley tells People she's getting into the diet field herself. "I want to create something new that will help millions of people end the seemingly never-ending fatty roller-coaster ride," says the slimmer 57-year-old, who aims to...

Stories 201 - 220 | << Prev   Next >>