Obama administration

Stories 1721 - 1740 | << Prev   Next >>

Obama: We Can't Afford to Wait
 Obama: We Can't Afford to Wait 

Obama: We Can't Afford to Wait

(Newser) - Barack Obama flew to the Heartland today to make his latest pitch for the stimulus package in perhaps the hardest-hit city in the country. Speaking in Elkhart, Ind., which boasts the nation’s highest unemployment rate at 15.3%, Obama said he intended to keep his campaign promise to put...

New Bailout Plan Hinges on Private Investors

Treasury will set 'floor price' on distressed assets to lure buyers

(Newser) - The Treasury's latest plan to rescue the banking industry relies heavily on private-sector investors, the New York Times reports. The government will guarantee a floor price on the toxic assets weighing down banks’ balance sheets, encouraging hedge funds, private equity groups, and even insurers to buy them. The plan should...

Geithner Delays Bank Bailout Until Tuesday

Treasury Department focuses on pushing stimulus through Congress

(Newser) - The Treasury Department will wait until Tuesday to unveil the next bank bailout while lawmakers and President Obama debate their multibillion-dollar stimulus plan, the New York Times reports. “With record high job losses, and weakening economic forecasts, we’re focused on working with Congress to pass an economic recovery...

Obama to Broaden National Security Council Power

Prez will boost group's authority on wider range of issues

(Newser) - The decades-old National Security Council will undergo sweeping changes under President Obama, who is expected this week to issue a directive increasing its membership and broadening its authority, the Washington Post reports. The move is part of a strategy to modernize the agency and integrate supervision to cover a wide...

Hey, Obamaniacs: Here Are Your Answers
 Hey, Obamaniacs: 
 Here Are Your Answers 

Hey, Obamaniacs: Here Are Your Answers

Wait, bipartisanship means we have to listen to Republicans?

(Newser) - If you’re a card-carrying Obama fan, chances are “you’ve been feeling unstimulated” with the news of late, Gail Collins writes in the New York Times. But don’t worry, she has the answers to all your burning questions:
  • How could so many Cabinet nominees have tax problems?

Biden Vows 'New Tone' in Foreign Policy

In Germany, VP cites 'new tone in Washington'

(Newser) - Joe Biden offered an outline of "a new tone" in US foreign policy today, one that puts a priority on diplomacy over military force, Reuters reports. The US also will call on allies for help in handling world threats. “We will engage. We will listen. We will consult....

Slimmed-Down Stimulus Bill Headed for Tuesday Vote

Senate moderates lower price tag; Obama 'pleased'

(Newser) - After hammering out a bipartisan reworking of President Obama’s stimulus package, senators began debating the measure last night, will continue today, and will likely vote on it Tuesday, CNN reports. Moderates from both parties worked on the compromise in days of private meetings, shaving down a plan that had...

Obama Meets With 9/11 Families
 Obama Meets With 9/11 Families 

Obama Meets With 9/11 Families

President moves to reassure families over his plans for terror suspects

(Newser) - Barack Obama met yesterday with people who lost relatives in the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and the bombing of the USS Cole in an effort to reassure them about his plans for detained al-Qaeda suspects, McClatchy Newspapers reports. The president hugged some of the 40 attendees at the highly emotional...

'All Obama All the Time' Garners Mixed Reviews

(Newser) - You can’t miss President Obama these days, as he undertakes a media blitz that has watchers nodding and shaking their heads in equal proportion, Linton Weeks writes for NPR. “The president who promised to be transparent is actually omniparent—appearing all over tarnation.” Some see the saturation...

Turns Out, Bush Didn't Always Wear His Jacket

After Obama is ripped by ex-White House official, HuffPo digs up photos of informal Dubya

(Newser) - After a former White House staffer ripped Barack Obama for being under-dressed in the Oval Office, where President Bush required a suit and tie, the Huffington Post has photos of Bush jacketless in, you guessed it, the Oval Office. “There should be a dress code of respect,” Andrew...

Obama: Jobs Report Proves We Can't Delay

(Newser) - Barack Obama unveiled his Paul Volcker-led economic panel today and took the opportunity to make another forceful plea for his stimulus package, CBS reports. Today’s ghastly jobs report proved “the need for wise counsel and bold and immediate action,” Obama said. “It is inexcusable and irresponsible...

Daschle Defeat Can't Delay Health Reform
Daschle Defeat Can't Delay Health Reform

Daschle Defeat Can't Delay Health Reform

Because of recession, even more people need help now

(Newser) - It’s a pity Tom Daschle couldn’t stick around, notes the Economist, because his experience would be useful in navigating health reform through Senate straits. The recession is depriving more of care, and though President Obama’s short-term moves are good, a big fix is needed. Absent Daschle, “...

Critics Blast Obama's Zinni Flip-Flop

They call yanking of Iraq ambassador post sign of transition chaos

(Newser) - Remember those fat times, back in December, when competence and seamless coordination were back in town? Oh well. Joining the parade of minor appointment-related slip-ups is the apparent bait-and-switch pulled on retired Gen. Anthony Zinni, reports Politico. Zinni was told he had the job of Iraq ambassador—then the rug...

Obama Names Economic Panel, Volcker to Lead

Drawing on industry and academia, Obama hopes to avoid Beltway vacuum

(Newser) - The White House today named a team of economic advisers, led by former Fed chairman Paul Volcker, to help shape the economic recovery with voices from outside the Beltway, the Washington Post reports. With an initial term of 2 years, the White House Economic Recovery Advisory Board will add to...

Obama Blasts GOP on Stimulus
 Obama Blasts GOP on Stimulus 

Obama Blasts GOP on Stimulus

President ditches teleprompter; comes out swinging against critics

(Newser) - Barack Obama's speech to Democratic lawmakers last night sounded more like a campaign rally than a presidential address as he ditched his teleprompter to lay into the GOP, Politico reports. The president slammed Republican criticism of spending in his stimulus plan. "What do you think a stimulus is?" he...

Obama's Op-Ed Is 'Boilerplate' but Dead On
Obama's Op-Ed Is 'Boilerplate' but Dead On

Obama's Op-Ed Is 'Boilerplate' but Dead On

Klein: We need to move now on the stimulus package

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s Washington Post op-ed today arguing in favor of the stimulus is “a bit of a disappointment,” writes Joe Klein for Time. It’s "political boilerplate," and the president should probably stick to speeches. Still, that doesn’t change the fact that he's exactly...

Obama Seeks Common Ground on Abortion
Obama Seeks Common Ground on Abortion

Obama Seeks Common Ground on Abortion

President focuses on reducing unwanted pregnancies

(Newser) - President Obama is hoping a nuanced approach can soften the debate over one of the most contentious issues in America: abortion, writes Rob Stein in the Washington Post. Since taking office, Obama has lifted a Republican ban on funding international aid groups that provide abortion services, but also persuaded House...

Obama Is Selling It, But It's Not His Bill
Obama Is
Selling It, But
It's Not His Bill

Obama Is Selling It, But It's Not His Bill

President let Congress write stimulus, and probably regrets it

(Newser) - Barack Obama is working mightily to sell the stimulus bill, but looks have made one major mistake, Massimo Calabresi writes in Time: He let Congress write it. Obama aides let committee staffers draft the bill, relying on their legislative expertise. “They did a good job of really deferring to...

Masked Bandits Infiltrate 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

(Newser) - As President Obama settled in to his new home, a band of varmints rode in on his coattails, the Washington Post reports. One large raccoon and several smaller ones are roaming the grounds, according to the National Park Service, which is tasked with relocating the varmints. “The idea of...

Obama Losing Media Battle Over Stimulus
Obama Losing Media Battle Over Stimulus

Obama Losing Media Battle Over Stimulus

White House struggles with new restrictions in getting out its message

(Newser) - Barack Obama finds himself in an unfamiliar position: He’s losing a message war, Jeanne Cummings writes in Politico. Obama’s tightly controlled, tech-savvy campaign operation is still adapting to the White House’s more ponderous tool set. Republicans, meanwhile, “could practically sleep-walk through their attack plan” on the...

Stories 1721 - 1740 | << Prev   Next >>