Obama administration

Stories 1521 - 1540 | << Prev   Next >>

Economists Rate Obama, Geithner: 'F'

Obama, Geithner score poorly in survey; Bernanke does better

(Newser) - Barack Obama retains high approval ratings with the public, but a panel of economists had a far more negative view, reports the Wall Street Journal. A majority of 49 economists polled said they were dissatisfied with the president's economic policies. Asked to score his tenure out of 100, economists gave...

Geithner Urges G20 to Pump Up Global Economy

Treasury seeks billions to help IMF prop up struggling nations

(Newser) - Tim Geithner is calling on the other G20 nations to help the US get the global economy back on its feet, the Washington Post reports. The Treasury secretary, who leaves for a G20 summit tomorrow, said in a briefing yesterday the administration plans to ask Congress for another $100 billion...

Ex-NYC Health Chief Picked to Head FDA

Bioterror expert tapped for tough task of reforming agency

(Newser) - Bioterror expert and former New York City health commissioner Margaret Hamburg has been picked to head the FDA, insiders tell the Washington Post. Hamburg—who still must be confirmed by Congress—will be taking charge of an agency shaken by a series of high-profile failures that many lawmakers say is...

Obama Can't Blame Bush for His Economic Recklessness

President has raised taxes when business needs a break

(Newser) - Everyone loves a scapegoat. The American people have Wall Street fat cats, and President Obama has George W. Bush, writes David Harsanyi for the Denver Post. While Obama, "in a superbly eloquent and inspirational pitch, always reminds us that nothing is his fault," Harsanyi gripes, "nearly every...

Moderate Dems Balk Over Obama Deficit
Moderate Dems
Balk Over
Obama Deficit

Moderate Dems Balk Over Obama Deficit

Right wing of the president's party will fight to shave budget

(Newser) - Barack Obama may be president, but it’s Congress that passes the budget, and moderate Democrats are the ones holding the keys to the federal treasury, reports Time. Obama’s 2010 budget calls for $3.6 trillion in federal spending. And though deficit-hawks appreciate the president’s honest numbers (in...

Tax Hike Raises Ire of Small Manufacturers

Obama plan hits hard, business owners who reinvest profits say

(Newser) - Small-business owners aren’t big fans of President Obama’s plan to let the Bush tax cuts expire in 2011, and they’re making themselves heard on Capitol Hill, Politico reports. Many small businesses file taxes as individuals, and they fall well beyond the $250,000 income threshold. The White...

Obama Puts Brakes on Contractors
Obama Puts Brakes on Contractors

Obama Puts Brakes on Contractors

Bush's 'market-based' government hasn't been cheaper or better

(Newser) - President Obama slipped an important policy change under the radar last week, saying government needs to make “a real choice between investments that are designed to keep the American people safe, and those that are designed to make a defense contractor rich.” Thomas Frank was listening, and he...

Pro-Choice Obama Exploits Sebelius' Catholicism
Pro-Choice Obama Exploits Sebelius' Catholicism

Pro-Choice Obama Exploits Sebelius' Catholicism

(Newser) - President Obama is enacting a ghastly brace of pro-choice policies, including weakening "conscience protections" for doctors and adopting the “most radical possible option” on stem cell research, Michael Gerson writes for the Washington Post. And enlisting a Catholic—HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius—to help implement his agenda “...

Seattle's Top Cop Picked for Drug Czar

Kerlikowske viewed as reformer, with personal experience of drugs' "devastating effects"

(Newser) - President Obama will officially nominate Seattle Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske to be drug czar today, reports the Seattle Times. Though the job is being demoted from its Bush administration Cabinet status, Kerlikowske will have “a direct line to the president and vice president,” says an official. Drug law...

Obama Creates White House Women's Council

Panel will help coordinate Cabinet-level policy on women's issues

(Newser) - President Obama will sign an executive order today creating a White House panel to advise on women's issues, the Washington Post reports. Senior adviser Valerie Jarrett will head the White House Council on Women and Girls, which will be tasked with coordinating government policy regarding women and families. A similar...

Obama's Clinton Retreads Followed Voters Leftward
Obama's Clinton Retreads Followed Voters Leftward

Obama's Clinton Retreads Followed Voters Leftward

Seemingly centrist appointments have not produced a centrist government, Douthat writes

(Newser) - When Barack Obama announced his Cabinet appointments, conservatives and liberals alike looked at the numerous Clinton veterans and wondered if Obama the president would be much more centrist than Obama the candidate. Now, “Obama is proposing the most thoroughgoing transformation of domestic policy offered by any President since Reagan,...

Howard Dean: Dems Must Not Cave on Health Care

(Newser) - Howard Dean didn't get the health cabinet post he wanted, and doesn't want the job that's open—surgeon general—but is pushing President Obama's health-care plan just the same, the Washington Times reports. "Democrats can’t cave," says the former doc. Obama’s plan is "perfect,"...

US Can Turn 70% of Afghan Taliban: Biden

Largest group of insurgents just hired mercenaries, VP says

(Newser) - A majority of the Taliban fighters in Afghanistan are just hired guns whose loyalties could be bought by the US, Joe Biden said today. “Five percent of the Taliban is incorrigible, not susceptible to anything other than being defeated,” the vice president said. “Another 25% or so...

Obama Foreign Policy Takes Cue From Aretha

US is right to show some R-E-S-P-E-C-T, says Rachman

(Newser) - Aretha Franklin gave a roaring performance at Barack Obama's inauguration in January—and maybe, writes Gideon Rachman, she's had a bit of influence on his foreign policy. "R-E-S-P-E-C-T" has been the guiding principle for the new administration's rhetoric and engagements with Iran, Iraq, Russia, and China. Neocons might see...

New White House Tougher on Trading Partners

Trade nominee vows renegotiated pacts, tougher enforcement

(Newser) - The Obama administration is taking a harder line with trading partners, reworking policy to  emphasize priorities from unemployment at home to climate change, the Washington Post reports. The White House will seek to renegotiate trade deals with South Korea and Colombia and will demand broad concessions from other countries at...

Obama Quashes Bush Signing Statements

(Newser) - President Obama today told government agencies to ignore George W. Bush’s signing statements, but has not sworn off the practice for his own administration, Politico reports. The statements, written when the president OKs a bill but disagrees with certain provisions, are often followed as if they were law. Spokesman...

Nancy Reagan Lauds Obama on Stem-Cell Ban

Prez pays tribute to Chris, Dana Reeve in overturning ruling

(Newser) - Barack Obama lifted the Bush administration’s ban on stem-cell research today amid criticism from congressional Republicans but admiration from one Nancy Reagan, Politico reports. Lifting the ban “will now make it possible for scientists to move forward,” the former first lady said in a statement. “I...

Obama Brings Ethnic Media Into Loop
Obama Brings Ethnic Media
Into Loop

Obama Brings Ethnic Media Into Loop

Latino, black outlets see better access to White House

(Newser) - From phoning Hispanic radio hosts to appearing on Telemundo, President Obama has shown a willingness to connect with the Latino community many feel his predecessor lacked. And while Obama’s first print interview as president was with Black Enterprise magazine, the White House and ethnic media outlets are approaching this...

Obama Auto Team in Detroit Considering $22B More in Aid

GM and Chrysler, both facing collapse, woo more taxpayer dollars

(Newser) - With the specter of bankruptcy looming over General Motors and Chrysler, President Obama’s auto team is in Detroit today as it considers whether to give the companies $22 billion more in bailout cash, the Wall Street Journal reports. The field trip will include visits to production and engineering facilities...

Stimulus Not Big Enough to Save Us: Krugman
Stimulus Not Big Enough to Save Us: Krugman

Stimulus Not Big Enough to Save Us: Krugman

Obama's economic policy is falling behind the curve

(Newser) - Pundits are constantly complaining that Barack Obama’s stimulus is too big and too ambitious, but Paul Krugman has a different complaint: It’s too small. Obama’s promise that the bill will create or save 3.5 million jobs by 2010 “looks underwhelming to say the least,”...

Stories 1521 - 1540 | << Prev   Next >>