US Senate

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'Senator Oprah' Sounded Good to Blago

Then-gov considered media titan to succeed Obama as senator

(Newser) - As Rod Blagojevich considered possible successors to Barack Obama as US senator from Illinois, he came up with one name "no one can assail": Oprah Winfrey. As the former governor's corruption trial dragged on today in Chicago, prosecutors played a tape from December 2008—after Obama confidant Valerie Jarrett...

Robert Byrd Hospitalized; Senator, 92, 'Seriously Ill'

West Virginia lawmaker is longest-serving member of Congress

(Newser) - Robert Byrd, the Democratic senator from West Virginia who last fall became the longest-serving member of Congress, is hospitalized and in serious condition, his office tells MSNBC . The 92-year-old was admitted last week with what was believed to be a heat-related illness, but "other conditions have developed which has...

JD Hayworth Starred in 'Free Gov't Money' Infomercial

McCain camp says ad was for 'obvious rip-off scam'

(Newser) - You have to love fiscal conservatives like JD Hayworth—you know, the kind who go on TV at 2am to tell you about the billions of dollars the federal government is just dying to give away. In 2007, soon after losing his House seat, Hayworth starred in an infomercial for...

Petraeus OK After Swoon During Hearing

Appeared to pass out during Senate testimony on Afghanistan

(Newser) - Gen. David Petraeus says he is "doing OK" after he appeared to pass out this morning during a hearing on Capitol Hill. "I just got a little dehydrated," the commander of US forces in Iran and Afghanistan tells CNN . "I ate a couple of bananas and...

Nevada Senate Candidate to GOP: I'm No Nut

Sharron Angle's response to Harry Reid has party on edge

(Newser) - Sharron Angle is headed to Washington to try to convince Republicans that she can indeed defeat Harry Reid, and won’t be painted as a right-wing extremist. Republicans are worried that Angle hasn’t responded aggressively enough to Reid’s attacks, they tell Politico . Reid took aim the moment Angle...

Fiorina's Catty Hair Remark Is a Big Deal

So much for girl power, writes Ruth Marcus

(Newser) - Just when Ruth Marcus was feeling good about the women in the 2010 race, Carly Fiorina had to make that catty comment about Barbara Boxer’s hair. Fiorina tried to laugh it off—“It sort of goes with the territory,” she told Greta Van Susteren. “No no ...

Democrats Must Find New Candidate for Dodd's Seat—Now

Don't wait for fallout from Vietnam lie; I'll be fatal

(Newser) - Richard Blumenthal, until yesterday the frontrunner for Chris Dodd's Connecticut Senate seat, is toast, and the sooner Democrats recognize it the better, Nate Silver writes. You may be able to cheat on your wife and get away with it, he argues at FiveThirtyEight , but you can't cheat on your Vietnam...

Attack Ad Doesn't Show Democrat Masturbating: GOP

He's bare-chested. So what?

(Newser) - The web has no shortage of salacious videos—and a new one, compliments of the GOP, appears to depict a Democratic nominee for the Senate masturbating. Roger Ebert—who knows a thing or two about film—declared the video "vile!" but the National Republican Senatorial Committee insists its...

Translation: Goldman Sachs to English
 Goldman Sachs to English 

Translation: Goldman Sachs to English

Bankers' lingo reveals firm's real intentions, if you know how to read it

(Newser) - The Senate panel investigating Goldman Sachs will have an easier job if it embraces one profound truth, Jonathan Weil writes for Bloomberg : "What you must realize, foremost, is that Goldman's employees speak their own distinct language." Some translations:
  • Sophisticated, as in "among the most sophisticated mortgage investors

Fabulous Fab: 'I Regret the Emails'

Goldman Sachs exec Fabrice Tourre faces Senate panel

(Newser) - Fabrice Tourre, the 31-year-old trader who is the only company official directly accused in the SEC suit against Goldman Sachs, testified today that he does not recall telling investors a Goldman hedge fund client had bought into an investment that soured. "I deny categorically the SEC's allegation," Tourre...

Goldman Dodges Questions
 Goldman Dodges 
 Damning Questions 

Goldman Dodges Damning Questions

Levin assaults firm on 'shitty deal,' Collins on responsibilities

(Newser) - If you enjoy high-quality squirming and stuttering, tune in to the Goldman Sachs Senate hearing. The assembled executives and former executives have been furiously dodging a series of tough questions from Carl Levin and Susan Collins. “Boy, that Timberwolf was one shitty deal,” Levin read from an internal...

Senate Berates 'Unethical' Goldman

As Code Pink protesters yell 'these guys are crooks'

(Newser) - Goldman Sachs took its lumps on Capitol Hill today, with the Senate investigations subcommittee berating it for taking positions against the securities it was selling. After a brief protest from Code Pink, chairman Carl Levin began the hearing by saying Goldman had treated its customers "not as valuable customers...

65% of Americans Back Stricter Financial Controls
65% of Americans Back Stricter Financial Controls
new poll

65% of Americans Back Stricter Financial Controls

Even split on Obama's handling of issue, and reining in derivatives

(Newser) - Two-thirds of Americans say they support tighter regulation of banks in a new Washington Post -ABC News poll, and majorities also agree with the two main components of the Senate bill Democrats are poised to introduce this week: more federal oversight of consumer loans (59% to 38%), and making banks...

McConnell Lacks Votes for Filibuster
 McConnell Lacks  
 Votes for Filibuster 
financial reform

McConnell Lacks Votes for Filibuster

Susan Collins balks at signing his letter

(Newser) - Republican hopes of derailing the Democratic bill on financial reform appear to be in trouble. Mitch McConnell doesn't have the necessary votes for a filibuster, reports the Hill . At least one GOP senator, Susan Collins of Maine, has balked at signing a letter promising to bring proceedings to a halt....

Health Reform Bill Won't Stop Premium Hikes

Action on curbs didn't make final cut, leaving 'very big loophole'

(Newser) - Turns out the big health care reform bill doesn't actually rein in those out-of-control premium rate hikes. The Democrats used outrage over whopping increases to corral support for the overhaul, but the bill doesn't deliver, finds the Los Angeles Times , because it doesn't give the government the regulatory authority. "...

McCain Has Sold His Soul: Jon Stewart
 McCain Has Sold 
 His Soul: Jon Stewart 

McCain Has Sold His Soul: Jon Stewart

Disavowing 'maverick' rep like Giuliani pleading 9./11 ignorance

(Newser) - Jon Stewart is flabbergasted at John McCain’s recent assertion that “I never considered myself a maverick.” The Comedy Central host doesn’t “even f---ing need to” toss to a montage showing how often McCain has claimed the maverick label. Despite all of the Arizona senator’s...

In Primary Battle, McCain Rejects 'Maverick' Label

Senator must choose between moderation and partisanship

(Newser) - For the first time since 1982, John McCain must fight to retain his US Senate seat. But the challenge is less about the viability of rival JD Hayworth—McCain has much more money and influence—than about which John McCain will prevail. Will it be the storied "maverick" who...

Business Leaders Find Success as GOP Candidates

Rich ex-execs present Tea Party alternative

(Newser) - Business leaders crossing over to politics are finding success as GOP candidates, using their experience and personal fortunes to challenge established Republicans in Senate and gubernatorial races. In California, Meg Whitman has earmarked $39 million for her campaign for governor. In Michigan, Connecticut, and Massachusetts, former executives are making waves...

McCain Vows to Keep Fighting Health Reform, Democrats

Senator, in tough re-election fight, promises 'no cooperation'

(Newser) - The divisive fight over health care reform is over—for now—but the fallout will foil any attempts at bipartisanship, John McCain vowed today. "There will be no cooperation for the rest of the year," he told an Arizona radio station. "They have poisoned the well in...

Blogger Plans Senate Run
 Blogger Plans Senate Run 

Blogger Plans Senate Run

Online pioneer Mickey Kaus will challenge Barbara Boxer

(Newser) - A prominent political blogger has taken out papers to challenge Barbara Boxer in the US Senate primary in California. Mickey Kaus of Slate likely plans to mount a centrist challenge to Boxer, reports LA Weekly , which scooped Kaus on the story. He says he wants to "argue, as a...

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