US Senate

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Fellow Republicans Turn on Jim Bunning

Kentucky senator's freeze on employment measure draws bipartisan ire

(Newser) - Senate Republicans are breaking ranks as Jim Bunning continues to stall a $10 billion employment and health measure, with Susan Collins of Maine taking to the floor of the chamber this morning to express her "hope that we can act together for the American people." She urged Bunning...

Fiorina Opponent Promises 'Demon-Sheep-Free Zone'

Chuck DeVore looks to exploit Carly Fiorina's bizarre ad

(Newser) - Chuck DeVore is looking to get as much mileage as possible out of fellow GOP Senate candidate Carly Fiorina's bizarre "demon sheep" ad, the one that accuses Tom Campbell of being a FCINO . He's set up in the name of the "Society for the Eradication...

GOP Moderate Kirk Wins Ill. Senate Primary
GOP Moderate Kirk Wins Ill. Senate Primary

GOP Moderate Kirk Wins Ill. Senate Primary

Blows away tea-party-backed candidates, will try for Obama's seat

(Newser) - Moderate Mark Kirk has won Illinois’ Republican Senate primary, blowing away two conservative opponents backed by tea-party contingents. The congressman has 56% of the vote with more than 82% of precincts reporting—giving him a 37% edge over Patrick Hughes. Analysts predicted that a clear Kirk victory would take much...

Scott Brown Got Late Push From Wall Street

Financial firms poured $450,000 into his Senate campaign

(Newser) - In the 6 days before the special election for US senator from Massachusetts, employees of financial companies gave a whopping $450,000 to Scott Brown. The donations came just after President Obama proposed a fee on Wall Street’s biggest players to help pay back lost TARP funds. The influx...

Illinois Primary Could Muffle Tea Party Buzz

Moderate favored over 2 conservatives in today's Senate vote

(Newser) - If polls prove accurate, moderate Mark Kirk will emerge victorious from today’s Republican Senate primary in Illinois, beating out two more conservative candidates with tea party backing. His victory would put a dent in the tea party panic gripping the GOP, says Talking Points Memo . Republicans in states including...

Meet Scott Brown, Action Figure

Firm makes doll in private, presidential flavors

(Newser) - Scott Brown hasn't been on the national stage for long, but the senator-elect already has three action figures to his name. Choose from "2012 Executive Scott Brown," "Scott Brown Everyman"—sans pickup truck—or the anatomically correct "Scott Brown Cosmo Doll." “He’s...

Scott Brown: Give Ayla Another Shot on Idol

Senator-elect appeals to Simon Cowell on daughter's behalf

(Newser) - Scott Brown thought Simon Cowell's 2006 critique of daughter Ayla's performance on American Idol was "kind of harsh," but he'd still like the Fox impresario to give his offspring another chance. "Ayla actually respects Simon greatly about his critiquing," the senator-elect from Massachusetts told Barbara Walters...

NY Senate Race Gets Ugly Fast
 NY Senate Race Gets Ugly Fast 

NY Senate Race Gets Ugly Fast

Incumbent Kirsten Gillibrand, challenger Harold Ford Jr. out for blood

(Newser) - Kirsten Gillibrand isn’t playing nice anymore. The New York Democrat is heeding advisers’ counsel and going for the jugular against Senate primary opponent Harold Ford Jr., who’s been lobbing bombs faster than she can keep up. Until now, Gillibrand’s mostly attacked Ford through proxies, generating little buzz...

Boxer, Feingold Oppose Another Bernanke Term
Boxer, Feingold Oppose Another Bernanke Term

Boxer, Feingold Oppose Another Bernanke Term

Liberal Democrats join rising tide against Fed chair's reappointment

(Newser) - Two Democratic senators said today they won't vote to reappoint Ben Bernanke as Fed chairman. Barbara Boxer and Russell Feingold added to the groundswell of opposition imperiling a second 4-year term for Bernanke, which requires 60 votes. “Our next Federal Reserve chairman must represent a clean break from the...

Dems Roll Out Brown Clip Suggesting Obama Mom Unwed

Mass. Senate candidate compared Obama's mother to Bristol Palin

(Newser) - Frantic Democrats are circulating a 2008 interview in which Scott Brown insinuated that Barack Obama was born out of wedlock. While discussing Bristol Palin's pregnancy during the Republican convention, Brown drew a parallel to Obama's mother, who was 18 when he was born. When another interviewee on the program noted...

Brown Widens Gap, Takes 9-Point Lead Over Coakley

Republican up 41 points among independents

(Newser) - Scott Brown is 9 points ahead of Martha Coakley in a poll released today, just 1 day before Massachusetts voters decide who will fill Ted Kennedy's Senate seat. New InsiderAdvantage numbers show Brown ahead 52% to 43% with likely registered voters. Among independents, Brown is ahead a staggering 41 points;...

Obama Turns Up Heat in Mass. Senate Race

New video urges support for Coakley, president's agenda

(Newser) - With less than a week to go before the special election for Ted Kennedy's Senate seat and Democratic nominee Martha Coakley slipping in the polls, President Obama is appealing directly to voters. In a video released today, Obama ties his agenda to Coakley's prospects, saying the Massachusetts AG will "...

Health Costs Would Rise 1% Under Senate Bill

But modest increase would cover 34 million more, gov't study finds

(Newser) - Americans would see only a modest rise in health costs under the Senate's plan to extend coverage to 34 million people, government economic experts say in a new report. The study found that health spending, which accounts for about one-sixth of the economy, would increase by less than 1% than...

Dodd Rips Newbies—Ahem, Franken—for Lacking 'Civility'

Comment may be dig at Minn. freshman, who shut down Lieberman

(Newser) - Chris Dodd battled a perceived lack of decorum in the Senate yesterday with some stern language from the floor. The Connecticut Democrat did not name names but rather cryptically chastised the Senate’s “newer members” for failing “to understand how the Senate has worked for more than two...

Indexes Hit 2009 Highs; Dow Closes Up 54
 Indexes Hit 2009 Highs; 
 Dow Closes Up 54 

Indexes Hit 2009 Highs; Dow Closes Up 54

Jobless numbers, metals sector spark wide rally

(Newser) - The major stock exchanges hit highs for the year today as traders reacted positively to news that new jobless claims grew less than projected. Health care was the only sector showing broad losses, a reaction to the Senate's passage of the health care bill, the Wall Street Journal reports.
  • The

Health Care Acrimony Could Kill Climate Bill

Dems need support of Republicans, who aren't feeling friendly

(Newser) - Key GOP senators are warning that the bitter health care battle could spill over into the climate change bill, delaying it or scuttling it outright. Normally clubby senators are nursing wounds and blaming Democrats for the fiercely partisan wrangling. “It makes it hard to do anything because of the...

Rudy Giuliani Won't Run for Senate

Ex-NYC mayor effectively ends political career

(Newser) - Ending months of speculation, Rudy Giuliani will announce tomorrow that he will not run for US Senate. The former New York City mayor plans to remain a presence on the national GOP scene, seizing "an opportunity to engage in targeted races across the country," says a source. He...

VP Urges Dems to Unite Behind Senate Health Bill
VP Urges Dems to Unite Behind Senate Health Bill
joe biden

VP Urges Dems to Unite Behind Senate Health Bill

'In Washington big changes never emerge in perfect form,' ex-senator writes

(Newser) - As president of the Senate, Joe Biden has the run of the place, but the vice president takes to the op-ed page of the New York Times to urge fellow Democrats to stop sniping and support the health care bill. "I’ve been around a long time," the...

Senate Bickers as Storm Bears Down on DC
 Senate Bickers as Storm 
 Bears Down on DC 
Tick ... tICK ... tICK ...

Senate Bickers as Storm Bears Down on DC

Republicans vow to stall; Reid targets Christmas Eve health care vote

(Newser) - Even as Harry Reid plans for a Christmas Eve vote on the Senate health care bill, Republicans are vowing to stall, and a massive winter storm is roaring northeast from the Gulf of Mexico with Washington directly in its path. " It is our intention not to pass this bill...

Senate Sends Obama $1.1T Spending Bill

3 Republicans vote yea, 3 Dems vote nay

(Newser) - Working on a second consecutive weekend, the Senate passed a $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill today, with the support of three Republicans but the opposition of three Democrats. The measure has already cleared the House and now advances to President Obama, who is expected to sign it. With pressing...

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