term limits

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Biden: What's Happening With SCOTUS 'Is Not Normal'

Writing for WaPo , president says high court is in 'crisis of ethics,' vows to make reforms

(Newser) - In America, "no one is above the law. Not the president of the United States. Not a justice on the Supreme Court of the United States. No one." That's President Biden's assertion in an opinion piece for the Washington Post , where on Monday he vowed to...

In North Dakota, a Big Move on Congress Age Limits

Voters decide candidates can't turn 81 during House or Senate term; legal challenge is expected

(Newser) - Tuesday's GOP primary in North Dakota is now over, and the victors are celebrating. Nestled in with those announcements is one regarding a "high-profile initiative" that voters also passed: Candidates out of the Peace Garden State can't run for US Congress (so neither the Senate nor the...

Trump Suggests Serving 3 Terms
3 Terms

Trump Suggests Serving 3 Terms

Former president floats the idea in speech to NRA

(Newser) - Donald Trump might be warming to the idea of serving another two terms if he is reelected. In a speech to the NRA over the weekend, the former president suggested the premise:
  • "You know, FDR 16 years—almost 16 years—he was four terms. I don't know, are

Supreme Court Commission to Recommend ... Nothing

Members see risks to expansion and term limits

(Newser) - The first word from President Biden's commission charged with exploring changes to the Supreme Court was mostly about what the panel hasn't done. "The Commission did not attempt to discern whether the Court is beset by a crisis of legitimacy today, nor do we take a position...

New Bill Limits SCOTUS Terms to 18 Years

Democrats plan to introduce it next week

(Newser) - Under a bill House Democrats are preparing, Ruth Bader Ginsburg would have had to retire in 2011—and William O. Douglas, the longest-serving justice in Supreme Court history, would have stepped down in 1957 instead of 1975. The bill, which Democrats plan to introduce next week, limits the terms of...

Trump Retweets Call to Extend His Term

He says 2 years of term were 'stollen'

(Newser) - Article Two of the United States Constitution states that the president "shall hold his office during the term of four years"—but President Trump is apparently interested in making an exception. On Sunday, the president retweeted Jerry Falwell Jr.'s call for "reparations" for the Russia...

China Clears Way for 'Leader for Life'

Eliminates term limits, enabling Xi Jinping to rule indefinitely

(Newser) - China's rubber-stamp lawmakers on Sunday passed a historic constitutional amendment abolishing a presidential two-term limit that will enable Xi Jinping to rule indefinitely, reports the AP . The amendment upends a system enacted by former Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping in 1982 to prevent a return to the bloody excesses of...

China to Kill Term Limits for Xi
China to Kill Term Limits for Xi

China to Kill Term Limits for Xi

Ruling party moves to centralize power around Xi Jinping

(Newser) - China's ruling Communist Party has proposed scrapping term limits for the country's president, reports the AP , appearing to lay the groundwork for Xi Jinping to rule beyond 2023. The party's Central Committee proposed to remove from the constitution the clause that president and vice president "shall...

Ted Cruz: Here's How to 'Drain the Swamp'
Ted Cruz:
Here's How to
'Drain the

Ted Cruz: Here's How to 'Drain the Swamp'

He and Rep. Ron DeSantis call for congressional term limits

(Newser) - Donald Trump promised to "drain the swamp," and in the Washington Post today, Sen. Ted Cruz and Rep. Ron DeSantis have an idea for how to do just that: congressional term limits. When the 115th Congress convenes, Cruz (who is in his first term) and DeSantis (who will...

Jan Brewer: I'm Not Running for Re-Election

Arizona governor opts not to challenge state term limits

(Newser) - Jan Brewer made it official: She's not running for re-election as governor of Arizona. She had publicly flirted with challenging state term limits and running again, but dismissed the notion today at a press conference in Glendale, the Arizona Republic reports. "I’m saddened to be leaving this...

33 Years Later, Mugabe OKs Term Limits— for Successor

New constitution isn't retroactive, so he could serve another decade

(Newser) - What a mensch: After 33 years in political office, Robert Mugabe has changed Zimbabwe's constitution to impose a limit of two five-year terms on the president. Only, the rule doesn't apply retroactively, so the 89-year-old could still serve another decade as leader, Reuters reports.

Bill Clinton: Give Presidents a Third Term

 Clinton: Give 
 3rd Term 
in case you missed it

Clinton: Give Presidents 3rd Term

But not him, he tells Joe Scarborough

(Newser) - Bill Clinton thinks presidents should be able to serve more than two terms—not that he’s thinking of himself or anything. Clinton appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe this week to promote his new book, and in a brief exchange that caught Politico ’s eye was asked if...

Aging Cuban Leaders Will Consider Term Limits

Government needs fresh blood, says President Raul Castro

(Newser) - Most of Cuba’s political leaders are in their 70s and 80s, and there is no “reserve of well-trained replacements with sufficient experience and maturity,” said President Raul Castro yesterday. As a result, the government will consider implementing term limits, in an effort to bring in new blood....

Guatemala's First Couple Divorcing...

...so wife can dodge constitution and run for Alvaro Colom's seat

(Newser) - Guatemala's first couple appear to be trying to keep power in the family—by splitting up the family. President Alvaro Colom and wife Sandra Torres de Colom have filed for divorce "by mutual consent" to allow her to stand for election this fall to replace him, the Telegraph reports....

New Republicans Talk Up Term Limits

Half say they'll limit terms, support term limit legislation

(Newser) - In the first boost to the term limit movement in years, a host of new Republican lawmakers are promising not to overstay their welcomes. Roughly half of the more than 80 new GOP House members have promised to limit their tenures, as have several new senators, Politico reports; their targets...

Nicaragua's Ortega Rewrites Constitution Overnight

To give his buddies more time term in office

(Newser) - What do you do when your country’s pesky constitution won’t let your buddies have another term in office? Why, declare a national holiday, and then rewrite the darn thing while everyone’s vacationing, of course. That’s what Nicaraguan president Daniel Ortega did last week, reports the Christian ...

In New York, No One Matters But Bloomberg
 In New York, No One 
 Matters But Bloomberg 
the imperial mayor

In New York, No One Matters But Bloomberg

Political foes gone, power elite diminished, moneyed mayor calls all the shots

(Newser) - Say what you will about Michael Bloomberg—the perfect mayor for New York in a financial crisis or arrogant billionaire who's pretty much bought an unprecedented third term—above all, Chris Smith writes, he is “a one-man Establishment.” A perfect storm of his personal fortune, the vagaries of...

Obama Will Try to Rig a Third Term: Limbaugh

Barack, like Honduran prez, just wants to 'rule' for as long as possible

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh says President Obama condemned the military coup against Honduran President Manuel Zelaya in order to “lay a foundation for not being a hypocrite when he tries to serve beyond 2016,” RealClearPolitics reports. The army moved against Zelaya when he tried to eliminate term limits—“basically...

Honduran Coup an Opportunity for Obama
Honduran Coup an Opportunity for Obama

Honduran Coup an Opportunity for Obama

President should demonstrate US commitment to democracy: expert

(Newser) - The Honduran military coup overthrowing President Manuel Zelaya offers the Obama administration a chance to rehabilitate the battered reputation of the US in Latin America, Reuters reports. "This is a golden opportunity to make a clear break with the past and show that he is unequivocally siding with democracy”...

Honduras Plunges Into Crisis
 Honduras Plunges Into Crisis 

Honduras Plunges Into Crisis

Leftist prez clashes with army over referendum on term limits

(Newser) - An escalating political crisis in Honduras is threatening to turn violent, the Wall Street Journal reports. President Manuel Zelaya fired the nation's army chief after he refused to allow the military to distribute ballots for a referendum on changing the constitution to let the leftist leader serve a second term....

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