video games

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Maine Candidate Attacked for ... Playing World of Warcraft

State GOP sets up a page devoted to bashing her virtual life

(Newser) - Would you want a state senator who enjoyed stabbing and poisoning people? The Maine GOP is betting you wouldn't, so they've launched what may be the most surreal campaign against Democrat Colleen Lachowicz, attacking her because (gasp!) she plays World of Warcraft. "In our world Colleen...

Wii U Hits in November for $299
 Wii U Hits in November for $299 

Wii U Hits in November for $299

It won't come with any of the old Wii's accessories

(Newser) - Nintendo's new Wii U console will hit stores in the US on Nov. 18 for as low as $299, the company announced today. For that price, you'll get just the console, its unique gamepad controller, a charger, and an HDMI cable, Mashable reports. Upgrade to the $349 "...

Could the Next Xbox Have 'Holodeck' Technology?

'Immersive' and 'interactive' the key words to recent patents

(Newser) - Microsoft recently patented a next-generation video game system that sounds a lot like the start of a Star Trek-style "holodeck," reports NBC News . Pictures filed with the patent show a device that projects images on the walls of the room around the game system, along with a "...

How Violent Video Games Can Be Good for You

Study suggests they can boost your pain tolerance

(Newser) - Next time you think you're going to take a bullet in real life, do yourself a favor and take some on your X-Box first. A new study suggests that playing violent first-person shooters actually increases your pain tolerance, the Daily Mail reports. Researchers at Keele University had 40 subjects...

Female Video Gamers Fight Sexual Harassment

Women are often treated badly online, and now it's getting attention

(Newser) - At first, competitive fighting gamer Miranda Pakozdi tried to laugh off her coach's comments about her bra size or body, his tendency to train the team webcam on her legs and chest, and even the time he sniffed her as a punishment. But when she heard him defend his...

Vast Video Game Collection Sells for $1.2M

 Vast Video Game 
 Collection Sells 
 for $1.2M 
in case you missed it

Vast Video Game Collection Sells for $1.2M

7K games includes complete sets for Sega, Nintendo

(Newser) - A 7,000-strong collection of video games—which includes every game ever made for the Sega, Nintendo, and NEC consoles, all factory sealed—sold on eBay for $1.2 million, reports the LA Times . "Andre," a 32-year-old based in Paris, has been selling video game collections online for...

$99 Gaming Console Smashes Record at Kickstarter

Ouya creators meet original goal in just 8 hours, pass $3M

(Newser) - The creators of Ouya, a cheaper and hacker-friendly gaming console built on Android , wanted to raise almost a million bucks in a month. Well, they got that much through their Kickstarter campaign in about eight hours, reports an impressed CNET . And in about a day, they had raised more than...

$99 Console Aims to Reinvent Gaming

Kickstarter project OUYA welcomes hackers

(Newser) - Video gaming is about to go indie. Running on Android, a new console will encourage developers to alter its software and hardware to suit their specifications. What's more, players will get lots of games for free, though developers can make money on things like virtual goods. OUYA is currently...

Curt Schilling: Firm's Collapse Cost Me My Baseball Fortune

Ex-Red Sox pitcher blames Rhode Island governor

(Newser) - Retired MLB all-star Curt Schilling says he lost more than $50 million of his own money, likely his entire career's worth of earnings, when his video game company fizzled and declared bankruptcy. The former Red Sox pitcher spoke on Boston radio station WEEI-FM for the first time since the...

Lara Croft&#39;s Makeover Looks Sexist
 Lara Croft's 
 Looks Sexist 

Lara Croft's Makeover Looks Sexist

Creators get lazy, add rape attempt to her back story: Mary Hamilton

(Newser) - The creators of Lara Croft have tried to add some depth to their character's back story for an upcoming game reboot, and Mary Hamilton at the Guardian is among many crying foul. For one thing, Lara is subjected to a beating and attempted rape, the latter generally a "...

Get Ready for Walden Pond: The Video Game
Get Ready for Walden Pond: The Video Game
and don't forget jay-z

Get Ready for Walden Pond: The Video Game

Henry David Thoreau's masterpiece goes digital; Jay-Z has game, too

(Newser) - Henry David Thoreau lived at Walden Pond to escape the comforts of modern life; soon, you'll be able to share his experience right on your flat-screen TV. Thanks to a $40,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Arts, the University of Southern California is developing a video...

To Prep, Breivik Studied al-Qaeda, Played Call of Duty

He also read more than 600 bomb-making guides

(Newser) - Anders Behring Breivik "trained" for his shooting massacre by playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, studying al-Qaeda, and reading bomb-making guides. The best-selling military game let him practice his shot using a "holographic aiming device," much like the one he used when slaughtering 69 people at a...

Scientists: Yep, Nintendo Is Hard

Classic games like Super Mario Brothers actually 'NP-Hard'

(Newser) - Science has confirmed what you already knew as a 10-year-old: Super Mario Brothers is hard to beat. But the paper by a team of international computer scientists uses actual math to come to that pointy-headed conclusion, the Washington Post reports, and focuses on not just the Mario series but also...

Lost Disney Rabbit Back After 80 Years

Oswald to appear in Epic Mickey video game

(Newser) - For eight decades, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit hasn't been so lucky: The early Disney character has long been relegated to cartoon history. Now, he's finally making a return appearance, starring alongside his world-famous big-eared buddy Mickey in a video game, reports Wired . Disney Epic Mickey: The Power of ...

Angry Birds Head Off Into Outer Space

Rovio's app sequel will launch March 22

(Newser) - The Angry Birds are lifting off into outer space. The upcoming sequel of the blockbuster app franchise—which has logged more than 500 million downloads—will see the belligerent feathered creatures exploring the vast realm beyond planet Earth. Angry Birds Space will launch March 22, reports USA Today's Game...

Mind-Reading Remote, Other CES Gizmos You Missed

There was more to electronics show than TVs

(Newser) - This year's Consumer Electronics Show had the predictable high-tech TVs and other conventional items—but the 3,100 exhibitors also showed off some rather bizarre devices. A few highlights:
  • Solowheel. An electric unicycle with no seat and footboards that allow riders to stand and lean in the direction they

London Bar Installs Urinal Video Games

When you're done, don't forget to tweet your score!

(Newser) - It’s such a drag when you have to press pause on your fun night out in order to go to the bathroom—but one London bar has solved that problem by installing the world’s first urine-controlled video games in its bathroom. Only male patrons can play so far,...

Gamers&#39; Brains Have Bigger &#39;Reward Hub&#39;
 Gamers' Brains Have 
 Bigger 'Reward Hub' 

Gamers' Brains Have Bigger 'Reward Hub'

Researchers unsure whether it's pre-existing or games change brains

(Newser) - This is your brain on videogames: The brains of hardcore gamers are wired differently than those who rarely play video games, according to a new study. Researchers who scanned the brains of more than 150 14-year-olds found that the brain's "reward hub"—which plays a role in...

5 Bad Habits That Could Save Your Life

Video games, Botox, coffee could all help more than they hurt

(Newser) - Bad habits are admittedly, well ... bad for you, unless you have an ailment that a bad habit might cure. Cracked sums up five:
  • Video Games That Cure PTSD. "No, this isn't taken from some press release from Activision"—it's the result of work by the Department

Video Gamers Unlock AIDS Molecule Puzzle

'They did it in less than 10 days': scientist

(Newser) - Video gamers have figured out a molecular puzzle that has long baffled scientists and may lead to crowd-sourced cures for AIDS and other illnesses, MSNBC reports. In a surprising step for so-called citizen science, players of the online game Foldit discovered the molecular structure of an enzyme in an AIDS-like...

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