9/11 attacks

Stories 381 - 400 | << Prev   Next >>

9/11 Responders Show Increased Risk of Rare Blood Cancer

(Newser) - The incidence of multiple myeloma in 9/11 responders appears to be higher than in the general population, according to what one researcher calls "very preliminary" stats. Eight cases of the blood cancer were diagnosed in 28,000 emergency personnel followed between 2001 and 2007; statistically, that number should be...

Prosecutors Compete for 9/11 Case
Prosecutors Compete
for 9/11 Case

Prosecutors Compete for 9/11 Case

Va., NY vie for high-profile trial of alleged mastermind

(Newser) - Federal prosecutors in New York and Virginia are fighting for the chance to put Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four of his co-conspirators on trial, the Washington Post reports. Justice Department sources say offices in Alexandria and Manhattan have been lobbying hard to prosecute the self-proclaimed 9/11 mastermind, both stressing their...

9/11 Suspects Boycott Gitmo Hearing

(Newser) - While relatives of the victims waited in the courtroom, the five Guantanamo inmates accused of conspiring in the 9/11 attacks boycotted a pretrial hearing this morning, the Miami Herald reports. The proceeding was intended to determine whether the defendants who aren't representing themselves are competent to stand trial. Alleged mastermind...

Owner Gets Clones of Hero 9/11 Dog

(Newser) - The owner of hero 9/11 sniffer dog Trakr has been presented with four new bouncing baby ... Trakrs, reports TMZ. The four black puppies with piercing blue eyes are all clones of their hero pop. Just in time, too—the original Trakr died in April at the age of 15. He...

9/11 Memorial Exec Quits Amid Criminal Probe

Contractor under investigation for overbilling at NYC projects

(Newser) - The construction executive in charge of the 9/11Memorial and other major New York City projects abruptly resigned yesterday amid a federal criminal probe into padded bills, the New York Daily News reports. James Abadie's employer, Bovis Lend Lease, is being investigated over allegations it inflated overtime bills on projects, including...

US May Execute 9/11 Detainees Without Trials

(Newser) - The Obama administration may let accused 9/11 terrorists at Guantanamo Bay plead guilty and be executed without facing trial, the New York Times reports. A proposed change in military law, which governs Guantanamo tribunals, would give the alleged attackers what they seek—martyrdom—and avoid trials that could reveal harsh...

Save the Trauma Excuses: You Failed on 9/11

Cheney, Rice too often resorted to the extreme without doing their homework

(Newser) - Ironically, Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice have defended their post-9/11 decisions by appealing for empathy, arguing that only those in charge on that bleak day could understand. “I have little sympathy for this argument,” Richard Clarke, who was there, retorts in a withering piece for the Washington Post,...

Prince Harry Tours Ground Zero

(Newser) - Britain's Prince Harry bowed his head in prayer at ground zero today, then toured the Sept. 11 attack site and shook New Yorkers' hands in his first official visit to the US. “Big question—when is this supposed to be finished?" the 24-year-old asked officials showing him rebuilding plans...

NYC Gives Jumpy Citizens Heads-Up on Emergency Drill

'Lots of sirens' Sunday in Lower Manhattan

(Newser) - Mindful of the panic caused by the Air Force One flyover, New York is giving its residents fair warning of a massive emergency drill scheduled for Sunday, Reuters reports. The heads-up is “not necessarily” because of the scare, a spokesman said. But “people will see and hear lots...

Lady Liberty's Crown Reopens July 4

(Newser) - Visitors will soon be able to roam the Statue of Liberty’s crown for the first time since 9/11, the New York Post reports. The landmark’s loftiest perch will reopen—when else?—July 4. Ken Salazar announced the move on the Today Show this morning from inside the crown....

FEMA Scraps 9/11 Coloring Book

Disturbing images given to thousands of kids to color

(Newser) - After touting it for six years, FEMA has pulled a downloadable coloring book that depicts a plane flying towards the burning Twin Towers from its website. A Scary Thing Happened has been disseminated to thousands of children worldwide and no one has complained about it—or its potential to traumatize...

Bloomberg Blasts 'Photo Op' Flyover

Chain of communication broke down on DoD photo op

(Newser) - New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg is livid over a Department of Defense photo op that sent two planes buzzing over lower Manhattan today, ABC News reports. Bloomberg called the flyover “ill-conceived” and expressed ire over the DoD's failure to notify him. "Poor judgment would be a nice...

Pentagon 'Photo Op' Flyover Rattles NYC

Air Force One backup planes flies low around Statue of Liberty

(Newser) - A photo op by the Defense Department caused buildings in lower Manhattan and New Jersey to be evacuated this morning, the New York Times reports. A backup for Air Force One flew low over Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty accompanied by two fighter jets. The deployment was coordinated with...

Freedom Tower Gets New Name: 1 World Trade Center

Ex-gov blasts decision to rebrand skyscraper

(Newser) - The Freedom Tower is gone, and it hasn’t even been built yet, the New York Daily News reports: The Port Authority announced today that it would change the name of the building being constructed at Ground Zero to 1 World Trade Center. The new, or old, name is “...

'09 Airline Losses Likely Worse Than Post-9/11

Companies to lose $4.7 billion in economic crisis

(Newser) - World airlines will lose $4.7 billion this year, and revenues will plummet $62 billion—worse than after 9/11, a top industry association said. The grim estimate is almost twice what it was in December and reflects “the rapid deterioration of the global economic conditions,” said the International...

Carville's Bush Comments No Comparison to Rush's 'Fail'

Pre-9/11, Dem hoped Dubya didn't 'succeed'

(Newser) - Amid the hubbub over Rush Limbaugh’s open desire for the president to fail, Fox News is claiming a media double-standard: Democratic strategist James Carville made a similar comment referencing Bush 43, and no one heard about it. But the two situations are far from analogous, writes Dave Cook in...

Gitmo Prisoners 'Proud' to Have Planned 9/11

Court filing describes attacks as holy offering

(Newser) - Five Guantanamo prisoners have taken full responsibility for planning 9/11 and say they're proud of the attacks, the New York Times reports. A document filed with a military commission by the five men, which may be made public today, describes the attacks as a model of Islamic action and the...

Bush Lawyer Authorized Suspending 1st Amendment

Yoo memo also let military attack buildings inside US

(Newser) - Immediately after 9/11 the Justice Department under President Bush approved military attacks on apartments and offices, high-tech surveillance of citizens, and a suspension of press freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment. The actions detailed in the newly released memo, co-written by John Yoo and sent to Alberto Gonzales, were seen...

9/11 Widow Dies in Buffalo Crash
9/11 Widow Dies in Buffalo Crash

9/11 Widow Dies in Buffalo Crash

Woman was traveling to celebration of husband's would-be 58th birthday

(Newser) - A woman aboard the ill-fated Continental Flight 3407 was the widow of a Buffalo man killed in the 9/11 attacks, the Buffalo News reports. As the co-chair of Voices of September 11, Beverly Eckert fought for a probe into pre-9/11 intelligence failures and pushed for a memorial to attack victims....

Obama Meets With 9/11 Families
 Obama Meets With 9/11 Families 

Obama Meets With 9/11 Families

President moves to reassure families over his plans for terror suspects

(Newser) - Barack Obama met yesterday with people who lost relatives in the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and the bombing of the USS Cole in an effort to reassure them about his plans for detained al-Qaeda suspects, McClatchy Newspapers reports. The president hugged some of the 40 attendees at the highly emotional...

Stories 381 - 400 | << Prev   Next >>