Obama administration

Stories 1701 - 1720 | << Prev   Next >>

Homeless Woman's Plea Brings Offers of Help

Homeless woman helped after asking Obama at rally

(Newser) - A homeless woman who raised her hand during President Obama’s visit to Fort Myers did so because she needed help. But Henrietta Hughes probably didn’t expect to become the “face of the economic crisis,” as one brand-new website dedicated to the 61-year-old’s plight declared, CNN ...

Obama Campaign Advisers Left Out in the Cold

Members of foreign policy team passed over for more center-right candidates

(Newser) - Prominent advisers to presidential candidates can usually count on having their pick of administration jobs after the campaign. Not so with candidate Obama's foreign policy team, most of whom shaded to the left, the LA Times reports. It stems from the president's decision to give the three top national security...

Obama Is Acting Like an Amateur—or a Candidate

Lack of experience might matter after all

(Newser) - The stuttering start of Barack Obama’s presidency has been a regular amateur hour, writes Kathleen Parker of the Washington Post. He’s failed to assert his authority on the stimulus, apologized for other people’s tax mistakes, and even held bizarre campaign-like events in Indiana and Florida. “Absent...

Peace Is Big Loser in Israeli Election
 Peace Is Big Loser 
 in Israeli Election 


Peace Is Big Loser in Israeli Election

(Newser) - The indecisive Israeli election will likely produce weeks of wrangling and coalition building, frustrating both Israelis and the Obama administration, which had hoped for an immediate partner in Mideast peace talks, Time reports. Though Tzipi Livni’s centrist Kadima party slightly edged out Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing Likud, he is...

It's Been 3 Weeks, Not 4 Years
It's Been
3 Weeks,
Not 4 Years

It's Been 3 Weeks, Not 4 Years

A rocky stretch this early won't define Obama's presidency

(Newser) - Stop worrying. “Sure, President Obama had a lousy week. A week is not a presidency.” In fact, writes Ruth Marcus in the Washington Post, despite Tom Daschle's withdrawal and the bumpy rollout of the stimulus, Obama is outperforming any reasonable standard. He’s signed major laws on pay...

Geithner's Not Reassuring Anyone
 Geithner's Not 
Opinion Roundup

Geithner's Not Reassuring Anyone

They're not buying it, Tim

(Newser) - The financial world was desperate for answers yesterday, but what Timothy Geithner delivered “was a work in progress,” says the Washington Post editorial board, “more a concept than a plan, really.” It was like “Geithner at the Improv,” the Wall Street Journal agrees. Markets...

Conservative PAC Puts GOP Stimulus Backers 'On Notice'

Three senators face conservative wrath

(Newser) - So much for bipartisanship. A conservative political action committee is pledging to support primary challenges to the three Republican senators who backed the compromise economic stimulus package, CNN reports. It's the right wing’s latest public show of dissatisfaction with Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine and Arlen Specter...

Huckabee Rips 'Unholy' Plan
 Huckabee Rips 
 'Unholy' Plan 

Huckabee Rips 'Unholy' Plan

Cites ban on funds for religious schools

(Newser) - The new stimulus package is out to undermine religion. That's what former Arkansas governor  and one-time presidential candidate Mike Huckabee has told supporters in an email, Politico reports. Shortly before the Senate passed the bill yesterday, Huckabee wrote that the $828 billion package is "anti-religious." He cites  provisions...

Brutal Day Puts Geithner on the Defensive
Brutal Day Puts Geithner
on the Defensive

Brutal Day Puts Geithner on the Defensive

(Newser) - It's safe to say the honeymoon's over for Tim Geithner. The Treasury chief—whose very appointment way back when gave the market a lift—spent all day on the defensive after unveiling the administration's economic plan, writes Emily Kaiser of Reuters. Wall Street tanked, interviewers dogged him with questions about...

Obama: 'No Easy Out' for Wall Street

(Newser) - Hours after the Dow plunged nearly 400 points on news of his administration's plan to overhaul the banking system, President Obama said Wall Street is apparently looking for "an easy out," ABC News reports. Problem is, one doesn't exist, he tells Nightline in an interview scheduled to air...

US Halts Bush Plan for Offshore Drilling

(Newser) - Interior chief Ken Salazar isn't quite ready to drill, baby, drill. Salazar said today that a last-minute Bush initiative opening up millions of offshore acres to oil drilling would be shelved pending a 6-month review, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. The policy affects much of the East and West coasts....

Stimulus: Home, Car Buyers Win, States Lose

Pay, bonuses restricted for employees of TARP firms

(Newser) - The $835 billion stimulus plan approved by the Senate today helps out home builders, manufacturers, and buyers of homes and cars, reports the Wall Street Journal. The bill allows manufacturers and construction firms to use any 2008 and 2009 losses to offset tax liability going back as far as 2003....

Senate Passes Stimulus Bill
 Senate Passes Stimulus Bill 

Senate Passes Stimulus Bill

(Newser) - The Senate passed its version of the $838 billion stimulus bill today, in a 61-37 vote, the Wall Street Journal reports. Three moderate Republicans—Susan Collins, Arlen Specter, and Olympia Snowe—jumped across the aisle to prevent a filibuster. Now the House and Senate must reconcile the differences between their...

Obama Rallies Support in Hard-Hit Fort Myers

'You have seen hardship,' Obama tells supporters

(Newser) - President Obama headed to Fort Myers, Fla., today to rally support for his economic stimulus plan, telling residents “when the town is burning, you don't check party labels. Everybody needs to grab a hose,” the Miami Herald reports. Obama picked Fort Myers because its county has the highest...

Take My VP&mdash;Please!
Take My VP—Please! 

Take My VP—Please!

Just 3 weeks in, jokes signal tensions may lurk beneath Obama's public praise of Biden

(Newser) - Only a few weeks in, and Joe Biden and Barack Obama are already sniping at each other half-seriously? That’s how it sometimes looks, the Los Angeles Times reports. After the VP  recently talked up the stimulus package’s chances of failing. Obama responded, “You know, I don’t...

Iran to US: We're Ready for Talks With 'Respect'

Ahmadinejad responds to US calls for change

(Newser) - As the Obama administration tries to overcome years of bad blood with Iran, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad today said his country is ready for talks “based on mutual respect and in a fair atmosphere,” the New York Times reports. “The new US administration has said that it wants...

Once-Genial Obama Comes Out Swinging
Once-Genial Obama Comes Out Swinging

Once-Genial Obama Comes Out Swinging

At first presser, president paints critics as behind the times

(Newser) - Barack Obama began his presidency with major overtures to Republicans, inviting three into his Cabinet and knocking back beer with House and Senate minority leaders at the White House. But yesterday he was in fighting mode, blasting opponents of the stimulus package as discredited and out of touch. Three weeks...

President Slams A-Roid

President Slams A-Roid

News of drug use 'tarnishes era'

(Newser) - President Obama has weighed in on the latest chapter of baseball's burgeoning steroid scandal, condemning Yankees star Alex Rodriguez for his use of performance-enhancing drugs and setting a bad example for children, reports CBS News. In his first prime-time news conference, Obama called confirmation of A-Rod's steroid use "depressing,...

Geithner Wins Tug-of-War for Hands-Off Bailout

Treasury secretary resists calls for firmer government intervention

(Newser) - Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has prevailed over top administration officials who sought tougher restrictions on financial institutions in the revamped bailout plan to be unveiled today, reports the New York Times. Geithner, pointing to failures in countries that adopted more interventionist measures, successfully resisted calls to dictate how the cash...

Obama Pushes 'Shovel Ready' Projects for Stimulus

$150 billion in plans ready to go across US

(Newser) - The US has 19,000 public projects ready to go, with the potential to infuse $150 billion into the economy and put thousands of people to work, NPR reports. President Obama is pushing for immediate approval of the $700 billion economic stimulus bill to start paying for the work, but...

Stories 1701 - 1720 | << Prev   Next >>