opinion polls

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Gallup Shows Biggest Obama Lead—Even as McCain Gains

Republican has edge among those most likely to vote, poll finds; Dem sees bounce

(Newser) - After a Gallup poll yesterday showed Barack Obama with his biggest lead to date among all registered voters, at 9%, a Gallup/USA Today survey out today has John McCain ahead among those voters deemed most likely to actually go to the polls in November. A rep for Gallup—which conducts...

VP Speculation About Pawlenty Mounts

Minn. gov in contention thanks to friendship with McCain

(Newser) - Tim Pawlenty is at or near the top of John McCain’s VP dance card, thanks in large part to the Minnesota governor's friendship with the candidate, the Boston Globe reports. Unlike Mitt Romney, Pawlenty simply gets along well with McCain, who's well known for his insistence on loyalty. A...

Jews Like Obama Far Better Than Lieberman, McCain

It's not even close

(Newser) - Despite Barack Obama’s much debated Jewish problems—and Joe Lieberman’s place of pride as unofficial Jewish spokesman—the Dem is viewed favorably by 60% of American Jews and unfavorably by only 34%, while the Independent scores 37% and 48% (McCain comes in at 34% and 57%). The numbers...

Obama Backers More Enthusiastic: Poll

Independents, however, appear to be losing interest in the election altogether

(Newser) - A new AP/Yahoo poll shows a bounty of enthusiasm for Barack Obama and a deficit for John McCain, the Boston Globe reports. Some key stats:
  • 38% of the Democrat’s supporters are excited by the election, while only 9% of the Republican's are.
  • Among Obama supporters, 16% say they could

Obama Rebuts Times Race Story—With Paper's Own Poll

Campaign takes issue with divided-country thesis

(Newser) - The Obama campaign has fired back at a front-page New York Times story, which concludes from a poll today that the Dem isn’t healing racial division. The campaign uses stats from the paper's own survey, Talking Points Memo reports. The article “ignores…some straightforward points from their data,...

Two National Polls: Obama Up 9, 8
Two National Polls:
Obama Up 9, 8

Two National Polls: Obama Up 9, 8

Age more of a problem than race

(Newser) - Barack Obama leads John McCain nationally in a new Quinnipiac poll, 50% to 41%, with huge advantages among female and young voters. The two split independents with 44% apiece, and McCain led 47%-44% among men and 49%-42% among white voters, the Boston Globe reports. Far more respondents said they were...

Poll: McCain Trails by 3 in Arizona

Libertarian Barr seen into GOP candidate's rightward flank

(Newser) - A new online poll shows Barack Obama leading John McCain 42%-39% in the Republican’s home state of Arizona. Libertarian hopeful Bob Barr is playing a sizable spoiler role, the Washington Independent reports, with 7% of Arizona voters giving him their backing—including 16% who call themselves very conservative. (Independent...

Obama Brings Change, McCain Seen as Old: Poll

In public's perception, good and bad for both presidential candidates

(Newser) - Asked to volunteer a single word about presidential candidates, a majority of Americans offer “change” or “outsider” for Barack Obama and “old” for John McCain, an AP poll finds. The Democrat is perceived as warmer and more empathetic; the Republican is seen as stronger and tougher. Obama...

What Early July Says About Early November

Independence Day poll numbers send mixed signals for 2008 race

(Newser) - Barack Obama currently leads John McCain 47% to 43%, but does that mean anything this early? Yes and no. Early July Gallup polls have correctly predicted the eventual popular vote winner in 10 of the last 15 elections, but they missed the mark in four of the last five. Politico...

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