gun laws

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Supreme Court Rejects Gun Control Case

Man convicted for carrying gun without permit

(Newser) - The Supreme Court has opted not to hear a case on the right to carry a gun outside the home, Reuters reports. Maryland’s top court upheld a state law requiring a permit to carry a handgun outside of home; the federal justices’ refusal of the case means the state’...

Downside to Pistol-Packing: Man Shoots Own Penis

Gun tucked into his waistband accidentally discharges

(Newser) - Here's one more argument for stricter gun control: A pistol-packer can shoot his own penis. A Phoenix shopper found that out the extremely painful way when he tucked his girlfriend's pink pistol into his waistband and it accidentally discharged in a grocery store parking lot—sending a bullet...

President Barack Obama on Gun Control: It's Time for the American People to Find Common Ground
 It's Time to 
 Come Together 
 on Gun Control 
Barack Obama

It's Time to Come Together on Gun Control

Obama has faith the American people can find common ground

(Newser) - In the months since the Tucson shootings, 2,405 people have been shot dead , a fact President Obama laments in the Arizona Daily Star . How, he writes, was “a man our Army rejected as unfit for service; a man one of our colleges deemed too unstable for studies; a...

South Dakota Bill: Every Adult Must Own a Gun

Republicans try to make a point with mandatory gun law

(Newser) - South Dakota lawmakers have introduced a bill that would force all of the state’s citizens to buy a gun “to provide for the self defense of themselves and others.” (Wait, is it still self-defense if you’re defending others? Isn’t that just defense?) The law would...

America's Gun 'Craziness' Is Reaching Absurd Limits
America's Gun 'Craziness'
Is Reaching Absurd Limits
Gail Collins

America's Gun 'Craziness' Is Reaching Absurd Limits

Gail Collins: Utah is about to honor an official state firearm

(Newser) - Gail Collins thinks there's "a new streak of craziness abroad in the land" regarding guns, and she contrasts two proposed pieces of legislation as proof. The first, introduced by Democratic Sen. Frank Lautenberg, would put into place "modest" checks such as "making it more difficult to sell...

Arizona Rep. Wishes for 'One More Gun' at Shooting

Presumably, a gun that could have stopped Jared Loughner

(Newser) - Don’t count Arizona Rep. Trent Franks among those calling for increased gun control in the wake of Gabrielle Giffords’ shooting. "I wish there had been one more gun there that day in the hands of a responsible person, that's all I have to say," said the Republican,...

Pete King Wants to Ban Guns Near Lawmakers

His proposed bill is meant to protect the public as well

(Newser) - In the wake of Saturday’s tragic shootings in Tucson, one of the rare pro-gun control Republican representatives is trying to make it illegal to carry a gun near members of Congress and certain other federal officials. Rep. Peter King’s proposed bill is designed not just to protect lawmakers,...

Don't Blame Politics, Blame Easy Access to Handguns
Don't Blame Politics, Blame Easy Access to Handguns
richard cohen

Don't Blame Politics, Blame Easy Access to Handguns

Richard Cohen: We can't get rid of the Second Amendment, but we can fix it

(Newser) - Everyone's casting about for blame in the Arizona shooting, but Richard Cohen thinks this one's easy: It's not Sarah Palin or other right-wing commentators at fault, but the "American gun culture." In what universe does it make sense to allow a clearly unbalanced young man to buy a...

The Wild West Had Gun Laws, and So Should We
The Wild West Had Gun Laws, and So Should We

The Wild West Had Gun Laws, and So Should We

It's time for 'commonsense restrictions'

(Newser) - Following Saturday’s tragic shootings, the Pima County sheriff referred to Arizona as “the Tombstone of the United States,” a clear reference to the silver-mining town that played host to the OK Corral shootout some 130 years ago. "The irony of (his) remark," writes Katherine Benton-Cohen...

In Arizona, a Fresh Battle Over Gun Laws

The state's laws are among the weakest in the nation

(Newser) - Charles Heller doesn't travel light. The secretary of the Arizona Citizens Defense League can be found carrying two handguns (at least) at all times. He has another in his car door, and more in a safe bolted into his trunk. "What happened at the Safeway plaza shows why it's...

Chicago Rushes New Gun Ban Into Place

Unanimous vote comes in wake of US Supreme Court ruling

(Newser) - Wasting little time after the US Supreme Court threw out the city's gun ban , Chicago aldermen today voted unanimously to institute new gun regulations. By a 45-0 vote, the lawmakers passed laws considered the nation's strictest, and they weren't coy about their motivation. "No Supreme Court judge could live...

Mayor Daley Proposes New Gun Rules for Chicago

His ordinance would again be the nation's strictest

(Newser) - Chicago's Mayor Daley wasted no time in proposing a new ordinance to regulate guns in Chicago. He hopes it will comply with the guidance provided by the Supreme Court Monday when it overturned Chicago's existing gun ordinance. As with the old law, Chicago's new one would be the strictest in...

Texas Lobbyists Get Gun Permits to Avoid Lines

They can skip the metal detectors at the state capitol

(Newser) - Probably one or two Texas jokes applies to this one: Most of the state's lobbyists are signing up for permits to carry concealed weapons, reports the Houston Chronicle . They're not angry or afraid—they're just tired of waiting in long lines at newly installed metal detectors for visitors to the...

States Are Going Crazy, as Well as Broke
States Are Going Crazy,
as Well as Broke
gail collins

States Are Going Crazy, as Well as Broke

Arizona and Oklahoma are leaders in both insanity and insolvency

(Newser) - The Tea Partiers may be up in arms over the federal government meddling in their lives and not being able to balance its books, but Gail Collins points out that it's the states that are going into overdrive passing wacky laws (hello, Arizona, Oklahoma!) and whiffing on budget cuts...

Supreme Court Seems Poised to Weaken Gun Bans

Scalia, others, suggest they're ready to strike down cities' rules

(Newser) - The Supreme Court suggested today it will strike down US cities' outright bans on handguns, a ruling that could establish a nationwide ownership right fervently sought by gun advocates. But the justices indicated less severe limits could survive, continuing disputes over the "right to keep and bear arms."...

Obama Presidency a Surprise Boon to Gun Owners

States loosen laws as expected gun control push fails to arrive

(Newser) - New laws allowing weapons in bars, national parks and Amtrak trains were probably the last thing gun-rights advocates would have expected from the Obama administration. But that's exactly what's happened, as the president stays largely silent on the gun issue while states bracing for a pro-gun-control agenda from Washington rush...

Pistol-Packin' Visitors Now Allowed in National Parks

Congress ditches federal gun restrictions

(Newser) - Be extra nice to the people you meet in Yellowstone—it's now legal for visitors to carry loaded, concealed guns there and in other national parks. Congress has stripped federal firearms restrictions in the parks, leaving limits up to the states where they're located. For nearly a century, the National...

Burress Indicted, Faces 15 Years

(Newser) - Former New York Giants receiver Plaxico Burress was indicted on gun charges today in New York, where he accidentally shot himself in the leg with an unlicensed handgun in November, the Post reports. Burress is charged with two felony counts of criminal possession and one count of reckless endangerment, a...

Feds Nab Man Who Sold Gun to McNair Killer

Convicted murderer faces charges after parking lot transaction

(Newser) - ATF agents have arrested the man who sold the gun that killed Steve McNair, the AP reports. The suspect, Adrian J. Gilliam Jr., has prior convictions for murder and attempted robbery. He admits he sold a fully loaded 9mm pistol to McNair’s girlfriend in a mall parking lot 2...

Accident or No, Gunfire Gets Automatic Penalty: Supremes

(Newser) - The Supreme Court says accidentally shooting a gun during the commission of a crime should bring the same penalties as intentionally using a firearm. The high court today upheld the conviction and sentence of Christopher Michael Dean, who was arrested for trying to rob a bank in Georgia in 2004....

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