House of Representatives

Stories 901 - 920 | << Prev   Next >>

Obama Inspires Young Black Pols to Take Risks for 2010

Candidates to abandon sure wins for ambitious positions

(Newser) - Young black politicians inspired by Barack Obama’s astonishingly quick ascent are pursuing riskier, more ambitious strategies for the 2010 elections, Chris Cillizza writes in the Washington Post. Florida Rep. Kendrick Meek, for example, a 42-year-old African-American, is running for the Senate seat being vacated by Mel Martinez, though Meek...

Conyers Raps Obama Surgeon General Pick

Gupta 'lacks the requisite experience,' congressman charges

(Newser) - Barack Obama's apparent choice for surgeon general, Sanjay Gupta, is drawing fire from within his own party, ABC News reports. John Conyers of Michigan, the House Judiciary Committee chair, sent a letter to his fellow legislators today encouraging them to join him in protesting the nomination of the CNN fixture...

$800B Stimulus Too Much for GOP, Too Little for Dems

Adding to already-enormous debt worries Republicans; excess of caution has other side jumpy

(Newser) - The GOP responded today to Barack Obama’s calls for immediate action on the economy, cautioning that too bold a move could have dire consequences, the Hill reports. “Let’s not use the obvious need as a way to make the problem worse,” said Senate Minority Leader Mitch...

Jack Kemp Treated for Cancer
 Jack Kemp Treated for Cancer 

Jack Kemp Treated for Cancer

Docs can't say what afflicts former NFL star, GOP lawmaker, 73

(Newser) - Jack Kemp, the former NFL star and Republican congressman, is in treatment for cancer, the Buffalo News reports. A spokeswoman said the type of cancer is “undetermined,” but that tests are under way to identify it. Kemp, 73, served 18 years as a representative from New York before...

Pelosi Sacks Fla. Rep's Plea to Delay Votes for Gator Game

Ocala pol wanted to suspend biz for football

(Newser) - A Florida congressman asked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to postpone certifying the election of Barack Obama and other business so the Florida and Oklahoma delegations can attend the Gators and Sooners BCS championship game tomorrow, AP reports. "Madam Speaker, kindly consider," Republican Cliff Stearns pleaded in a handwritten...

GOP Peeved at Pelosi's New House Rules

Package limits minority party power, repeals committee term limits

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi is kicking off the 111th Congress with a rule change, and Republicans are not pleased, reports the Hill. The move institutes new restrictions on motions to "recommit," squashing a tactic that allowed the outnumbered GOP to delay bills to stymie Democrats. “This is not the...

House Movers Shuffle 182 Offices Over Recess

Congress buzzes with activity even without lawmakers

(Newser) - Congress may be on Christmas recess, but movers are working overtime to shuffle the contents of 182 House offices to new digs for the new session beginning Jan. 6. Returning members of Congress are trading up to bigger offices, better views, or more convenient locations, CQ reports. New members of...

Emanuel Will Leave Congress Friday

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel’s transformation from Congressman to White House chief of staff is almost complete, the Chicago Tribune reports. Emanuel sent a letter to Gov. Rod Blagojevich today stating his intention to resign his seat on Friday. Blagojevich has no power to appoint Emanuel’s successor; rather, he has 5...

8 States Poised to Lose House Seats: Census

Sun Belt boom may be ending

(Newser) - After a generation, the Sun Belt’s population boom may be ending, new Census data suggest. Over the year ending July 1, more people left Florida than moved there for the first time in some 30 years; after 23 years in the top four fastest-growing states, Nevada fell to eighth...

Emanuel Still Gets Paycheck From Congress

No salary (yet) for White House gig; he hasn't resigned as rep

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel has started his new job as Barack Obama’s White House chief of staff, but his paycheck is still coming from Congress, the Hill reports. Emanuel is not getting a salary from Obama’s transition team. He hasn’t resigned the House seat to which he was just...

In DC, Powerful California Is the New Texas
In DC, Powerful California
Is the New Texas

In DC, Powerful California Is the New Texas

State best represented in Congress, holds key Cabinet, Senate posts

(Newser) - California is set to take over Texas’ role as the state with most influence on the federal government, Politico reports. With Nancy Pelosi as House Speaker, the largest number of representatives—34—in the Democratic caucus, and one of the strongest presences by state in Barack Obama’s administration, the...

Congress Gets a Raise
 Congress Gets a Raise 

Congress Gets a Raise

Watchdog groups slam lawmakers' automatic pay raise amid economic chaos

(Newser) - The flatlining economy hasn't stopped Congress from getting a pay raise, the Hill reports. Lawmakers will get an extra $4,700 a year starting in January, amounting to a total of $2.5 million. The 2.8% automatic raise is only half as large as the cost of living adjustment...

Arrest Will Ripple Beyond Illinois Politics

Will Blagojevich still appoint Obama replacement?

(Newser) - Rod Blagojevich’s arrest will reverberate well beyond Illinois, Chris Cillizza writes in the Washington Post. Most immediately, it drastically reshapes the race to fill Barack Obama’s Senate seat, which the Illinois governor still has power to fill. If he even makes a pick, it’ll have to be...

Narrow Ohio Dem Victory Boosts House Majority to 79

Kilroy snatches 21st seat from GOP

(Newser) - The last outstanding contest for the House of Representatives is over, with Democrat Mary Jo Kilroy declared the winner in a tight Ohio contest, boosting the Democratic majority to 79 seats. Kilroy is the first Democrat in a generation elected to the House in her county. Her victory over state...

To Succeed, Obama and Congress Must Stay Tight

Dems eager to make mark after GOP domination, but priorities could shred unity

(Newser) - Democrats in Congress and Barack Obama want to move quickly once he assumes office, but they must pull in the same direction to achieve anything, Naftali Bendavid writes in the Wall Street Journal. “Pent-up energy among House Democrats” could test Obama’s centrist leanings, one observer notes, and history...

House Panel To Investigate Spitzer Probe

Dems wonder if feds' prostitution sting was politically motivated

(Newser) - The House Financial Services Committee is poised to open an inquiry into the investigation that led to Eliot Spitzer’s resignation, the New York Times reports, with Democratic members wondering aloud if the federal probe could have been a politically motivated hit job. The former New York governor was not...

Waxman's Coup Promises New Agenda
 Waxman's Coup 
 Promises New Agenda 

Waxman's Coup Promises New Agenda

Committee likely to get more aggressive on environment; Dingell's old allies displaced

(Newser) - Henry Waxman ascension to the chairmanship of the House Energy and Commerce Committee could pit him against both Republicans and fellow Democrats, Politico reports. Moderate former chair John Dingell, ousted by the liberal Waxman, left many subcommittee heads who could clash with their new boss. And the GOP is up...

For Dems, Dingell Showdown Is Agony

Representatives dread choice between veteran lawmakers to chair key committee

(Newser) - House Democrats have been dreading this day: the unavoidable vote between Henry Waxman and John Dingell to chair the Energy and Commerce Committee. Though Waxman is a savvy lawmaker and closer to much of the caucus on the key issue of climate change, the 82-year-old Dingell, Detroit's staunchest congressional booster,...

Frugal Reps Put the Home in House
Frugal Reps
Put the Home
in House

Frugal Reps Put the Home in House

As many as 40 sleep in Hill offices, shower in the House gym

(Newser) - Having made their electoral beds on promises of fiscal responsibility, some lawmakers are now sleeping in them—in their Capitol Hill offices, Politico reports. Incoming Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz plans to bunk on a $45 cot: “When they give me a terrible office up on the seventh floor, I’...

Congress Girds for Post-Election Rumbles

Will address new leaders, Detroit bailout, Stevens, Lieberman

(Newser) - A new Congress takes office Jan. 6 and a new Oval Office occupant two scant weeks later, but the old Congress has plenty on its plate when it reconvenes next week, reports Reuters. The session will focus mainly on the economy, especially the auto industry, but legislators also must appoint...

Stories 901 - 920 | << Prev   Next >>