Obama administration

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Poor Nations Pick Up Tab as Obama Woos Big Pharma

(Newser) - The Obama administration is thwarting poor countries' access to affordable drugs in order to win Big Pharma's support for health care reform, according to Doctors Without Borders and other NGOs. As the Los Angeles Times reports, governments from Asia to Latin America are feeling pressure from Washington on their use...

Michelle Can Be Obama's Best Weapon in Health Debate

(Newser) - The president appears oblivious to the pocket ace he’s holding on health-care reform, Josh Skolnick writes on the Stimulist: Michelle Obama. Here’s why the first lady should be injected into the debate:
  • Experience: At the University of Chicago, "her whole job was explaining medical decisions and health

Quietly, Israel Backs Off New Settlements

Netanyahu talks tough, but US pressure keeps building suspended

(Newser) - Benjamin Netanyahu has struck a hawkish tone on settlements since returning to the Israeli premiership, and his cabinet ministers insisted as recently as Monday that "there is no choice but to continue building." But quietly, his government has agreed to Barack Obama's demand to end new construction in...

Obama, Egypt's Mubarak Click at DC Meeting

Presidents cite 'positive steps' for Israelis, Palestinians

(Newser) - A meeting today between President Obama and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak signaled a thaw in relations between the two countries, the New York Times reports. Obama also spoke of “positive steps” that “could help to jump-start an effective process on all sides” in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. Mubarak,...

New AIG CEO's Salary: $7M
 New AIG CEO's Salary: $7M 

New AIG CEO's Salary: $7M

Figure makes a mockery of government's 'populist image': blogger

(Newser) - The new CEO of AIG is bringing home $7 million a year to restore the bailed-out firm to health, Bloomberg reports. Robert Benmosche will receive $3 million in cash and $4 million in common stock, a regulatory filing notes. “The cash component had to be enough to attract a...

Chicagoan 'Fesses Up to 'Joker' Poster

But Firas Alkhateeb isn't behind 'socialism' campaign

(Newser) - A 20-year-old college student from Chicago is the artist behind the now-famous image of Barack Obama as Heath Ledger’s Joker, the Los Angeles Times reports. Firas Alkhateeb made the image using Photoshop and Time magazine’s Obama cover when he was bored one day during winter break. It attracted...

Public Option a 'Must' for Health Care Reform: Key Dems

White House waffling worries progressives

(Newser) - Leading advocates for health care reform are concerned about the Obama administration’s apparent willingness to drop a government-run insurance program from the package in order to ensure the support of the Senate, the Washington Post reports. Prominent Democratic senators have voiced support for the public option, with John Rockefeller...

Obama to Vets: Afghan War Is 'of Necessity'

Prez also assures VFW confab that medical benefits won't change

(Newser) - President Obama defended the war in Afghanistan, spoke optimistically about Iraq, and tried to iron out misconceptions about health care reform today in a speech at a VFW convention, the Washington Post reports. “The insurgency in Afghanistan didn't just happen overnight. And we won't defeat it overnight,” he...

Israel Blames Emanuel for Mideast Policy

Push against settlements seen as betrayal by 'native son'

(Newser) - Israelis are none too pleased with the pressure the Obama administration is putting on them to halt the expansion of their West Bank settlements, but it’s not Obama they’re mad at; it’s Rahm Emanuel. The chief of staff has extensive personal ties to the country—“Israel”...

White House Calls Marriage Law Unfair to Gays

...but it's still defending DOMA in court

(Newser) - The Obama administration wants to give the Defense of Marriage Act the boot, the Justice Department said in court filings today, but that won’t stop the department from defending the law in court. The administration believes DOMA, which prevents federal recognition of gay marriage and denies gay federal employees...

Obama, Be Like FDR and Talk to Us
 Obama, Be Like 
 FDR and Talk to Us  

Obama, Be Like FDR and Talk to Us

(Newser) - President Obama should man up and talk straight to the American people about health care reform—just like FDR did when trying to pass Social Security, Nancy J. Altman writes in the Los Angeles Times. Roosevelt succeeded with that program against similar odds—opponents cried “socialism” and said it...

Palin Steps Up Attacks on Zeke Emanuel

Health adviser blasts 'misreading' as 'an absolute outrage'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's supporters wanted her to make some noise, and now it appears there's no stopping her. She used her Facebook page to criticize health care legislation again today, this time time going beyond death panels and singling out Rahm Emanuel's brother Zeke—a top White House health adviser—for...

Righty Pundits Cooked Up 'Death Panels'

False rumor tracks back months, to same old conservative voices

(Newser) - The stubborn false rumor that President Obama is planning to encourage euthanasia, or ration health care through “death panels,” may sound like the stuff of anonymous e-mail campaigns, but it actually came from comparatively mainstream conservative media outlets, the New York Times reports. The first whispers came way...

Clinton Urges Progressives to Solidify Power

But president, Congress need help cementing it

(Newser) - Political winds have shifted in America, says Bill Clinton: The country has “entered a new era of progressive politics which, if we do it right, could last 30 or 40 years,” the former president told liberal Internet activists at a convention in Pittsburgh. But first, he told Netroots...

Geithner: Wall Street Is Safe Again

(Newser) - The return of hefty profits on Wall Street doesn't mean that banks are returning to previous bad behavior, Tim Geithner insists. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, the Treasury secretary says the big banks are safer now because "they're running with much less leverage," greater liquidity,...

Webb Visits Burma, Will Meet With Junta Chief

(Newser) - Sen. Jim Webb arrived in Burma today and will meet with the leader of the country's junta this weekend, reports the New York Times. The Virginia Democrat will be the highest-ranking American official ever to meet Gen. Than Shwe; the White House said the senator was "not carrying a...

White House Pushes Against Reform 'Myths'

Grassley says death panel language gone from Senate bill

(Newser) - The White House has chosen to fight fire with fire in its battle for health care reform, the Washington Post reports. An email from David Axelrod posted on the White House web site expresses bafflement at the "lies and distortions" of opponents. Axelrod, whose email went up after Sarah...

Birther Queen Has Some Bees in Her Bonnet
Birther Queen Has Some Bees in Her Bonnet

Birther Queen Has Some Bees in Her Bonnet

Taitz shares theories on Obama (he's gay), conspiracies, flu shots

(Newser) - President Obama or one of his operatives has tried to kill birther leader Orly Taitz many times—according to Taitz. The lawyer/dentist/real estate agent gives Gabriel Winant of Salon an earful of accusations, including:
  • Obama may have had his gay lovers killed. Taitz says a few homosexuals from Obama’s

Better Health Care Models Already Exist—in the US

Many areas are already putting patients before profits

(Newser) - If you know where to look, “better, safer, lower-cost care is within reach”—in the US, a quartet of health-policy superstars writes in the New York Times. The four doctors reviewed 306 government-defined regions of the country and found 74 that boasted low or declining Medicare costs and...

Feds Tour Mich. Prison Eyed as New Gitmo

(Newser) - Obama administration officials are traveling to Michigan today to visit a maximum-security prison that could be used to hold some or all of the 229 terrorism suspects now at Guantanamo Bay, reports the Detroit News. Members of the Defense, Justice, and Homeland Security Departments are all touring the facility. Local...

Stories 901 - 920 | << Prev   Next >>