Michele Bachmann

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Bachmann Farm Reaped $252K in Gov't Subsidies

Free-market fan is a closet welfare queen, writes Yasha Levine

(Newser) - Rep. Michelle Bachmann is one of the Capitol's most vocal opponents of socialized medicine—but she's happy to take government handouts for socialized dairy and corn, writes Yasha Levine. Records show that the Minnesota Republican's family farm raked in almost $252,000 in agricultural subsidies between 1995 and 2006, Levine...

Right-Wingers to God: Stop Health Care Bill

Republican congressmen join 'prayercast' opposing reform

(Newser) - Some Republican members of Congress joined Family Research Council members in Washington last night for a “prayercast” asking God to stop the health care bill. The hour-long event was streamed live on the web, and the hosts said people in churches and homes everywhere were praying along. “The...

Bachmann: 'I'm a Lovable Little Fuzz Ball!'

Says she just doesn't get why liberals don't like her

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann gave an interview to MinnPost in which she rails against the usual subjects with the usual hyperbole, but her response when asked why liberals hate her is memorable: "I don't know. I'm a lovable little fuzz ball! I have no idea what they would have to fear....

Bachmann, Palin to Address Tea Party Convention

Nashville to host ultra-conservative gathering February

(Newser) - Conservative heavyweights Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin will speak at the first-ever Tea Party Convention in February. Bachmann will give a breakfast speech, while Palin is scheduled for the keynote address at the Nashville event. Tickets to the weekend convention are $549, and that doesn't include accommodations at the Gaylord...

Stewart Catches Hannity Faking Video Footage

'If I didn't know better, I'd think they put two different days together'

(Newser) - Sean Hannity should know by now that Jon Stewart will go to the tape. The Daily Show host caught Hannity using old footage—from Glenn Beck’s 9/12 rally, no less—to make Thursday’s anti-health care bill rally appear to have, as Michele Bachmann and Hannity claimed, 20,000...

Bachmann Health Care Rally Draws Thousands
 Bachmann Health Care 
 Rally Draws Thousands 

Bachmann Health Care Rally Draws Thousands

Protesters will roam Capitol hallways to confront lawmakers

(Newser) - Thousands of health care reform protesters gathered in Washington today as part of Michele Bachmann’s “Super Bowl of Freedom.” Participants wielding signs like “Waterboard Congress” and chanting "kill the bill" congregated outside the Capitol to hear Bachmann, other GOP lawmakers, and even Jon Voight assail...

Bachmann Urges Uprising Against Health Reform

She calls for Americans 'by the carload' to descend on DC

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann wants Americans "by the carload" to come to Washington next week so she can lead them through the halls of Congress to oppose health care reform. "This is our liberty and tyranny moment," she told Sean Hannity on Fox yesterday. "This is about patriotism...

Bachmann Scores as Scourge of Dems
 Scores as 
 of Dems  

George Will

Bachmann Scores as Scourge of Dems

And she's the authentic voice of the GOP base

(Newser) - George Will shows the love (and shovels on the metaphors) to Michele Bachmann in today's column, lauding her for being an effective "burr under Democrats' saddles," even though she  is also a "petite pistol that occasionally goes off half-cocked." Will recounts Bachmann's impulsive decision to run...

Bachmann: 'Reckless Liar,' Rising Star

Rep's star rising on sheer controversy

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann thinks the administration is trying to eliminate the dollar. She’s refusing to fill out her census form, which, she notes, has been used to populate internment camps. And she’s suggested that Democrat-proposed privacy rules for school clinics could lead to abortion referrals for young girls. To...

Think Tank Taps Bachmann as 'Miss November'

Conservative group's calendar also features Prejean, Coulter

(Newser) - A conservative think tank's calendar of "Great American Conservative Women" features a relative newbie: Michele Bachmann. The Minnesota lawmaker, who was elected to Congress in 2006, appears in the Clare Booth Luce Policy Institute's calendar as "Miss November." The calendar also features Carrie Prejean, Michelle Malkin, and...

Bachmann: I'm Being 'Palinized'
 Bachmann: I'm Being 'Palinized' 

Bachmann: I'm Being 'Palinized'

Calls for supporters' help against 'liberals' scorn'

(Newser) - GOP Rep. Michelle Bachmann doesn’t want to be “Palinized”—that is, hammered with media attacks and “liberals’ scorn,” she writes in a fundraising letter to supporters. “Just as they did with Sarah Palin, the more I talk about the issues, the more they attack...

Meet the New Sarah Palin
 Meet the New Sarah Palin 

Meet the New Sarah Palin

(Newser) - With Sarah Palin gone, Democrats have penciled a new name atop their hitlist: Michelle Bachmann, the far-right Minnesota rep. who once called Barack Obama “anti-American.” Like Palin, Bachmann’s a fierce social conservative with a large family and an upper Midwestern accent. And, of course, she drives Democrats...

Dems Launch Site to Track Voluble Rep. Bachmann

DCCC site watches GOPer's weird comments

(Newser) - Perhaps tapping the perverse thrill liberals get from the sometimes-bizarre, ultra-conservative statements from Rep. Michele Bachmann, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has set up a website to monitor the Minnesota Republican, Politico reports. BachmannWatch.com points out past hits, including her suggestion that Congress be investigated for anti-American sentiment, and...

Dear GOP, Americans Are Just Not That Into You: Maher

It's time to move on; Republican obsessing getting creepy

(Newser) - The GOP is not coping well with loss. After a long, torrid affair with America, Republicans have gotten dumped, and they're hurting, writes Bill Maher in the Los Angeles Times. Now they’re going a little crazy, worrying about all the wrong issues, talking about secession and reeducation camps, throwing...

GOP's Bachmann Not Exactly Lying Low

Bachmann strays off message with new round of bizarre attacks

(Newser) - Controversial Congresswoman Michele Bachmann is making headlines again, despite promises to keep a low profile and stay on message. The Minnesota Republican infamously endangered her reelection last year by demanding an investigation of "anti-American" members of Congress. Now, she's drawing attention for warning of "nefarious activities" in...

Hannity Replaces Colmes With Rotating Roster

Sharpton sits in for premiere of new show

(Newser) - Sean Hannity’s coming back, and just because Alan Colmes isn’t around anymore doesn’t mean he can’t find a token liberal. In his new format, Hannity will have a panel of rotating members, reports Broadcasting & Cable. On Monday, Rep. Michele Bachmann will sit on the right,...

Bachmann Celebrates Obama Win
 Bachmann Celebrates
 Obama Win

Bachmann Celebrates Obama Win

Hails victory as 'tremendous signal' against racism

(Newser) - The congresswoman who suggested in a national television interview that Barack Obama has anti-American views is changing her tune. Minnesota Republican Michele Bachmann tells Politico she’s "extremely grateful that we have an African-American who has won this year," calling Obama’s victory ”a tremendous signal we...

Bachmann Holds on to Her Seat
 Bachmann Holds on to Her Seat 

Bachmann Holds on to Her Seat

Minnesota GOP rep hangs on after questioning patriotism of fellow lawmakers

(Newser) - Rep. Michele Bachmann survived her campaign near-death experience, narrowly holding on to her House seat in yesterday's election, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports. Bachman caused a furor 2 weeks ago when she charged not only Barack Obama but fellow members of Congress with harboring "anti-American" views  in a cable...

Bachmann Flap Leads to Poll Dip

Minnesota Rep. in statistical dead heat with Dem challenger after 'anti-American' gaffe

(Newser) - Republican Michele Bachmann is now trailing the Democratic challenger for her House seat, Minnesota Public Radio reports, with Elwyn Tinklenberg up 45%-43%. Bachmann’s recent comments about “anti-American” sentiment in Congress appear partly to blame; 40% of respondents said her remarks had made them less likely to vote for...

Why GOP Name-Calling Is Backfiring This Time

Americans aren't buying 'real America' comments: Greenwald

(Newser) - The spectacle of Republican politicians painting their opponents as anti-American is a familiar one, Glenn Greenwald writes for Salon, but three recent headline-making incidents show that something has changed. "The idea that any of them would apologize for insulting liberals or impugning their patriotism is simply unfathomable," he...

Stories 281 - 300 | << Prev   Next >>