Michele Bachmann

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Pawlenty Won't Sign Iowa Marriage Vow

He joins Romney in rebuffing pledge backed by Bachmann

(Newser) - Tim Pawlenty released a statement today saying he wouldn’t be signing the “Marriage Vow” that got Michele Bachmann in so much trouble , the AP reports. Pawlenty said he supports “the core principles of the Family Leader’s Marriage Vow Pledge,” but that “rather than sign...

Bachmann's Iowa Lead Bigger Than It Looks

But race could still be upended by Rick Perry

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann’s 4-point lead over Mitt Romney in the latest Iowa poll might be even bigger than it looked at first. Dig deeper into the poll, and you’ll find that among the voters labeled “most attentive,” Bachmann is leading by a whopping 32% to 18%, Aaron...

Bachmann: Gay Lifestyle Is 'Personal Despair'

Candidate bares view in speech

(Newser) - If anyone is still confused about where GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann stands on gays, Gawker has discovered a quote that should settle the matter. "We need to have profound compassion for the people who are dealing with the very real issue of sexual dysfunction in their life, and...

Romney Rejects Controversial Marriage Pledge

Oath against gay unions is 'undignified and inappropriate,' says candidate

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is rejecting an anti-gay-marriage pledge concocted by an Iowa Christian group, becoming only the second GOP candidate—after Gary Johnson—to do so. The controversial 14-point pledge, already signed by Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum, calls on candidates to "defend and uphold" marriage as uniting one man...

Patient: Bachmann Clinic Told Me to 'Pray Away Gay'

Medicaid-funded Christian counseling urged 're-orientation'

(Newser) - A former patient of the clinic owned and run by Michele Bachmann's husband says he was urged to "pray away the gay" when he went for therapy there. He was told prayer could help him be "re-oriented" and "rid him of his homosexual urges," ex-patient...

Bachmann Overtakes Romney in New Iowa Poll

She leads 25% to his 21% in the state

(Newser) - Watch out, Mitt: Michele is a serious threat, at least in Iowa. In a new poll of likely caucus voters conducted by conservative news website the Iowa Republican , Bachmann is leading Romney 25% to 21% in the state. USA Today notes that in a Des Moines Register poll from about...

Bible &#39;Obey&#39; Edict Raises Issue for Bachmann Presidency
Bible's 'Obey' Edict Snarls
Bachmann Presidency

Bible's 'Obey' Edict Snarls Bachmann Presidency

Who would be in charge: Michele or her hubby?

(Newser) - "The Lord says be submissive. Wives, you are to be submissive to your husbands," Michele Bachmann has said. So if Bachmann believes wives should always obey their husbands, who would be in charge if she becomes president? Bachmann? Or hubby Marcus? That's what the Daily Beast wants...

'Marriage Vow' Slavery Quote Gets Bachmann in Hot Water

More hot water, that is

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann was already in hot water after signing a pledge that appears to maybe, sorta-kinda, call for a ban on porn . Now it turns out that same pledge included a controversial slavery-related clause in its preamble, forcing Bachmann to backpedal and the group behind the pledge to ultimately remove...

Bachmann Laughs Off 'Sex Appeal' Comment

'That sounds like good news to me'

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann isn't going to make a big deal about the comment from a Tim Pawlenty aide that her "sex appeal" is helping on the campaign trail. "Well, listen, I’m 55 years old. I’ve given birth to five kids and I’ve raised 23 foster...

Did Bachmann Just Call for a Ban on Porn?

She's the first to sign sweeping conservative 'Marriage Vow'

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann became the first GOP presidential hopeful to sign an extremely socially conservative pledge that might sorta call for a ban on porn. The pledge, which is being put forth by an Iowa-based group called The Family Leader, is ostensibly primarily about marriage; it’s called “The Marriage...

Pawlenty Aide Sorry for Bachmann 'Sex Appeal' Quip

'It was disrespectful,' says Vin Weber

(Newser) - A top adviser to former Minnesota governor Tom Pawlenty just played the gender card in the race for the presidency, and now he's sorry. Vin Weber conceded earlier this week that Bachmann would be tough to beat in Iowa. “She’s got hometown appeal, she’s got ideological...

Poll: Bachmann Closing In on Romney in NH

Gap is down to single digits after surge in Tea Party support

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is still the GOP's front-runner in New Hampshire, but Michele Bachmann has captured the momentum, according to Public Policy Polling . The Tea Party candidate has gained 14 points since April, and is now supported by 18% of voters polled, just seven points behind Romney. He has dropped...

Yes, There Are Tea Party Democrats

Not many of them, but they do exist

(Newser) - Think "Tea Party" and you'll probably think "Republican"—but it turns out Tea Party Democrats do, in fact, exist. But it's hard to say just how many, and harder still to gauge how much of an impact they have on elections, the Washington Post reports....

Twitterverse Titters Over 'Gay' Mr. Bachmann

Observers speculate he protests gay marriage too much

(Newser) - Political observers' gaydar is super-piqued by the intriguing Mr. Michele Bachmann, particularly because the therapist is so rabidly anti-gay. "It's pretty much a given that the most vociferously homophobic men are usually repressing something," chortles actor James Urbaniak . "But, oh Mary, Marcus takes the ever-loving cake....

Bachmann to Obama: I'll Find You a Job

... after I take yours

(Newser) - In between taking potshots at ObamaCare and the economy, Michele Bachmann had some words of comfort for President Obama yesterday: Not to worry, because after she kicks him to the curb next year, he won't have to join the ranks of the unemployed. "I want you to know,...

Bachmann &#39;Feels&#39; Right
 Might Just 
 'Feel' Right 


Bachmann Might Just 'Feel' Right

'Personal populist' is moving ahead of pack, notes Chris Cilizza

(Newser) - Forget the history bloopers and the messages from God —if Michele Bachmann "feels" right to voters, then she may have a shot at winning the Republican nomination. "The reality of presidential politics—and all politics—is that voters tend to make their decisions not on dry policy...

Bachmann: My Miscarriage Changed My Life

Candidate reveals tragedy, says it made her pro-life

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann today revealed what she described as a formative event in her life: a miscarriage she had after her second child. “It was devastating for both of us, as you can imagine if any of you have lost a child,” Bachmann told a South Carolina crowd of...

Bachmann Stole My Mom's Look: Bristol

In fact, 'a lot of women have done that the last few years,' she says

(Newser) - Attention: Red blazers are Sarah Palin's thing, OK? And anyone who wears them, especially if she also puts her hair up and dons glasses, is infringing on Sarah Palin's brand. So sayeth Bristol Palin, who recently discussed style-stealer Michele Bachmann with PopEater : "I think she dresses a...

Bachmann Hubby's Clinic Scored $137K From Medicaid

Subsidies run smack into Tea Party candidate's criticism of subsidies

(Newser) - A clinic run by Michele Bachmann's therapist husband has collected $137,000 in payments from a program lashed by the GOP presidential candidate: Medicaid. Those payments are on top of an additional $30,000 in government grant money for employee training at Marcus Bachmann's clinic. The clinic, which...

Tom Petty to Bachmann: Don't Use My Song

He asks her to stop playing 'American Girl'

(Newser) - Sure, she's been in a presidential debate and has a PAC and all that, but Michele Bachmann has now truly made it to the political big leagues: A rocker wants her to stop using his song. In this case, it's Tom Petty, who objected to the use of...

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