9/11 attacks

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US Drops Charges Against Cole Suspect
US Drops Charges Against Cole Suspect

US Drops Charges Against Cole Suspect

Obama meets families of victims, including 9/11, tomorrow

(Newser) - The US withdrew charges—at least temporarily—against the main suspect in the 2000 USS Cole bombing tonight, ABC News reports. They could be reinstated once the Obama administration works out the logistics of handling the cases of Gitmo detainees. President Obama, meanwhile, will meet face-to-face with families of victims...

Closing Gitmo Will Be Tough
 Closing Gitmo Will Be Tough 

Closing Gitmo Will Be Tough

Detainees should be tried or released, but dangerous ones worry Obama, lawyers

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s pledge to close Guantanamo Bay has been widely hailed, but it’s not going to be easy, the Christian Science Monitor reports. There’s broad agreement that many detainees can be tried in federal or military courts, while others can be released. But some are deemed too...

Bush's Biggest Error: He Asked Nothing of Us
Bush's Biggest Error: He Asked Nothing of Us

Bush's Biggest Error: He Asked Nothing of Us

Broder: No sacrifice during war? Your grandkids will pay

(Newser) - Soon after 9/11, a reporter asked George Bush how much ordinary Americans would be expected to sacrifice. Bush’s reply? “People may not be able to board flights as quickly.” That was it. Bush declared a war without asking anything of anyone save the enlisted and their families,...

Bush Out to Lunch at Yalie's Dinners

Barbara's Yale pal quits get-togethers after witnessing Bush's 'disturbing disconnection'

(Newser) - A president strangely disaffected by national matters eventually alienated a Yale grad who enjoyed several dinners with George Bush in the White House, he writes in Vanity Fair. C. Brian Smith, a pal of young Barbara Bush nicknamed "Smitty" by the affable president, initially enjoyed his relaxing evenings with...

Bush Official: US Tortured Gitmo Inmate

9/11 suspect nearly died from interrogation, says Pentagon honcho

(Newser) - The US military tortured a Saudi national suspected of attempted participation in the 9/11 attacks, according to a top Bush administration official. In an interview with Bob Woodward of the Washington Post, Susan J. Crawford says the suspect endured sustained isolation, nudity, humiliation, and exposure to extreme temperatures that left...

What Remains of 9/11 Hijackers Is Unwanted

Work continues to ID fragments, but what to do with them?

(Newser) - More than seven years after the September 11 attacks, meticulous work continues to identify the charred remains of those killed that day—including the hijackers. Less than 24 pounds of flesh and bone fragments linked to the terrorists are stored in undisclosed locations in New York and Virginia, Newsweek reports....

Flight 93 Families Want 'Sacred Ground' Seized

Groups battle landowner for control of Pa. crash site

(Newser) - Families seeking a permanent memorial for Flight 93 victims are asking President Bush to seize the land where the hijacked plane went down on Sept. 11, the Washington Post reports. An advocacy group initially tried to buy the land, but ran into conflict with the owner. "What was left...

'American Taliban' Pleads for Mercy

Seeks freedom after 7 years in prison

(Newser) - A young California man captured with the Taliban in 2001 is asking President Bush to commute the remaining 13 years of a 20-year prison sentence. John Walker Lindh, 27, joined the Taliban a month before the US-led invasion of Afghanistan following the 9/11 attacks. Lindh claims he was never a...

Clint Calls Us 'Generation Pussy'
 Clint Calls Us 
 'Generation Pussy' 


Clint Calls Us 'Generation Pussy'

Toughness and learning the 'secret to life'

(Newser) - "We live in more of a pussy generation now," Clint Eastwood tells Esquire upon the release of his new film Gran Torino. "Everybody's become used to saying, 'Well, how do we handle it psychologically?' " Eastwood, who grew up having to duke it out with bullies, looks...

Gitmo Trial Could Pose a Big Dilemma for Obama
Gitmo Trial Could Pose a Big Dilemma
for Obama

Gitmo Trial Could Pose a Big Dilemma for Obama

Death penalty or move case to US courts?

(Newser) - If the trial of alleged 9/11 architect Khalid Sheikh Mohammed carries over into Barack Obama’s presidency, it would mean a “messy” moral decision for the president-elect: Follow through with a Mohammed death sentence, or overturn it and move the Guantanamo case to US courts, writes Bronwen Maddox in...

9/11 Suspects Withdraw Plea Offers in Fight for Death

Confessions could block death penalty for suspects seeking 'martrydom'

(Newser) - Five  9/11 suspects yesterday withdrew offers to plead guilty when a military judge warned them that confessions could foil their plans to get the death penalty. A death order may require a military jury conviction, he said. The men want the death penalty so they can die as martyrs. "...

9/11 Suspects Ask to Confess
 9/11 Suspects Ask to Confess 

9/11 Suspects Ask to Confess

Alleged plotters drop attempts at legal defense, face execution

(Newser) - Five men charged with plotting the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks told a military judge today they want to immediately confess at their war-crimes tribunal at Guantanamo Bay, setting up likely guilty pleas and their possible executions. The five said they decided to abandon all efforts to defend themselves against the...

'He Kept Us Safe': Noonan
 'He Kept Us
 Safe': Noonan 

'He Kept Us Safe': Noonan

President has one argument to hang his hat on

(Newser) - In the Republican social circles Peggy Noonan swims in, there is much grousing about George W. Bush. These days, however, it’s almost always followed by one sentence: “But he kept us safe.” It’s a meme destined to linger as the final argument for Bush. “There’...

Sorry, US: Mumbai Is Not About You
 Sorry, US: 
 Mumbai Is Not About You 

Sorry, US: Mumbai Is Not About You

9/11 parallels neglect India's long fight with terrorism

(Newser) - US pundits have portrayed the Mumbai attacks as the 9/11 of India, a terrorist test of Barack Obama, and a deliberate attempt to go after US citizens abroad. "Sorry, it is not always about America," writes Indian native Isaac Cheriyathu in SpliceToday. Devastating, yes. But this was a...

Islam Would Bring US Out of Crisis: Qaeda Leader

New video ties terror wars to financial meltdown

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda's No. 2 leader appeared in a new video posted today calling on Americans to embrace Islam to overcome the financial meltdown, which he said was a consequence of the Sept. 11 attacks and militant strikes in Iraq and Afghanistan. Ayman al-Zawahiri's 80-minute recording also lashed out at Afghanistan's government...

Ad Hits Obama on Drivers Licenses
Ad Hits Obama on Drivers Licenses

Ad Hits Obama on Drivers Licenses

9/11 hijacker's face blurs into WTC image, then one of Democrat

(Newser) - The National Republican Trust PAC is airing a dramatic new ad attacking Barack Obama for supporting drivers licenses for illegal immigrants, Ben Smith reports in Politico. It brings back an old national-security criticism of the Democrat, Smith writes, in “the most cutting, over-the-top, way available”: images of the 9/11...

Palin's Parents Pitched in Post-9/11—Trapping Rats

(Newser) - More than 6 years before Sarah Palin visited ground zero as the Republican VP nominee, her parents were there as part of the response to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks—trapping rats. Chuck and Sally Heath have been part-time Department of Agriculture wildlife specialists for 15 years, trapping or killing...

US Able to Delay Al Qaeda's Annual 9/11 Tape a Week

Intelligence efforts to infiltrate terror group's networks appears to pay off

(Newser) - Al Qaeda’s commemoration of the Sept. 11 terror attacks came a bit later than usual this year, ABC News reports, as US intelligence services were able to block the group's annual propaganda video from making the Internet rounds until today. Sources said Germany and Malaysia helped keep the extremist...

Bush's Biggest Mistake: Declaring Religious War
Bush's Biggest Mistake: Declaring Religious War

Bush's Biggest Mistake: Declaring Religious War

McCain, Palin may repeat incumbent's errors

(Newser) - The 9/11 attacks would’ve posed a great challenge to any president, but George Bush’s response, to invoke God and declare a Manichean quest to “rid the world of evil,” made him Osama bin Laden’s accomplice, writes James Carroll in the Boston Globe. "Bush is...

9/11 Fund Must Stand Alone to Mark Tragedy
9/11 Fund Must Stand Alone to Mark Tragedy

9/11 Fund Must Stand Alone to Mark Tragedy

$7B victims' pool should not set a precedent for disasters

(Newser) - The fund set up to aid the injured and bereaved of 9/11 should not be a model for compensating those affected by disasters like Hurricane Katrina or even other terror attacks, Kenneth Feinberg writes in the Washington Post. The $7 billion September 11th Victim Compensation Fund was a unique "...

Stories 401 - 420 | << Prev   Next >>