
Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>

Amid Scandal, IMF Exec Wins Praise for Nimble Work

Strauss-Kahn's 'activist' economics suit crisis

(Newser) - Even as he faces a probe for misconduct, the head of the International Monetary Fund is being praised for a decisive response to the world financial crisis, Bloomberg reports. Europe’s chief banker says he’s “convinced the investigation will prove that Dominique Strauss-Kahn didn’t abuse power.”...

IMF Chief Probed Over Affair
 IMF Chief Probed Over Affair

IMF Chief Probed Over Affair

Investigation rattles key organization during financial crisis

(Newser) - In a shakeup amid the financial crisis, the International Monetary Fund is investigating whether its managing director abused his position in an affair with a subordinate, the Wall Street Journal reports. Backed by US and Russian representatives, Egypt’s rep to the IMF called for the probe into the relationship...

US Probes of Lehman May Include Fuld Subpoena

NY, NJ prosecutors convene grand juries to investigate stock-offer fraud

(Newser) - Lehman Brothers is getting the evil eye from three different US attorneys, who have convened grand juries to investigate the failed investment bank, Bloomberg reports. Prosecutors are particularly interested in a $6 billion stock offering made in June, and suspect Lehman was not straightforward with investors about the financial health...

Obama Ordered to Return Illegal Donations

Newsweek report prompts GOP to request federal inquiry

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s record-breaking $485-million war chest includes a number of small, illegal donations that federal officials have ordered the campaign to return, reports Newsweek. The GOP has requested a federal investigation into Obama’s campaign finances, the Washington Post writes. Roughly half of Obama's funds have been raised through...

Donaghy Was Sole Gambling Ref, NBA Finds

Convict's betting prompted league-wide integrity investigation

(Newser) - No NBA referee other than Tim Donaghy, who’s currently serving time for gambling, has been up to anything illegal in the sport, a 14-month league probe has found. But the report’s author did have some suggestions for keeping the game clean, including a hotline for tips on suspicious...

Foley Won't Be Charged in Page Scandal

Investigators come up dry in case against former congressman

(Newser) - Investigators haven’t turned up enough evidence to indict former Florida congressman Mark Foley on charges he sent salacious emails to underage pages, the AP reports. Both Florida and federal officials have been investigating the charges for two years, but with Congress blocking access to House computers, they've had little...

Senate Grills FBI on Anthrax, Ivins

Lawmakers raise doubts that suspect acted alone

(Newser) - Senators cast strong doubts today on the FBI's conclusion that Bruce Ivins acted alone in the 2001 anthrax scare, reports the Washington Post, with many demanding a more public vetting of the investigation into America’s largest bioterror attack. "There are others out there who should be charged...

Palin Emails Complain In-Law Wasn't Canned

Governor lambasted 'joke' investigation into trooper's behavior

(Newser) - Sarah Palin railed against the "joke" investigation of her former brother-in-law, a state trooper embroiled in a nasty custody battle with her sister, in emails sent to the ex-public safety commissioner she fired in July. “This trooper is still out on the street, in fact he's been promoted,...

FBI Missed Anthrax Clues
 FBI Missed Anthrax Clues

FBI Missed Anthrax Clues

Investigators were fixated on wrong suspect

(Newser) - The FBI's obsessive focus on the wrong anthrax suspect caused the agency to miss some important clues pointing to Bruce Ivins, the Los Angeles Times reports. Records of key-card swipes show that Ivins, who killed himself last month before being charged, spent hours in a "hot suite" with access...

Ivins Had Anthrax 'Identical' to '01 Attack

Suspect sought to mislead FBI, released documents show

(Newser) - Army scientist Bruce Ivins is the sole person responsible for the 2001 anthrax attacks, and he had custody of highly purified anthrax spores with "certain genetic mutations identical" to the poison that killed five people, the Justice Department says. Ivins was unable to give investigators "an adequate explanation...

Pioneering Doc Accused of Sex Abuse
Doc Accused
of Sex Abuse

Pioneering Doc Accused of Sex Abuse

Pediatrician became famous for his work on learning disabilities

(Newser) - Dr. Melvin Levine, famous in his field for pioneering new ways of understanding children with learning disabilities, is followed by allegations of sexually abusing young patients. The accusations span decades of his career, the New York Times reports in investigating the trail of charges. In March, a lawyer who had...

Israeli PM to Step Down in 2 Months

Olmert's move may threaten peace effort, national stability

(Newser) - Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert announced today he will resign in September, throwing his country into political turmoil and raising doubts about progress for US-backed Mideast peace efforts. Olmert's brief address included harsh criticism of police investigations of corruption allegations against him. He said he was choosing the public good...

Flap Over Cop's Job Ensnares Alaska Gov.

Possible McCain VP pick allegedly pushed to fire sister's ex

(Newser) - Alaska's governor, a longshot possibility as John McCain's running mate, is under scrutiny in the wake of allegations she had the state's public-safety commissioner fired as part of a personal vendetta, the Anchorage Daily News reports. Walt Monegan says Sarah Palin pressured him to fire her sister’s state trooper...

SEC Aims to Check False Rumors on Wall Street

Feds worried about false info in skittish market, but nailing culprits is tough task

(Newser) - After months of urging from business, the Securities and Exchange Commission announced plans yesterday to clamp down on the rumor mill that can induce Wall Street gyrations with false information. Last week's market turbulence pushed the feds to make the move before this week's trading, the New York Times reports—...

7 Years on, Chandra Murder Still a Mystery

Washington Post investigates murder mystery after 7 years

(Newser) - The storm of press on the 2001 murder of Chandra Levy gave way to the 9/11 attacks—but the mystery was never solved. Today, the Washington Post begins a 12-part series probing the investigation and a number of pitfalls along the way. The first piece examines the early stages of...

Karzai Orders Inquiry Into Fatal US Airstrike

Military, Afghans spar over whether 15 victims were Taliban, civilians

(Newser) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai today ordered an investigation into a US-led airstrike on Friday that killed 15 people. At issue is whether the victims were armed Taliban, as the US military claims, or the innocent civilians that an Afghan governor believes died.

Pregnant Soldier's Death Homicide: Cops

'Zodiac'-style letter claims responsibility for Touma's murder

(Newser) - Police say the pregnant soldier whose body was found in a North Carolina motel last week was murdered, the Fayetteville Observer reports. The Observer, meanwhile, received a letter from someone claiming to be the killer, which contains a symbol sources say was also drawn in lipstick in the room where...

4 Men Charged in Murder of Politkovskaya

Indictments for killing of journalist, but hit man still at large

(Newser) - Four men have been charged in Moscow in connection with the killing of Anna Politkovskaya, the investigative journalist shot dead outside her apartment in 2006. Authorities believe that her murder was linked to her exposés on human rights abuses in Chechnya. Two of the accused are Chechens, the Guardian ...

Cold Case 101: College Sleuths Try Their Hands

Holloway, Levy cases among high-profile whodunits for students

(Newser) - A college club is using cold cases to instruct criminal-justice students in techniques of investigation—and perhaps uncover that crucial piece of evidence missed by police, CNN reports. The Cold Case Investigative Research Institute, counting students at three Southern schools, uses high-profile cases like Natalee Holloway and Chandra Levy, to...

50 Cent Home Engulfed in 'Suspicious' Fire

Queens home, which housed his son and ex despite eviction notices, burns down

(Newser) - The multimillion-dollar, lawsuit-entangled New York home from which rapper 50 Cent was attempting to evict his son and baby mama went up in “definitely suspicious” flames early this morning, Newsday reports. An eyewitness told Newsday that the 32-year-old’s ex, Shaniqua Tompkins, and 10-year-old son were among six in...

Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>