Michele Bachmann

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Michele Bachmann Is Not Crazy...
Michele Bachmann
Is Not Crazy...

Michele Bachmann Is Not Crazy...

But you are if you don't take her seriously: Mark McKinnon

(Newser) - The media would have you believe Michele Bachmann is a "flake"— see here for examples —but Mark McKinnon says anyone who buys into that is in for a big surprise. "Bachmann is not crazy, but the media are if they continue to view her as such,...

Michele Bachmann Gaffes: The Top 12
 Top 12 Bachmann Gaffes 

Top 12 Bachmann Gaffes

Needless to say, she's not doing well on PolitiFact

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann is, as the AP amusingly puts it, "one to watch—for inaccuracies ." Her gaffes have landed her a pretty awful score on PolitiFact , and have recently prompted her to fight back: She explained her John Wayne mix-up today on CNN and insisted she has "a...

Bachmann: Let's 'Look at' Minimum Wage

Republican hopeful maintains founding fathers fought slavery

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann still thinks minimum wage needs a review—and she says John Quincy Adams was a founding father. Noting that Politifact says she’s gotten more “facts” wrong than any other GOP hopeful, George Stephanopoulos asked her if she wanted to “clear up” some past comments, like...

Michelle Bachmann Confuses John Wayne With John Wayne Gacy
 Mixes Up 
 John Wayne, 
 John Wayne Gacy 

Bachmann Mixes Up John Wayne, John Wayne Gacy

Kicks off presidential campaign with historic blunder

(Newser) - John Wayne once said, "Talk low, talk slow, and don't say too much." It's advice Michele Bachmann might've been wise to heed today. The Tea Party congresswoman kicked off her presidential campaign today in her hometown of Waterloo, Iowa, with an emphasis on her roots....

Bachmann Announces 2012 Run

And, with 'home field advantage,' she does it in Iowa

(Newser) - It's official: Michele Bachmann is running for president. Of course, we already knew that, but the Minnesota congresswoman formally announced her plans today in Iowa, where she was born. “We can’t afford four more years of Barack Obama,” she said to the 300 or so who...

Wallace Apologizes for 'Flake' Question to Bachmann

'I didn't mean any disrespect,' says Fox host

(Newser) - Chris Wallace's interview with Michele Bachmann on Fox News Sunday is resonating in part because he asked her, "Are you a flake?" The host has since apologized. "I messed up. I'm sorry," he says in a post-show video, notes the Hot Air blog . "I...

Bachmann: God Wants Me to Run

But no specific word from on high about Bachmann federal subsidies

(Newser) - Who knew God kept tabs on GOP party politics? Apparently, he gives Michele Bachmann an inner "sense" about what office to seek when she consults him. "Did God tell you he wanted you to run for the Minnesota State Senate, or something like that?" Bob Schieffer asked yesterday...

Michele Bachmann: I'm a Serious Candidate
 See? I'm for Real 

Bachmann: See? I'm for Real

'People recognize that I'm serious,' candidate says

(Newser) - Michele Bachman is nipping at Mitt Romney's heels in Iowa, and she took to the airwaves today to trumpet that tidbit: “I am very serious about what I want to do. People recognize that I’m serious.” Chris Wallace didn't appear to take her seriously,...

Gingrich: Obama So Terrible Blacks Will Vote for Us

Gingrich doubles down on 'food stamp' president jab

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich once again called Barack Obama “ the food stamp president ” yesterday, and said Obama has been so bad for black voters that they could jump to the GOP. Last time Gingrich tried the food stamp line—in which he touts himself, by contrast, as the “paycheck...

Laughing at Bachmann Only Makes Her Stronger

People aren't voting for Bachmann, they're 'voting against us'

(Newser) - "Michele Bachmann has found the flaw in the American Death Star," Matt Taibbi writes in a long and (typically) profane profile of the Tea Party queen for Rolling Stone . "She is a television camera's dream, a threat to do or say something insane at any time,...

Bachmann Latest to Get Glitter Bombed

Sparkly attack largely misses its mark

(Newser) - Add Michele Bachmann to the list of GOP presidential hopefuls who have been "glitter bombed" by gay rights supporters, reports Politico . Bachmann was leaving the stage after a 40-minute speech yesterday in Minneapolis when a young woman approached the stage and threw glitter, but largely missed the congresswoman. “...

It's a Good Day for Bachmann, Ron Paul

He wins a straw poll, she wows conservative group

(Newser) - Ron Paul, Michele Bachmann, and Jon Huntsman had a pretty good day on the campaign trail:
  • Paul easily won the straw poll at the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans, reports CBS . It's not a huge surprise: Paul (612 votes) typically does well in such venues because of his

Michele Bachmann Signs Deal for Memoir

Congresswoman's book expected in the fall

(Newser) - The good vibes keep on rolling for Michele Bachmann. Fresh off the positive reviews for her debate performance, the congresswoman has signed a deal to write her memoir, reports the New York Times . The book (no title yet) is expected in the fall, and Wall Street Journal columnist John Fund...

GOP Field So Bad That Bush Looks Good

 GOP Field So 
 Bad That Bush 
 Looks Good 
EJ Dionne

GOP Field So Bad That Bush Looks Good

He at least had a moderate bone in his body

(Newser) - The latest GOP presidential debate gave EJ Dionne Jr. “an experience I never, ever expected,” he writes in the Washington Post : “I had a moment of nostalgia for George W. Bush.” Sure, Bush got us into two wars and exploded the deficit with tax cuts for...

GOP Candidates Steering Clear of Glenn Beck Israel Rally

So far, only Joe Lieberman, Herman Cain interested

(Newser) - Glenn Beck can't seem to get much traction on his upcoming political rally in Israel. So far, not a single leading GOP presidential candidate has expressed interest in attending the pro-Israel demonstration organized by the ousted Fox mega-mouth. As of now only former Democratic vice presidential contender Joseph Lieberman...

Debate Helped Rick Perry, Hurt Palin
 Debate Helped 
 Rick Perry, 
 Hurt Palin 
nate silver

Debate Helped Rick Perry, Hurt Palin

Why? Bachmann did well and Pawlenty didn't: Nate Silver

(Newser) - Acknowledging first that it's a little dicey to read too much into a debate so early in the process, Nate Silver ventures that last night's GOP forum might hurt the 2012 prospects of Sarah Palin and help those of Rick Perry, neither of whom took part. For Palin,...

Bachmann, Romney Score as Debate's 'Big Winners'

Bachmann impressed while Romney held firm, say pundits

(Newser) - Mitt Romney and, more surprisingly, Michele Bachmann looked like the big winners in last night's Republican debate in New Hampshire, analysts say.
  • Bachmann, who announced her candidacy during the debate , was "at ease and forceful without looking at all crazy or out-of-control," writes EJ Dionne Jr. at

Leno Or Conan? Debaters Field Personal Questions
 Leno or Conan? Debaters
 Field Personal Questions

Leno or Conan? Debaters Field Personal Questions

Bachmann picks both Elvis, Johnny Cash

(Newser) - Good gimmick, or bad? At the Republican debate in New Hampshire , CNN moderator John King occasionally departed from talking policy to ask GOP hopefuls a "this or that?" question.
  • To Rick Santorum: "Leno or Conan?" Leno, Santorum decided after a pause, "but I don't watch either.

GOP Hopefuls Target Obama, Not Each Other

Rivals seem united at New Hampshire debate

(Newser) - Seven rivals for the 2012 Republican nomination took to the stage in New Hampshire for a debate tonight, but their focus was on attacking President Obama, not trying to score points off each other. Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Tim Pawlenty, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, and Michele Bachmann—who...

Michele Bachmann Files Papers to Run for President

She announces during Republican debate

(Newser) - The Republican debate in New Hampshire generated some news early: Michele Bachmann announced she is running for president. "I filed today my paperwork to seek the presidency of the United States," Bachmann, the first woman to enter the 2012 race, told the audience. "I wanted you to...

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