Obama administration

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US Near Deal to Restart Mideast Talks

West will get tough on Iran; Israel will freeze settlements

(Newser) - In exchange for a tougher US and European line on a nuclear Iran, Israel is prepared to freeze the majority of settlement construction in Palestinian territory, paving the way for renewed Mideast peace talks, the Guardian reports. The groundwork—George Mitchell and Benjamin Netanyahu are expected to hammer out the...

Things That Really, Really Bug Obama

Missing family time, overzealous make-up artists rankle the president

(Newser) - Staffers say that “No Drama Obama” largely deserves his nickname. Nonetheless, there are ways to tick the president off. Politico lists his biggest pet peeves:
  • When aides schedule events that conflict with dad/daughter time.
  • People who try to get him to wear baseball gear from teams other than the

Medicare Is Dead—Long Live Medicare: Steele

(Newser) - RNC Chairman Michael Steele continued his simultaneous defense of and onslaught on Medicare today, writes Eric Kleefeld of Talking Points Memo. Dems are “proposing up to $550 billion in cuts or shifting of funds out of Medicare, and I don't know what that means,” Steele said on Fox...

US Deficit Soaring to $1.6T This Year

(Newser) - Here's the latest eye-popping number produced by the recession: $1.6 trillion. The White House and CBO today projected that figure as this year's deficit, reports the New York Times. While it would be the biggest since World War II, the figure is actually about $260  billion better than anticipated...

Cheney Blasts Obama for Torture Probe

(Newser) - Dick Cheney lambasted Barack Obama today for his decision to name a special prosecutor to look into Bush-era terror interrogations. The move raises “doubts about this administration’s ability to be responsible for our nation’s security,” he said in a statement. “The people involved deserve our...

Hannity Guest: I'm No Nazi—Obama Is

Gov't practicing Nazism 'almost line for line'

(Newser) - After a congressman compared health care protesters to “brown shirts,” a disabled Marine vet appeared on Sean Hannity’s show to refute the claim, saying the “Nazi” label was better placed on the Democrats, Gawker reports. “I don’t think it’s acceptable language that he’...

Just What Obama Didn't Need: a CIA Probe
 Just What Obama 
 Didn't Need: a CIA Probe 

Just What Obama Didn't Need: a CIA Probe

(Newser) - The White House was busily waging a do-or-die battle to pass health reform when it was suddenly handed exactly what it wanted to avoid: a polarizing battle about Bush-era tactics that President Obama has already condemned. Obama is attempting to remain above the fray as the administration insists that AG...

US Rep Headed to North Korea for Nuke Talks

Bilateral negotiations would be first directly between nations

(Newser) - The US diplomat in charge of North Korea policy will visit Pyongyang next month for the first bilateral nuclear negotiations between the countries, South Korea’s JoongAng Ilbo reports today. Amid signs from reclusive Kim Jong Il of a thaw in relations, Stephen Bosworth will lead a delegation that will...

Holder Launches Probe Into CIA Torture Allegations

(Newser) - AG Eric Holder today named a special prosecutor to investigate allegations of torture against CIA operatives who interrogated terror suspects during the Bush administration, the Washington Post reports. John Durham, who is currently probing the destruction of interrogation tapes, will look into fewer than 12 cases detailed in a CIA...

Ad Campaign Takes Death Panel Fight to Facebook

Targets Palin fans; 'tell her to stop lying'

(Newser) - A pro-health reform group is hitting Sarah Palin where she lives, the Plum Line reports—Facebook. Americans United for Change is running ads on the social networking site, where “death panels” got their start. The missives, targeted specifically at Palin followers of every stripe, ask users to “send...

Steele Changes Tune on Medicare Cuts

(Newser) - The RNC has joined the fracas over health care reform with a proposed “seniors’ bill of rights” that guards against Medicare cuts, ABC News reports. “Our seniors have really come under fire in the last few weeks,” says RNC chair Michael Steele—who backed Medicare cuts as...

Under Obama, It's the 'Summer of the Lobbyist'

'It Girl' emerges as health, climate, economy converge

(Newser) - Barack Obama the candidate railed against lobbyists' influence—but under his administration, the Washington movers and shakers are flourishing. With health care reform, the environment, and the economy in focus all at once, it’s the “Summer of the Lobbyist,” writes Manuel Roig-Franzia in the Washington Post. At...

Conservatives Out-Tweet Liberals
Conservatives Out-Tweet Liberals

Conservatives Out-Tweet Liberals

Early-adopting GOP Twitterati more organized, numerous

(Newser) - You might assume that Twitter, like most things having to do with the Internet, is dominated by liberals and “netroots” activists. But you’d be wrong, according to Johanna Neuman of the Los Angeles Times. John McCain hit the million-follower mark weeks before the White House did, and he’...

Justice Report Recommends Prisoner Abuse Investigations

(Newser) - A report by the ethics office of the Justice Department recommends reopening a dozen cases of alleged prisoner abuse, a move that would expose CIA employees to prosecution if it's determined they tortured terrorism suspects, reports the New York Times. Legal experts predict Attorney General Eric Holder will launch a...

McCain Kinda Defends Palin's 'Death Panel' Remark

Provision in health care bill opened the door to end-of-life rationing: McCain

(Newser) - John McCain offered qualified support for Sarah Palin’s notorious “death panel” comment—defending, at least, the substance of his former running mate’s remarks in an interview with George Stephanapoulos for ABC News: “Look, I don't think they were called death panels, don't get me wrong,”...

Health Battle Tests Obama Grassroots Group

Organizing for America struggles to become force for policy activism

(Newser) - For Jeremy Bird, deputy director of Organizing for America, the battle for health care reform takes the shape of the numerous meetings he’s had with discouraged volunteers across Wisconsin this weekend. The OFA network is smaller and underfunded compared with its campaign-era version, and volunteers feel “outshouted” by...

Is Obama's Afghanistan Turning Into LBJ's Vietnam?

Both presidents tried to push big home agendas during war

(Newser) - As the war in Afghanistan rages alongside President Obama’s sweeping domestic battles, he’s keenly aware of the dangers of becoming a modern-day LBJ, an insider tells the New York Times. Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society program at home was dogged by the Vietnam war, a historian says; Obama...

Chill Out, Liberals: Remember Last August?

Left feared disaster then—but they won in November

(Newser) - Angry opponents are spewing spittle at the Obama administration over health care and climate change, but progressives should chill out: After all, this has happened before, Ed Kilgore writes in the New Republic. Last August, liberals withered in despair when John McCain tied President Obama at the polls. Just...

Obama Urges Activists to Retake Health Care Debate

White House struggles to regain message control

(Newser) - President Obama urged the grassroots activists who helped him so much in the presidential campaign to do the same in the health care debate, Politico reports. “Now come on," the president told members of Organizing for America in a conference call today. "The best ambassadors for true...

Obama on Right-Wing Radio: 'We're Going to Get It Done'

(Newser) - President Obama brought his case for health reform to talk radio today, telling a largely conservative audience that a public option is only a small part of his goal and expressing skepticism that any deal with Republicans is possible. On the public option, "what we've said is we think...

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