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DNC Day 3: America Meets Tim Kaine

Obama, Biden will also speak in Philadelphia

(Newser) - President Obama and VP Joe Biden will attempt to top Bill Clinton's " prosaic love letter " to Hillary Clinton on the third night of the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday. Other big names scheduled to speak, per the Los Angeles Times , include Harry Reid, Gabby Giffords, Jesse Jackson,...

The 10 Favorite TV Shows of Republicans, Democrats

Everybody loves Supernatural , apparently

(Newser) - It seems there's still three things Republicans and Democrats can agree on: zombies, nerds, and Jared Padalecki. The Walking Dead, The Big Bang Theory, and—surprisingly—Supernatural are the only shows that make the top 10 of supporters of both political parties, PR Newswire reports. E-Score ranked the shows...

Obama Immigration Defeat Could Help Dems Win

Democrats plan to mobilize Hispanic vote

(Newser) - The Supreme Court's tie vote on President Obama's immigration pla n yesterday killed off that part of his legacy—but it may have made it more likely that Hillary Clinton will be his successor. Democrats say the ruling, which blocks a plan to shield more than 4 million...

Democrats Say Dramatic Sit-In Was a Success
 Democrats' Dramatic 
 Sit-In Now in Second Day 

Democrats' Dramatic Sit-In Now in Second Day

But Ryan officially adjourns House until July 5

(Newser) - Democrats are calling their sit-in protest on the House floor a success, even though it hasn't led to the votes on gun-control legislation they demanded. About two dozen lawmakers were still taking part Thursday morning, even after House Speaker Paul Ryan adjourned the chamber about 3am until after the...

Dems' 'Civil War': Whether to Oust 'Toxic' DNC Chair

Debbie Wasserman Schultz still has the support of many

(Newser) - A dozen Democratic senators have discussed kicking the head of the DNC to the curb, an unnamed "pro-Clinton Democratic senator" tells the Hill . "There have been a lot of meetings over the past 48 hours about what color plate do we deliver Debbie Wasserman Schultz's head on,...

Democratic Lawmakers: Time's Up, Bernie

Politico says they want him to 'start winding things down'

(Newser) - Politico interviewed about a dozen Democratic lawmakers about the Bernie Sanders campaign and finds that a clear consensus is in the air: "The time has come, they say, for Sanders to start winding things down." The general view is that he can't possibly win and that...

Sanders: I Ran as a Democrat for 'Media Coverage'

Hot mic picks up Clinton chatting about Trump

(Newser) - The day before vital Democratic primary votes, Bernie Sanders found himself defending his status as a recently added card-carrying member of the Democratic Party. At an MSNBC town hall in Ohio, Sanders, who has served as an independent in Congress for decades, explained that he decided to run for president...

Democrats Aren't Excited, and That's a Big Problem

'It's time to start worrying about President Trump'

(Newser) - Democrats might have a serious problem on their hands heading into the 2016 general election, the New York Times reports. In the 15 states that have held primaries or caucuses already, approximately 3 million fewer Democratic voters turned out this year than did in 2008. According to the Huffington Post...

Elizabeth Warren Glaringly Absent at Clinton Fundraiser

Mass. pol only one of 14 female Democratic senators not at DC event for Hillary

(Newser) - Thirteen of 14 Democratic female senators showed up Monday night at the DC Hyatt Regency for what Politico calls a "high-profile fundraiser-cum-endorsement summit" for Hillary Clinton, but it was the absent No. 14 who caused the most buzz. Sen. Elizabeth Warren still hasn't thrown her weight behind any...

Democrats Are Missing a Generation of Leaders
Democrats Are Missing
a Generation of Leaders

Democrats Are Missing a Generation of Leaders

Writer notes lack of big names in their 40s and 50s

(Newser) - The Democratic contest seems to have come down to Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, two candidates with an average age of 71. The Republicans, meanwhile, have three candidates in their 40s. The contrast has Mark Schmitt lamenting a "lost generation of Democrats" in the New York Times . Sure, there...

Losing the Grammar Race: Trump Backers

Democrats' supporters make fewer grammatical errors: study

(Newser) - Can you guess which 2016 campaign supporters have the best grammar? Grammarly conducted a study on the comments left by supporters on the candidates’ official Facebook pages—seriously—analyzing them for grammatical mistakes. It turns out Donald Trump's supporters aren't making English great again: They made the most...

Married GOPers Are More Satisfied
 Married GOPers 
 Are More Satisfied 

Married GOPers Are More Satisfied

67% of Republicans say they're 'very happy' in holy matrimony: survey

(Newser) - A University of Virginia sociologist who's not convinced that liberal families are better off than conservative ones has what he says is more data to back up his theory. W. Bradford Wilcox says that not only do families who live in "red" conservative counties "enjoy somewhat stronger...

Rumor Mill: Biden Considers One-Term Presidency

To appease concerns about his age if he decides to run

(Newser) - Speculation about Joe Biden entering the 2016 race has been heating up of late, and Politico adds a new wrinkle: The 72-year-old is reportedly considering a run as a one-term president. "One thing that I keep hearing about Biden is that if he were to declare and say, because...

New Political Casualty: Jefferson-Jackson Dinners

Democrats scrapping the tradition over slave-owning legacy

(Newser) - Democrats in Iowa last weekend officially ditched the name of their annual Jefferson-Jackson Dinner, a move that's part of a larger trend taking place around the country, reports CNN . While the party has long celebrated Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson at such dinners, the pair's own slave-owning history...

Democrats: Hey, We're Holding Debates, Too

DNC releases schedule today, of all days

(Newser) - Maybe trying to steal a little Republican thunder , the Democratic National Committee unveiled plans today to hold six presidential debates starting this fall, with the first scheduled for Oct. 13 in Nevada in a primary process that's far less crowded than the GOP side. The debates, said DNC chairwoman...

5 States Republicans and Democrats Aren't Fans Of

Sorry, Michigan

(Newser) - Pick a state, any state, and ask a bunch of people if they have a favorable impression of it. Generally speaking, Democrats and Republicans will answer differently—in 37 states, a clear majority of either Republicans or Democrats will give it a thumb's up. But YouGov points out that...

Clinton: 'I Want to Be That Champion'

Hillary Clinton joins the 2016 presidential race

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is now, officially , at long last, Ready for Hillary. She jumped back into presidential politics today as a top adviser announced her much-awaited second campaign for the White House. The adviser, John Podesta, told alumni of her first presidential campaign in an email: "It's official: Hillary'...

Polls: Clinton's Support Fading*

While many think email flap has hurt her, 57% would still be happy with her as prez

(Newser) - All those personal emails might be taking a toll on Hillary Clinton. A new poll of 2,128 adults shows Democrats' support for Clinton as the Democratic nominee has fallen 15 points since mid-February. From March 10 to Tuesday, more than a third of Democrats said they believed the email...

Gallup: Texas No Longer GOP-Leaning

But more states have moved away from the Dems

(Newser) - Gallup has ranked the states by party preference, and while some of its findings are unsurprising—Wyoming and Utah are once again the most Republican states, with Massachusetts and Maryland the most Democratic—big changes are underway in Texas, one of the biggest election prizes of them all. According...

After 30 Years, Lawmakers Are No Longer Roomies

Schumer, Durbin, Miller say goodbye to 'Alpha House'

(Newser) - George, Rich, and Chuck have lived like typical roommates for the last 30 years, poking fun at Chuck for dropping crumbs, having heated battles over whether Cheerios or Frosted Mini-Wheats is best, and getting on each other for not picking up after themselves. But last week, they packed up and...

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