gun laws

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Piers Morgan: My Guest Was 'Best Argument' for Gun Laws

Alex Jones' rant was 'really quite scary,' he says

(Newser) - CNN's Piers Morgan thinks gun-rights proponent Alex Jones's memorable appearance on his show last night made a fine case—for his opponents. "He was the best advertisement for gun control you could wish for," Morgan tells Politico , referring to the conservative radio host. "That kind...

Gun Activists: Jan. 19 Is 'Gun Appreciation Day'

Conservatives rally as Joe Biden's team weighs sweeping measures

(Newser) - Are we surprised that an anti-gay rally inspired a pro-gun rally? Gun-rights activists say last year's "Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day" has motivated them to make Jan. 19 "Gun Appreciation Day," reports NPR . Organizers want Americans to visit gun shows, gun ranges, and gun stores that Saturday, two...

Utah Gun Group: We'll Train Teachers Free

Los Angeles gun buybacks do roaring trade

(Newser) - A Utah gun organization normally charges $50 for concealed-weapons training—but for teachers, the program is now free, the AP reports. "We're not suggesting that teachers roam the halls" looking for attackers, says the chair of the top state gun lobby, the Utah Shooting Sports Council. "They...

7 Ways States Have Eased Gun Laws

Some states allow guns in schools, churches, or hospitals

(Newser) - Americans have seen mass shootings take place within their borders for decades, but five of the deadliest 11 occurred in the past five years—a time when several states have eased their gun laws, ProPublica reports. A few examples of how gun laws have loosened:
  • Packing heat on campus. In

Did David Gregory Break DC Gun Laws?

Cops investigating whether magazine he waved at Wayne LaPierre was real

(Newser) - Turns out that if you're going to wave around a 30-bullet magazine on national television, you might want to check your local gun laws: In a contentious interview Sunday with NRA chief Wayne LaPierre, Meet the Press host David Gregory held up what he said was just such a...

Sorry Pundits, That Was a Smart Move by NRA
Sorry Pundits, That Was
a Smart Move by NRA

Sorry Pundits, That Was a Smart Move by NRA

Jeb Golinkin: LaPierre appeased hard-liners, limited coverage

(Newser) - Paranoid . Unhinged . Stunning . Delusional . Those were some of the words thrown around yesterday to describe the NRA's news conference . At the Week , Jeb Golinkin has another: smart. There's a reason Wayne LaPierre waited until the Friday before Christmas to give the group's response to Sandy Hook....

NRA Exec's 'Callous Rant' May Backfire

Wayne LaPierre's speech enrages his critics

(Newser) - Here's a sampling of the reaction to today's speech by NRA exec Wayne LaPierre, who blamed video games, movies, and the media for creating a culture of violence and called for armed guards in every school:
  • New York Daily News : "For all that advocates of sensible gun-safety

NRA: We Need Armed Cops in Every School

'Only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun'

(Newser) - Those waiting for the NRA to give some ground on gun legislation today got just the opposite from a defiant Wayne LaPierre: "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun," said the group's executive vice president, calling...

Poll: Majority Now Backs Major Gun Restrictions

Numbers up across the board after Newtown shooting

(Newser) - A new poll by CNN and ORC International suggests that most Americans favor major restrictions or a total ban on guns. Barely. In the poll, 52% support such action, up from just under the 50% mark over recent years. Other findings:
  • 46% say government and society can act to prevent

We Can Make Guns Safer, but Gunmakers Don't Want To

The technology exists, we just aren't implementing it: Farhad Manjoo

(Newser) - A gun that only fires when its authorized owner is carrying it: Sounds like something out of the movies—and indeed, James Bond carries one in Skyfall—but such technology, as well as features to make guns safer, is very much possible. So why hasn't it been widely implemented?...

&#39;Gun Rights&#39; Advocates May Be Winning War of Words
Rhetoric Shifts From 'Gun Control' to 'Gun Rights'
nate silver

Rhetoric Shifts From 'Gun Control' to 'Gun Rights'

Nate Silver: Change in semantics seems to be helping the gun lobby

(Newser) - Nate Silver applies his number-crunching ways to the debate over guns and finds that opponents of stricter laws might be winning with the help of semantics. His analysis of newspaper articles finds that the phrase "gun control" is being used much less than it was in the 1980s and...

Bloomberg Launches a Super PAC

Ads will support gay rights, gun laws, and strong education

(Newser) - New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is fed up with the current political climate, so he's launching his own super PAC to influence some change, reports the New York Times . His group will give up to $1 million apiece to candidates on both sides of the aisle who are behind...

Bloomberg Fighting to Counter Gun Lobby

Lawmakers need to lose fear of NRA, he says

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg has stepped up his calls for tighter gun laws in the wake of last month's Colorado massacre, but to his frustration, not many people seem to be listening—especially not President Obama and Mitt Romney. The argument that gun carnage can be stopped with existing laws—as...

James Holmes Is Insane, But So Are Our Gun Laws
 James Holmes Is Insane, 
 But So Are Our Gun Laws 
Roger Ebert

James Holmes Is Insane, But So Are Our Gun Laws

Roger Ebert: Now would be a good time to change things

(Newser) - Roger Ebert guesses that Dark Knight shooting suspect James Holmes isn't obsessed with Batman, just publicity. He "must also have been insane," writes Ebert in the New York Times . The problem is that our nation's gun laws are equally so. The US "is one of...

Many Innocent NC Men Sit in Jail on Gun Charges
'Innocent' NC Men Sit in Prison on Gun Convictions

'Innocent' NC Men Sit in Prison on Gun Convictions

Justice Department won't release scores who didn't technically break law

(Newser) - The Justice Department refuses to release scores of North Carolina inmates that it acknowledges are innocent—lack of guilt that many of the inmates themselves aren't even aware of. A USA Today investigation identified more than 60 men who essentially became innocent overnight last year, when an appeals court...

The Truth About &#39;Stand Your Ground&#39;
 The Truth About 
 'Stand Your Ground' 

The Truth About 'Stand Your Ground'

Florida's law isn't as crazy as it's being made out to be, Robert Leider argues

(Newser) - A lot of misinformation is flying around about Florida's Stand Your Ground law in the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting, but the truth is, it's "neither extreme nor an outlier," argues Robert Leider of the Wall Street Journal . Even under Stand Your Ground, to claim...

Colorado Supreme Court: Students Can Carry Guns

Judges strike down ban on concealed weapons

(Newser) - Congrats to Colorado students who like packing heat on a school day: The state Supreme Court today ruled against a gun ban at the University of Colorado, the Denver Post reports. The justices unanimously agreed that the school's board of regents had overstepped its bounds in barring licensed concealed...

Virginia Repeals Gun-a-Month Limit

Gov. Bob McDonnell lifts anti-gun-running measure

(Newser) - Virginia has killed off a law enacted in 1993 to tackle gun-running. GOP Gov. Bob McDonnell has signed a measure repealing a law that restricts residents to one handgun purchase a month , reports the Richmond Times-Dispatch . Before signing, McDonnell spoke to the families of victims of the 2007 Virginia Tech...

Ex-Cons Get Gun Rights Back Easily

'It's kind of spooky, isn't it?' says felon

(Newser) - A felony conviction shouldn't stop an American from owning a gun—right? So say several US states, including Kansas, Ohio, and Minnesota, which often restore firearm rights automatically to ex-cons, the New York Times reports. Several other states restore gun rights after a pardon or a brief petition. If...

California Bans Carrying Guns Openly in Public

Frequent sight of guns was scaring people: police

(Newser) - California Gov. Jerry Brown has signed a bill banning the open carrying of handguns in public, he announced today. Police had opposed existing rules allowing Californians to carry unloaded guns openly, saying the practice scared onlookers, Politico reports. "As law enforcement officials tell me, it’s not safe and...

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