opinion polls

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Don't Let the Polls Dictate Your Vote: Rove
Don't Let the Polls Dictate Your Vote: Rove 

Don't Let the Polls Dictate Your Vote: Rove

Don't let the polls dictate your vote, writes Bush's brain

(Newser) - With the explosion of polls in this presidential election—almost as many national polls this month as there were during all of 2004—there's a real risk that polls themselves will drive behavior in the voting booth, Karl Rove writes in the Wall Street Journal, urging voters not to let...

The Election's Over&mdash;Except on Fox News
The Election's Over—Except
on Fox News

The Election's Over—Except on Fox News

Only network not dominated by polls is busy blasting Obama

(Newser) - With one week to go until the election, political coverage on TV "should probably come with a spoiler alert," writes Alessandra Stanley. With every poll predicting a major win for Barack Obama, terms like "touchdown favorite" and "near-insurmountable" have become ubiquitous on the networks. You...

Obama Up by 8 Points in Polls

But new Reuters poll finds lead shrinking as McCain hammers on economy

(Newser) - As John McCain's campaign appears to be foundering, Barack Obama's lead continues to grow, reports Bloomberg. The Democratic candidate was up 8 points over McCain in an average of 16 polls released during the last week. The previous week, Obama was up about 6 points. A single new poll released...

Obama Takes Big Leads in Big Ten Country: Polls

Crucial Midwestern battlegrounds show sizable advantages for Democrat

(Newser) - Barack Obama enjoys sizable leads in crucial Midwestern states, a Big Ten Battleground poll shows. Across Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota—home to the universities in the Big Ten Conference and key battlegrounds in previous elections—Obama leads John McCain by margins of at least 10%.

Poll: Obama Is Most-Liked Candidate Since Reagan

Palin's high negatives dragging down Mac

(Newser) - Barack Obama is the most well-liked first-term presidential candidate in 28 years, New York Times/CBS polls found. More than half of voters, 53%, have a favorable impression of the Illinois senator, a 10-point increase over last month. And though John McCain’s approval ratings held steady, voters with a negative...

McCain Sees Comeback; Tightening Race More Like It

Broader, old-school attacks bringing some GOP voters back to fold, but that's no surge

(Newser) - As supporters get increasingly giddy about Barack Obama’s persistent lead in the polls, advisers to John McCain charge the media is ignoring a comeback by their candidate, writes Chris Cillizza in the Washington Post. The McCain campaign credits a return to a traditionally Republican tax-based argument for some recent...

Poll: Americans Want More Regulation

70% say lack of oversight caused economic woes

(Newser) - What caused the financial and housing crises? Three-quarters of Americans think a lack of federal regulation played at least some role in current economic woes, and 90% characterize the economy as doing badly, according to a Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll. When asked about the most crucial financial focus for the...

McCain Ranks High With Military: Poll

Nearly 70% of career service members say he's their man in November

(Newser) - Career members of the military are nearly three times as likely to vote for John McCain for president in November as Barack Obama, reports the Military Times. In a survey of 4,300 subscribers of the Army Times, Navy Times, Marine Corps Times, and Air Force Times—mostly older and...

They Can Still Overcome a 6-Point Gap

(Newser) - John McCain and Sarah Palin are up against a 6-point political headwind these days, but that's no reason for them to give up, writes William Kristol in the Weekly Standard. Past tickets have overcome late deficits—Ford-Dole made up 20 points in 1976, though in a losing bid—and McCain's...

Obama Cracks Open Lead on Economic Fears

Poll finds Obama leading McCain by 9%; Palin approval ratings falling

(Newser) - Wall Street's worries are working in Barack Obama's favor, according to a new Washington Post/ABC News poll. The candidate has opened up his first clear lead of the race against John McCain, 52% to 43%, with much of the boost coming from voters who see him as more capable of...

Barr, Nader Each on 40+ States' Nov. Ballots

Best-known third-party candidates get 3.3% in polls, but experts say that may ebb

(Newser) - Voters in most states in the US will see Ralph Nader and Bob Barr on the presidential ballot, Politico reports. Nader made it in 45 states and the District of Columbia, though the independent missed Texas. Barr’s Libertarian bid made the ballot in 44 states. The two combined for...

Rove Says Palin Excitement Will Pass; Polls Agree

VP candidate's negatives up over last week

(Newser) - Excitement over Sarah Palin won’t last, Karl Rove told the AP last night. The Republican strategist said Palin was picked for “political” reasons, and acknowledged she was not the most qualified VP candidate available, although he feels she is ready for the job. Opinion polls support Rove on...

Obama Back on Top in 2 National Polls

McCain's Palin bounce is over

(Newser) - John McCain’s post-convention bounce seems to be fading a bit, as Barack Obama reclaims the lead in several polls. A new CBS/New York Times poll shows the Democrat up 48%-43% as independents have swung back his way. Also benefiting Obama are concerns about Sarah Palin, whose favorable ratings have...

World: It's Obama in a Landslide

Democrat beats McCain 4 to 1 in global poll

(Newser) - John McCain and Barack Obama are running neck-and-neck Stateside, but if planet Earth were casting votes for US president, Obama would be collecting his key to the White House. The BBC polled more than 22,000 people in 22 countries, who picked Obama over McCain by a margin of 4...

'Palin Factor' Levels Race
 'Palin Factor' Levels Race

'Palin Factor' Levels Race

McCain tied with Obama in latest poll

(Newser) - John McCain has erased Barack Obama's lead, transforming the presidential race to a statistical dead heat, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll. Obama's lead among women dropped from 10 to 4 points since August, which is largely attributed to Sarah Palin's popularity, reports MSNBC.

Palin Approval Runs Along Partisan Lines

Poll: VP pick creates sharp divides, making overall impact a wash

(Newser) - About half of the public had a favorable first impression of vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin, and that half consists primarily of Republicans, a new ABC News poll finds. This not-so-shocking divide mirrors the numbers on Joe Biden: his candidacy makes 22% of people more likely to support the Obama ticket...

Another Poll Confirms: McCain Closes Gap

(Newser) - Another poll, another batch of bad news for Barack Obama. A new NBC/Wall Street Journal survey says John McCain has cut Obama's lead by half in the last month and now trails only 45% to 42%. That slim margin makes the race a statistical dead heat. A flurry of other...

Obama, McCain in Dead Heat
Obama, McCain in Dead Heat

Obama, McCain in Dead Heat

Attack ads apparently pay off as Obama's rating slips

(Newser) - The race for the White House is a statistical dead heat, indicating that weeks of attack ads from the McCain camp may be working, the Los Angeles Times reports. A Times/Bloomberg poll found Barack Obama holding a 45% lead to John McCain's 43%, which falls within the poll’s margin...

Polls Indicate Landslide Election Unlikely

Obama lacking the late-summer numbers for a blowout

(Newser) - Despite a persistent surge of enthusiasm from supporters, current polls indicate that Barack Obama's numbers lack the telltale signs of a November landslide, Politico reports. In five out of the six postwar landslides—a victory of 10% or more—the winner was ahead by at least 10% at the end...

Why This Year's Pollsters Are Stumped

(Newser) - This year's presidential race is bamboozling many a pollster. Todd Domke looks at some of skewing factors for the Boston Globe:
  • Race: White voters might be reluctant to tell pollsters they oppose a black candidate. Tom Bradley, remember, led the polls for California governor but lost the race. Then again,

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