video games

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New iPhone Game Is 'the Future of Mobile Gaming'

'New York Times' critic gushes over 'Shadow Cities'

(Newser) - Video game reviews don’t get much more enthusiastic than this. Seth Schiesel of the New York Times is over the moon about Shadow Cities, a new iPhone game that lets you battle for control of your real-life physical location. “Shadow Cities isn’t just the future of mobile...

Supreme Court Strikes Down Violent Video Game Ban

California law banned sale of violent games to minors

(Newser) - The Supreme Court today struck down California’s never-enacted ban on selling or renting violent video games to minors, ruling that it violated the First Amendment. It was a 7-2 decision, with only Clarence Thomas and Stephen Breyer dissenting, Joystiq reports. “Like the protected books, plays, and movies that...

Call of Duty Game to Test Monthly Subscription

Players will have choice of paying fee for extra content

(Newser) - The maker of the wildly popular Call of Duty video game plans to test just how dedicated its players are. In an industry first, Activision Blizzard will launch a monthly subscription fee this fall for gamers who want extra content that does not come with the $60 game, reports the...

FarmVille Maker Zynga Planning IPO

Zynga poised to go public

(Newser) - Social gaming juggernaut Zynga is poised to turn all those virtual cows and chickens into billions of real dollars through an initial public offering, sources tell All Things Digital. The company—which says its has around 250 million people a month playing Facebook games like FarmVille, CityVille, and Mafia Wars—...

Angry Birds Soar Into Reality

Birds, pigs, explosions come to life in Spanish setup

(Newser) - You’ve played the game, you’ve seen the “movie” trailer —now, witness Angry Birds in real life. A giant replica of the game’s birds, pigs, and barricades was set up at Plaça Nova de Terrassa in Spain in an effort to promote Deutsche Telekom. The...

Bin Laden Compound Debuts in Video Games

New level in 'Counter-Strike: Source' lets you roam Abbottabad

(Newser) - Wish you could have been there for the raid of Osama bin Laden's hideout? Now you can—virtually, anyway. An independent developer has released a level for the popular first-person shooter video game "Counter-Strike: Source" that is based on photographs of the Abbottabad compound. "I can see...

UK Offers FarmVille ... on Actual Farm

Please, try not to kill the cows

(Newser) - Addicted to FarmVille? Now you can play the game on an actual farm—without leaving home. Britain’s National Trust is offering up an estate to be run by gamers, using a program called MyFarm . Users—there’s room for 10,000—make choices on which crops to plant, what...

PlayStation Hackers: We’ve Got 2.2M Credit Cards

Users report fraud, but it may be coincidence

(Newser) - Chatting in online forums, hackers are citing a huge haul from the attack on Sony’s PlayStation Network : They claim they now have access to some 2.2 million credit cards. The assertion can’t be verified, say experts—but a number of users are reporting suspicious charges on their...

Mind-Controlled Games Hit the iPhone

MindGames rolls out W.I.L.D. and Tug of Mind

(Newser) - Ever wanted to control a video game with your mind? It sounds like science fiction, but it’s real and it’s in the Apple App Store. Iceland company MindGames has released a pair of games controlled by your thoughts, using a headset that reads your brain waves like an...

How CityVille Sucked In a Hardcore Gamer

Online game's accessibility and simplicity turns busy man into addict

(Newser) - The online city-planning game CityVille is meant for “casual gamers,” and there are plenty of them: 92 million active monthly users, to be exact. But such simple gameplay and basic graphics would turn off any sophisticated player, right? Wrong—as JP Mangalindan, writing in Fortune , found out. A...

Angry Birds Coming to Facebook

Company cooking up social features for smash hit

(Newser) - Angry Birds has already conquered the smartphone market and the hugely popular game is now launching itself toward Facebook, reports the Christian Science Monitor. Analysts are skeptical that the puzzle-based game—in which players use a slingshot to fling birds at pigs—will be a good fit, but makers say...

Sorry, USA: No Wii Spanking Game for You

'We Dare' implies orgies will ensue, but it won't be released in America

(Newser) - Picture this: You're at a nice dinner party with friends, someone busts out the Wii, and before you know it, you're ... bent over a random guy's knee while he smacks your butt? That's the general idea of a UK video game called We Dare, in which a variety of innocent-looking...

Activision Axes Guitar Hero
 Activision Axes Guitar Hero  

Activision Axes Guitar Hero

Gig is over for former hit game

(Newser) - Activision's former smash hit has gone from hero to zero. The company says Guitar Hero—which earned it more than $1 billion just 2 years ago—is being discontinued. Members of the Guitar Hero team will be among some 500 Activision employees to be laid off, the Los Angeles Times...

Distracted Gamer Tumbles to Subway Track

Italian kid walks off platform playing Sony PSP

(Newser) - A 10-year-old Italian boy may be in his 30s before his parents let him have his Sony PSP back. The boy, engrossed in the portable gaming device, walked off the platform of a busy subway station and tumbled to the tracks. His life was saved by an off-duty policeman who...

New Sega Games Let You Play With Your Pee
New Sega Games Let You
Play With Your Pee

New Sega Games Let You Play With Your Pee

Toylets makes restrooms the new gaming hot spot

(Newser) - The Wii lets us play by moving controllers; with the Kinect, we simply wave our arms; now, Sega’s got a game system controlled by your pee, reports AOL News . “Toylets” will inject a little competition into the public urination experience: a screen installed above select metro-station urinals in...

Gaming, Not the Military, Today's Technology Driver

Video games are 'driving progress'

(Newser) - It used to be the military that spurred cutting-edge technology—but these days, video games are doing the heavy lifting. To wit, the world’s fastest supercomputer is powered by processing cores manufactured by a gaming graphics-chip maker. As for the iPhone, "much of its technology—color LCD displays,...

Nintendo to Little Kids: Don't Use Our 3D Console

Those under age 6 risk damage to vision

(Newser) - As Nintendo prepares to unveil its highly anticipated 3D gaming system , the company is warning that kids under 6 should steer clear. Because their eyes are still developing, the 3DS system could damage their vision, it says. In fact, users of all ages should be wary of eye fatigue with...

Guy Plays Real-Life Frogger, Gets Hit by SUV

Alcohol just might have been involved, says police chief

(Newser) - In a case of life imitating Seinfeld, a 23-year-old guy in South Carolina thought it would be a great idea to play a real-life version of Frogger—and got hit by an SUV for his trouble. The man was talking about the video game with friends—it involves navigating frogs...

Interactive Porn Reaches Kinect
Interactive Porn
Reaches Kinect

Interactive Porn Reaches Kinect

Gaming firm creates demo showing kinky XBox possibilities

(Newser) - It took them more than a month, but the adult gaming industry has managed to crack Kinect and use it for interactive porn. Sex simulation gaming company ThriXXX has released a demo showing how the motion-controlled gadget for Microsoft's XBox gaming system can be used for porn pleasure, ABC News...

3 Gamer Phrases We All Should Use

'It's on like Donkey Kong' has become liability

(Newser) - Nintendo’s trying to trademark “It’s on like Donkey Kong”—so we need a new video-game based catchphrase. Contenders from Unplggd :
  • I Got Mario Karted: Someone’s beaten you at the last minute, which often happens in Mario Kart. Example: “I almost got with this girl/guy,

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