House of Representatives

Stories 921 - 940 | << Prev   Next >>

Pelosi Among Most Powerful of Speakers

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi may wield her influence behind the scenes, but she is the most powerful woman in the history of US politics, Politico reports, and with recent Democratic gains in Congress, she's poised to have power few other speakers could match. Though she’s nice about it, “whatever Nancy...

Pelosi Urges Lame-Duck Session to Push Auto Bailout

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi plans to convene a lame-duck House session to vote on an expanded rescue of the auto industry, the Wall Street Journal reports. “I am confident Congress can consider emergency assistance legislation next week,” the House Speaker said. Both GM and Ford have said they are cash...

House Dems Wrangle Over Top Posts
House Dems Wrangle Over Top Posts

House Dems Wrangle Over Top Posts

Waxman aims to bump Dingell out of key chairmanship

(Newser) - Tuesday's votes were still being counted when House Democrats started wrangling over leadership positions, Politico reports. Henry Waxman has launched a challenge for chairmanship of the Energy and Commerce Committee, aiming to take out John Dingell of Michigan, whose support is eroding. Says a lobbyist: "He has done...

GOP Loses Last Stronghold in New England
GOP Loses Last Stronghold in New England

GOP Loses Last Stronghold in New England

Himes' victory over Shays in Conn. completes Republican rout

(Newser) - With the defeat of Rep. Christopher Shays in Connecticut, the GOP has been completely routed from New England. The Republicans’ expulsion from the Northeast derives from losses in centrist districts, those where moderate Republicans like Shays could be expected to win, Fred Barnes writes in the Weekly Standard.

Bachmann Holds on to Her Seat
 Bachmann Holds on to Her Seat 

Bachmann Holds on to Her Seat

Minnesota GOP rep hangs on after questioning patriotism of fellow lawmakers

(Newser) - Rep. Michele Bachmann survived her campaign near-death experience, narrowly holding on to her House seat in yesterday's election, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports. Bachman caused a furor 2 weeks ago when she charged not only Barack Obama but fellow members of Congress with harboring "anti-American" views  in a cable...

Dems Pad Majority; Murtha Survives, But Shays Out
Dems Pad Majority; Murtha Survives, But Shays Out
House results

Dems Pad Majority; Murtha Survives, But Shays Out

(Newser) - House Democrats, who held a 36-seat lead going in, beefed up their advantage tonight and appeared likely to keep padding it as results continued to pour in. Christopher Shays, the lone Republican in the New England delegation, was the highest-profile victim of an emerging landslide, but John Murtha of Pennsylvania...

GOP Braces for Big Losses
 GOP Braces for Big Losses 

GOP Braces for Big Losses

Republicans in final scramble to save embattled incumbents in key races

(Newser) - The embattled GOP is preparing for heavy losses in both houses of Congress even as it wages last-minute battles for key seats across the nation, reports the New York Times. The Democrats, meanwhile, are making significant inroads into the traditionally Republican territory of suburban America, using their extra cash to...

Bush's Next Act: Try Congress
Bush's Next Act: Try Congress

Bush's Next Act: Try Congress

With John Quincy Adams as model, Dubya could do plenty of good in House

(Newser) - President Bush can't have 4 more years, but he could try for 2, Steve Coronella writes in the Christian Science Monitor. Coronella urges Bush to follow John Quincy Adams, who served 17 years in the House. As a representative from Texas, he writes, “Bush could go on to make...

Black Voters May Tip House Contests
 Black Voters May 
 Tip House Contests 

Black Voters May Tip House Contests

Obama coattails could mobilize enough to play decisive role in at least 10 districts

(Newser) - With black voters expected to come out in record numbers on Nov. 4, Democrats think a surge could flip as many as 10 hotly contested House districts in their favor, the Washington Post reports. “I was just thinking about the need to vote Democratic down the line,” said...

Best Members of Congress
 Best Members of Congress 

Best Members of Congress

There are "public servants." Then there are people who actually serve.

(Newser) - It's easy, and usually fun, to bash members of Congress. But what about those who deserve praise? Esquire picks some favorites, starting with Rep. Henry Waxman of California; the Democrat has long been the sole member not only criticizing the Bush team's missteps but actually investigating them. Then there's principled...

Congress Gets Ugly Portrait of Lehman's Last Days

Investment giant knew of liquidity concerns, gave out $5B in bonuses

(Newser) - Lehman Brothers’ departing executives were negotiating millions in bonuses while the bank begged for taxpayer money to avoid bankruptcy, a House committee finds after reviewing documents. At a hearing today on Capitol Hill—the first on the financial crisis—the investment firm was painted as one run by irresponsible leaders...

Bush Moves Quickly, Signs Bailout Bill Into Law

Reps who switched vote already spinning change for constituents

(Newser) - Less than 2 hours after the House passed the $700 billion bailout bill, President Bush signed it this afternoon. With a stroke of a pen, he set in motion $110 million in tax cuts and sent the legislators on both sides of the 263-171 vote home to explain themselves to...

Revised Bailout Bill Easily Clears House, 263-171

(Newser) - The House passed the revised $700 billion buyout plan this afternoon, 263-171, raising hopes that the economy will be able to fend off a recession, reports the Washington Post. After 5 days of arm-twisting, 26 Republicans switched their no votes; a total of 91 joined 172 Democrats in backing the...

House Steels for High Noon Bailout Vote

Efforts to sway votes move into overdrive as second effort looms

(Newser) - Leaders and lobbyists are scrambling to marshal support for the revamped bailout bill before it returns to the House at midday today, the Washington Post reports. Democratic and GOP chiefs believe they can sway enough votes to swing it—although only a few have switched so far. Some Republicans who...

Pelosi's PAC Paid Husband's Firm $99K for Work

Transaction legal, but would have been banned by bill Dem Speaker supported

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi paid her husband’s company $99,000 through her political action committee during the past 9 years, the Washington Times reports. Payments to Paul Pelosi’s Financial Leasing Services are routine fees for accounting and office-space rent payments, but would have been illegal under a bill Pelosi supported...

Senate Version of Bailout Grows Sweeter, Fatter

(Newser) - The Senate version of the bailout bill has ballooned to more than 400 pages as legislators flesh out details in hopes of gaining passage as soon as tonight, Politico reports. The marquee measure boosts FDIC coverage of individual accounts from $100,000 to $250,000, with numerous lower-profile provisions intended...

Senate to Tweak Bailout —But not Much

Dissenting Dems, GOP want different changes

(Newser) - Senators are scrambling to revive legislation for the financial bailout after its surprise failure in the House yesterday, but must strike the right balance to attract new House votes without driving away initial supporters, Bloomberg reports. House Republicans want an expanded role for the FDIC in the bailout and for...

Voters Tanked the Bailout
 Voters Tanked the Bailout 

Voters Tanked the Bailout

Vulnerable members scurry away from unpopular plan

(Newser) - The bailout plan was defeated by a 1-2 punch from angry voters and special interest groups on both ends of the political spectrum, reports the Wall Street Journal. House members were overwhelmed into voting “no” by a flood of liberals crying elitism and conservatives shouting about the sanctity of...

Countdown to Failure: How Bill Unraveled

Stunned silence grips House after last vote

(Newser) - As members of the House of Representatives cast their ballots on the $700 billion bailout package yesterday morning—the negative votes piling up even as the market plummeted—the Los Angeles Times was blogging. Kicked off by Majority Leader Steny Hoyer's final words to the House—"The alternative is...

Shocked Legislators Weigh Next Move
 Shocked Legislators 
 Weigh Next Move 

Shocked Legislators Weigh Next Move

Discontent on both sides moved House to kill bailout

(Newser) - The efforts of Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner were not enough to quell a revolt within their parties that killed the financial bailout bill today. The bipartisan opposition to the bill reflected in the 228-205 vote—95 Democrats and 133 Republicans dissented—reflects liberal representatives’ unease with rescuing highly paid...

Stories 921 - 940 | << Prev   Next >>