
Stories 321 - 340 | << Prev   Next >>

Buffalo Crash Likely Caused by Ice: NTSB

(Newser) - The Continental turboprop plane that crashed last night near Buffalo, killing 50, was likely brought down by icing, MSNBC reports. The NTSB, which has recovered the cockpit voice recorder, said the crew talked about “significant ice buildup, ice on the windshield and wings” before crashing into a suburban neighborhood....

Madoff Whistleblower Slams SEC's 'Financial Illiteracy'

(Newser) - The fraud investigator who tried for a decade to convince the SEC to investigate Bernie Madoff will deride the board's "financial illiteracy" before a Congressional panel today, according to prepared testimony obtained by the Wall Street Journal. Whistleblower Harry Markopolos will also testify that investigating Madoff "posed great...

Rove Will Cooperate in US Attorney Firings Inquiry

Had refused to take part in earlier investigation

(Newser) - In a reversal, Karl Rove will cooperate with a federal investigation into the firings of nine US attorneys, Talking Points Memo reports. Rove had refused to cooperate in an earlier inquiry on the firings, which Justice Department officials said severely “hindered” the inquiry. A lawyer for Rove says the...

Inquiry Into Jobs' Health Puts SEC in New Territory

Agency may set precedent on executive privacy

(Newser) - The Securities and Exchange Commission's inquiry into Apple’s disclosures on Steve Jobs’ health has the agency prying into perhaps the last remaining corner of executive privacy, Bloomberg reports. Securities law requires companies to reveal to shareholders information that could affect share price, but the health of executives has usually...

'Tunnel People' Get Probe of Inaugural Ticket Mess

Thousands waited in tunnel; Feinstein apologizes

(Newser) - As President Obama’s inauguration approached, thousands of would-be spectators got stuck in an immobile line that stretched into a tunnel beneath the National Mall. And there they waited, for hours, missing the ceremony despite their tickets. With their plight getting more publicity—yep, there's now a Facebook group—Sen....

Heart Sticker Adorned Duct Tape Covering Caylee's Mouth

Pooh blanket was also with body, cops say

(Newser) - A heart-shaped sticker was placed on the duct tape covering 2-year-old Caylee Anthony's mouth, revealed Florida prosecutors in hundreds of legal pages released today. A Winnie the Pooh blanket accompanied the child's clothing inside the cloth laundry bag that held  the toddler's remains, the Orlando Sentinel reports.

Flight 1549 Passengers Get $5K to Offset Lost Luggage

Investigation means possessions aren't coming back soon ... if they're even salvageable

(Newser) - Saying that passengers of Flight 1549 will not get their belongings back for months, if ever, US Airways sent each $5,000, CNN reports; the airline also provided “an obvious reimbursement” of the ticket price. As part of the investigation, all luggage must be weighed in its “current...

Black Box Reveals Both Engines Failed

Investigators postpone search for missing engine

(Newser) - Both engines on the airplane that crashed into the Hudson River last week lost power simultaneously at 3,200 feet, a clue from black box recorders for investigators still searching for the missing left engine, AP reports. Tugboats have begun hauling wreckage to New Jersey where it will be examined...

Furor Follows Harry's 'Paki' Vid

Prince's taped words 'not acceptable in a modern army': official

(Newser) - Britain's defense ministry has launched a formal inquiry following widespread outcry over a videotape showing Prince Harry calling a fellow military trainee “our little Paki friend” and another cadet “a raghead,” reports the Telegraph. “This sort of language is not acceptable in a modern army,”...

Columbia Crew Had No Chance to Survive

Report says astronauts couldn't have survived shuttle's disintegration

(Newser) - The seven astronauts aboard the space shuttle Columbia lost consciousness quickly and did not suffer when the craft broke up during its descent to Earth in 2003, a  NASA report says. While the crew had zero chance of survival, the report found fault with the astronauts' safety equipment and recommended...

Denver Crash a Mystery Again
 Denver Crash a Mystery Again 

Denver Crash a Mystery Again

Rattling noise heard just before plane veered off runway and passengers panicked

(Newser) - Indications that a problem with the landing gear, brakes or tires caused a plane to skid off the runway in Denver have proved not to be true, CNN reports. Voice and data recorders reveal bumping and rattling sounds moments before the crash, investigators now say. The plane's captain is recovering...

Tires, Brakes Linked to Crash; Voice Data 'Good'

Voice, data recorders in Washington, should produce info tonight

(Newser) - Brakes, tires, or landing gear likely caused the Denver airliner crash that injured 40 on Saturday, a source tells CNN. Meanwhile the National Transportation Safety Board is continuing its probe of the accident, and revealed that both black boxes on the plane contained clear information. "Tonight, we should have...

SEC Had Dirt on Madoff in '06
 SEC Had Dirt on Madoff in '06 

SEC Had Dirt on Madoff in '06

But, obviously, didn't pursue it

(Newser) - The SEC knew that Bernie Madoff was misleading them about how he was handling his customers' money in 2006, the Wall Street Journal reports, and noted multiple violations which, if investigated, would have laid bare his Ponzi scheme. Instead, Madoff’s firm was told to register as an investment adviser,...

Caylee Clues Found in Home Search
Caylee Clues Found in
Home Search

Caylee Clues Found in Home Search

Grandparents' house linked to body found nearby yesterday

(Newser) - After searching the home of Caylee Anthony’s grandparents last night, investigators say they “absolutely” found something of interest, CNN reports. The medical examiner linked the remains of a young child found yesterday in the area to the house where the 3-year-old lived with her grandparents and her mom,...

Rangel Inquiry Expands to Donor Concerns

Rep. faces allegations he fought tax loophole in funding tradeoff

(Newser) - A House ethics committee broadened its probe into Charles Rangel over concerns the New York Democrat fought a tax loophole in exchange for a $1 million donation to his policy institute. The subcommittee has been investigating Rangel’s personal finances since September over several other corruption allegations; now, it looks...

$125K Diamonds Are Winona's Missing Friend

Ryder says hotel lost borrowed bracelet; owner calls cops

(Newser) - Winona Ryder can't find a $125,000 bracelet and ring set lent to her by Bulgari for a magazine event, and now the company has reportedly called the cops, the Daily Mail reports. Ryder says she handed the jewelry over to staff at her Madrid hotel, but management says there's...

Palin Didn't Abuse Power in 'Troopergate': Counsel

Report slams 1st probe for using wrong law

(Newser) - An Election Day eve report by an independent counsel found Sarah Palin innocent of charges in the so-called "Troopergate" scandal, the Anchorage Daily News reports. Anchorage attorney Timothy Petumenos, hired by Alaska's Personnel Board, said Palin did not violate a state ethics law in firing her public safety...

New Take on Old Law Stymies FBI Probes of Congress

Constitutional clause being used as shield

(Newser) - The FBI is doing its best to root out corruption on Capitol Hill—Robert Mueller called it the bureau’s “top criminal priority”—but investigators are being thwarted by a new twist on a constitutional provision, the Washington Post reports. The “speech or debate” clause was intended...

Drew Peterson: Come Forward, Stacy

On anniversary of her disappearance, husband maintains she's with another man

(Newser) - Drew Peterson marked the first anniversary of his wife’s disappearance with an interview on the Today Show, the Chicago Sun-Times reports. Drew, the subject of intense scrutiny in the unsolved case, reiterated that he thought Stacy ran off with another man, leaving behind their two young children. He urged...

IMF Won't Punish Boss Over Affair

But 'serious error in judgment' sidetracked fund

(Newser) - The IMF’s governing board unanimously cleared its managing director of using his position to pursue an affair with a subordinate, the Wall Street Journal reports. Dominique Strauss-Kahn didn’t engage in “harassment, favoritism, or any other abuse of authority,” but his actions were “regrettable and reflected...

Stories 321 - 340 | << Prev   Next >>