
Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>

Krugman: Schumer Blew It by Trashing ObamaCare
Krugman: Schumer Blew It
by Trashing ObamaCare

Krugman: Schumer Blew It by Trashing ObamaCare

Democrats' big mistake is running from the law instead of embracing it, he writes

(Newser) - Paul Krugman today marshals a slew of stats to make the case that ObamaCare has been a clear success story in its first year. And while he expects Republicans to continue thinking otherwise, he writes in the New York Times that it's "disturbing" prominent Democrats such as Chuck...

Get Ready for 'Hell No' Senate Liberals

Dems prepared to fight 'god-awful' Republicans on environment, campaign finance

(Newser) - Yesterday's Keystone pipeline fail in the Senate may have disappointed one notable Democrat—Louisiana's Mary Landrieu —but it appears to have lit a fire under a whole bunch of others. Liberal Democrats are poised to fight "tooth and nail," as Politico puts it, against the...

5 Things to Know Before Election Day

We could be in for an early night ... or the total opposite

(Newser) - We're a day away from Election Day. Here are five things to know about what's expected, what to watch, and what's being said.
  1. All eyes are on the Senate, where Republicans need six seats to gain control. USA Today deems 10 races "still close enough to

Senate Control Matters, but Not Why You Think
Senate Control Matters,
but Not Why You Think

Senate Control Matters, but Not Why You Think

Jonathan Chait: It's not about legislation, it's about presidential nominations

(Newser) - Republicans look poised to take control of the Senate, and there's all kinds of analysis out there about what this means for President Obama and his legislative agenda. You can safely ignore it all, writes Jonathan Chait at New York . The fact is, which party controls the Senate doesn'...

GOP Shouldn't Get Giddy About Senate Control Yet

Forecasters have them taking over after midterms, but two skeptics differ

(Newser) - Republicans have reason to be happy heading into the midterm elections, with forecasts from respected outlets such as the Cook Political Report and pointing toward a GOP takeover of the Senate. At the Washington Post , however, Dan Balz isn't quite so convinced. Republicans need to pick up...

Why Democrats Are the Ones Talking About Impeachment

In a word: fundraising, writes Jonah Goldberg

(Newser) - The word "impeachment" is getting tossed around a lot on Capitol Hill and on political talk shows these days, but Politico takes note of a "very strange" twist: It's Democrats who keep bringing it up, while Republicans keep insisting they have no intention of going there. The...

Today&#39;s Teens Might Be Tomorrow&#39;s Conservatives
Today's Teens Might Be Tomorrow's Conservatives

Today's Teens Might Be Tomorrow's Conservatives

NYT's Upshot: They're coming of age in lousy times, with Democrats in control

(Newser) - The Upshot blog of the New York Times has an analysis sure to cheer the hearts of today's conservatives, and it's all rooted in one simple fact: The voters of tomorrow are coming of age in a generally lousy time with Democrats in control of the White House,...

Clinton Makes Abe Lincoln Flub

GOP pounces on gaffe made on book tour

(Newser) - Illinois native and possible presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton started the second stop of her book tour yesterday by calling Abraham Lincoln a senator, CNN reports. Here’s what she was trying to do: During a speech in Chicago, Clinton compared the 2008 Democratic presidential primary between her and then-Sen. Barack...

Only 1 in 4 Millennials Plan to Vote This Fall

And other poll data

(Newser) - Democrats got some polling news today that might be even scarier than yesterday's approval numbers . Only 23% of voters age 18 to 29 say they "definitely" plan to vote in the 2014 midterms, according to a new Harvard Institute of Politics poll spotted by the Christian Science Monitor...

Democratic Rep: 'Not All' in GOP Are Racist

But party has 'elements animated by racism': Steve Israel

(Newser) - Does Democratic Rep. Steve Israel think his "Republican colleagues are racist"? His reply to Candy Crowley's question on CNN yesterday: "Not all of them, no. Of course not," said the head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. But "to a significant extent, the Republican...

Even More Young People Tilting Toward Democrats

But polls also show support for ObamaCare is at just 26%

(Newser) - Young voters have almost always leaned Democrat, but that trend has intensified drastically since 2006, according to a new Gallup report. From 1993 to 2003, an average of 47% of 18-to-29-year-olds identified as Democrats or independents who leaned Democrat, compared to 42% who identified or leaned Republican; in 1994 and...

Dems Plot Mutiny Over 'Keep Your Plan' Fail

Calls for prez to make good on ObamaCare promise grow among own ranks

(Newser) - The ObamaCare rollout has been a mess , and many congressional Democrats are readying the lifeboats in advance of abandoning ship. Writing for Yahoo News , Chris Moody says they're "scrambling to cover their hides before next year’s midterm elections." The Hill's headline paints a slightly more...

Weiner, Spitzer Leading Polls

New poll finds scandal-plagued candidates are leading primary races

(Newser) - Perhaps any publicity really is good publicity. Despite their high-profile sex scandals—or maybe because of them—both Anthony Weiner and Eliot Spitzer are leading their respective Democratic primary races, according to a new poll by Quinnipiac University. The poll of 738 Democratic voters found 25% supported Weiner for mayor...

Why Democrats Should Become Republicans
Why Democrats Should Become Republicans

Why Democrats Should Become Republicans

Matt Miller: So they can fix the GOP from within

(Newser) - Matt Miller floats an unorthodox idea in the Washington Post today for Democrats frustrated by the "rightward lurch" of the GOP to the conservative fringes: He thinks those Democrats should switch parties and become Republicans. The idea—and Miller gives full credit to his wife for the idea of...

Rhode Island Gov. Chafee Switching to Democrats

He got elected as an independent after leaving the GOP

(Newser) - It looks like Democrats will be adding another governor to their ranks. Rhode Island's Lincoln Chafee plans to switch to the party before he launches his bid for re-election in 2014, reports Politico . Chafee used to be a Republican senator, but he won the governor's seat in 2010...

Ariz. Rep: My Son Is Gay, But I Oppose Gay Marriage

Meanwhile, Bob Casey comes out in favor

(Newser) - Matt Salmon is no Rob Portman. The Arizona congressman made some waves this weekend, when he told AZ Family that he doesn't support "the gay marriage," even though his son is openly gay. "I’m just not there as far as believing in my heart that...

We Need to Get Smart, Not Tough, on Crime
We Need to Get Smart,
Not Tough, on Crime

We Need to Get Smart, Not Tough, on Crime

Mark Kleiman thinks we need to punish more readily, but less severely

(Newser) - Talk to a Democrat about crime, and he or she is likely to try to change the subject. They're convinced that conservatives, "who want to fight crime by hurting people who commit it," have the upper hand, UCLA professor Mark Kleiman writes at the Democracy Journal . "...

Top Dems Turn on Ashley Judd
 Top Dems Turn 
 on Ashley Judd 

Top Dems Turn on Ashley Judd

Clintons and others woo another candidate for Kentucky Senate race

(Newser) - Ashley Judd can do drama, comedy, and action, but top Democrats are increasingly skeptical that she has the chops to play the junior senator from Kentucky. While Judd looks toward a run for Mitch McConnell's seat next year, party power brokers—including Bill Clinton—are trying to convince Kentucky...

Senate Dems Blow Off Obama's Budget Wish List

Leadership struggling to pass spending bill

(Newser) - As they rush to pass a continuing resolution to fund the government, one might imagine that Senate Democrats would heed President Obama's requests for funds for health care or Wall Street reform, but that's not exactly the case. Republicans didn't include those things in the House budget,...

Democrat Levin Won't Seek Re-Election in Senate

Michigan senator retiring; libertarian Amash seen as challenger

(Newser) - Democrats will have another Senate seat to contest in the 2014 elections: Carl Levin said today he won't seek re-election, reports the Detroit News . The 78-year-old has been in the Senate since 1979 and currently serves as chair of the powerful Armed Services Committee. "I can best serve...

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