Obama administration

Stories 1541 - 1560 | << Prev   Next >>

Axelrod Still Obama's Guardian, Attack Dog

Strategist turned senior adviser enjoys unparalleled access

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s coterie has grown substantially since taking office, but nobody has as much access as David Axelrod, campaign strategist turned special adviser. Though he spends his days fine-tuning every speech, poring over polls, and orchestrating political battles, the New York Times reports, Axelrod is wary of any comparison...

Obama Team Pushes for Global Stimulus, Euros Resist

Worldwide spending plan has fans in China, detractors in Europe

(Newser) - The Obama administration will press for a global stimulus at next month's G20 conference in London, setting up a possible showdown with European nations wary of further deficits, reports the Wall Street Journal. US officials, supported by Britain and China, say that more public spending is needed to reverse the...

Obama's Cabinet Picks Open Door for GOP Comeback

(Newser) - Republicans have found a glimmer of hope for the 2010 elections and it’s all thanks to one man: Barack Obama. In assembling his high-powered Cabinet, the president has plucked rising Democratic stars out of several now-competitive races, the LA Times reports. Ken Salazar’s appointment throws his Colorado seat...

Now is Kennedy's Chance for Health Reform

'Stars are better aligned' with friendly president, business community

(Newser) - Recent praise of Ted Kennedy has “the feeling of a grand farewell,” but don't bury the cancer-stricken senator just yet, Eleanor Clift writes in Newsweek. Far from it—the liberal lion is "burning up the phone lines" as the third and best shot at enacting his cherished...

Hillary Reprises Star Role in Her Third Act

First lady, senator duties prepared her well for State job

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton showed off her "substantive and unspectacular" side on her trip to the Middle East this week, writes David S. Cloud in Politico. Hearkening back to her early days in the Senate, she impressed colleagues by chipping away at details, figuring out how to play her new role....

Obama Defends Bush 'Torture Memo' Author

Yoo case should be up to executive, Congress, Justice Dept argues

(Newser) - President Obama’s Justice Department is defending a Bush official being sued over his interrogation memos, ABC News reports. Lawyers for Jose Padilla, who was sentenced to 17 years in jail for conspiring to support Islamist extremists, are arguing in court that John Yoo’s memos were behind Padilla’s...

With Talks, US Looks to Split Taliban

Experts push for controversial negotiations

(Newser) - The idea of negotiating with the Taliban may seem absurd to many Americans—but experts are increasingly encouraging the Obama administration to talk with some of the group’s low-ranking members, writes Helene Cooper in the New York Times. Such a strategy could help divide the Taliban by targeting insurgents...

Obama Looks to Curb Mexican Drug Violence

President powwows with envoy, may offer US military support

(Newser) - President Obama met yesterday with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Mike Mullen, recently returned from Mexico City, with an eye toward offering US military and intelligence support to Mexican forces as they battle a tidal wave in drug-related violence, CNN reports. The meeting followed reports of new bloodshed: A US...

Hey, Obama: Centrist Opposition Is Stirring

(Newser) - Be careful, President Obama. Your poll numbers are high, but political danger lurks, writes Fred Barnes in the Weekly Standard. The moderate candidate has shifted left as president, just as Bill Clinton did to his own detriment, and an "embryonic" centrist-right opposition is stirring. “Obama may be fostering...

Diplomacy? In Turkey, Clinton Dishes on Love

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton had some serious business in Turkey today, but a stop at a talk show revealed a gushier side, Reuters reports. When asked about the "last" time she fell in love, she proved her diplomatic mettle. “It was so long ago, with my husband,” she said,...

We May Need a Bigger Stimulus, Say Analysts
We May Need a Bigger Stimulus, Say Analysts

We May Need a Bigger Stimulus, Say Analysts

(Newser) - The lousy unemployment numbers released this week—and they're bound to get worse before they get better—cast the effectiveness of the Obama administration’s fiscal plans into doubt, analysts say. The stimulus package intended to “save or create” 3.5 million jobs now has to keep up with...

Troops See 'Endgame' in Iraq
 Troops See 'Endgame' in Iraq 

Troops See 'Endgame' in Iraq

Trials still ahead, but future looks bright

(Newser) - As the sixth anniversary of the war in Iraq draws near, a US captain sums up the state of American affairs to Steven Lee Myers of the New York Times: "We're in the endgame now." Though most troops won't be home until 2010, the war is effectively over...

US Talks With Syria; Obama to Visit Turkey

(Newser) - Talks are underway between two US representatives and Syrian officials in Damascus, Hillary Clinton said today. The officials arrived in the capital today and sat down with Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem. Jeffrey Feltman, the top State Department envoy on the Mideast, said the conversation was "very constructive,"...

Obama to End Stem-Cell Ban Monday

(Newser) - President Obama will overturn the Bush administration’s ban on federal funding for stem-cell research Monday, Time reports. The move fulfills a campaign promise and Obama’s pledge to bring science back to the fore in America, and will precede legislation expected later this year preventing future presidents from banning...

Geithner Takes Hit as 2 Treasury Picks Pull Out

Candidates for deputy, international affairs stick to old jobs

(Newser) - Two leading candidates for top Treasury jobs have dropped out of the running in a setback for secretary Tim Geithner, Reuters reports. Former Securities and Exchange commissioner Annette Nazareth had been in line to be deputy secretary, but withdrew to stick with her private practice. Geithner’s pick for international...

On Fox, Beck Profits With Doomsday Scenarios

New pundit's ratings up in Obama admin

(Newser) - On Fox News, Glenn Beck is pushing the apocalypse—and it’s working out nicely for him, the Los Angeles Times reports. Beck’s new show averaged 2.2 million viewers during February, double the number attracted by the time slot last year. Why does Beck think the Obama administration...

Obama 'Dithering' on Bank Rescue: Krugman
Obama 'Dithering' on Bank Rescue: Krugman

Obama 'Dithering' on Bank Rescue: Krugman

Toxic asset plans just aren't going to work

(Newser) - Barack Obama has repeatedly said that bold action is needed to save the financial system, and he’s probably right, writes Paul Krugman in the New York Times. So it’s a shame he isn’t taking any. “The reality is that when it comes to dealing with the...

Obama's Slow Vetting Leaves Agencies Empty, Stymied

Treas. secretary swamped with little help amid crisis

(Newser) - The Obama administration’s painstaking vetting of nominees for important positions has left many lower-level posts unfilled at a time of crisis, NPR reports. Some agencies lack appointees below Cabinet level—meaning, for example, that Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner is swamped as “pretty much the only Obama appointee with...

White House Responds, With Civility
White House Responds,
With Civility

White House Responds, With Civility

Brooks still hates the budget, but he applauds new tone

(Newser) - In the Bush years, publishing a New York Times op-ed criticizing the White House could get your wife outed as an undercover CIA agent. But when David Brooks wrote earlier this week that the 2010 budget was too liberal, the Obama administration was much gentler—he got calls from four...

US Inviting Iran to Afghanistan Meeting

Rejecting Bush approach, she wants Tehran at conference table

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton has announced the US is inviting Iran to a major conference on Afghanistan this month, setting up the first possible face-to-face meeting between Tehran and the Obama administration. The secretary of state said at a NATO meeting in Brussels that Iran could play a critical role in stabilizing...

Stories 1541 - 1560 | << Prev   Next >>