Michele Bachmann

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Bachmann Rules House Wingnuts Index

Steve King, Louie Gohmert not far behind among fringe congressmen

(Newser) - A week after releasing its Senate Wingnut Index , the Daily Beast investigates wingnuttery in the House. Using a “semi-scientific” process to identify the most extreme members on both sides of the spectrum, the site ranks them:
  1. Michele Bachmann (R-MN): From calling the president “anti-American” to warning of tyranny,

'Mean Girls' Run the GOP
 'Mean Girls' 
 Run the GOP 


'Mean Girls' Run the GOP

Dowd's sort of afraid of Brewer, Angle, et al

(Newser) - It's a new breed of GOP woman: Whether they're telling Harry to "man up," knocking the president's cojones, carting around a gun, or getting catty with a rival's hairdo, "We are in the era of Republican Mean Girls," writes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times....

Hot, Superficial GOPers Scorch Ugly, Old Dems

Americans don't want a 'no-drama' government

(Newser) - Christine O'Donnell, Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, and Nikki Haley: This is not your daddy's Republican party anymore—it's the party of the hot mama grizzly, writes Tom Junod for Esquire . It might be a rather superficial conclusion, but "the Democratic Party is boring. And its women are either old...

Garrison Keillor: Michele Bachmann Is 'Embarrassing'

Humorist slams Tea Party star, supports her Democratic rival

(Newser) - Garrison Keillor has appealed to fellow Minnesotans to get rid of Michele Bachmann in the midterm elections, calling her "embarrassing" to their home state. The Tea Party-backed Bachmann is "so busy grandstanding and giving interviews on Fox News that she doesn't have time to serve the people who...

No Love Lost Between Tea Partiers and Their Caucus

Republicans co-opting the brand, they complain

(Newser) - The tea party has a voice in Congress now, and it’s not thrilled about it. To many activists, Michelle Bachmann’s new 49-member Tea Party Caucus looks like an attempt to co-opt the movement, Politico reports. “Ultimately, I worry it destroys the tea party—which started out as...

Dems Pounce on Schlafly's 'Unmarried Women' Comment

'All welfare goes to unmarried moms'

(Newser) - After conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly claimed that "unmarried women" are all on welfare at a recent fundraiser, Dems are training their sights on the 75 GOP candidates endorsed by the Schlaafly-led Eagle Forum, plan to paint those she has endorsed as extremists and pressure them to reject the endorsement....

Bachmann Forms Tea Party Caucus

It poses a tricky question for Republican leaders

(Newser) - Tea Party favorite Michele Bachmann has formed an official Tea Party Caucus in the House of Representatives, a development that forces GOP leaders to answer what Politico terms an "existential question: Are you in or are you out?" For some, like Mike Pence, it's an easy call to join....

Bachmann: Obama Has Created a 'Nation of Slaves'
Bachmann: Obama Has Created a 'Nation of Slaves'

Bachmann: Obama Has Created a 'Nation of Slaves'

Rep's running with health reform=slavery

(Newser) - Looks like the far right is running with this health care reform-as-slavery meme. Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann accused President Obama of “turning our country into a nation of slaves,” this weekend at a conservative summit in Denver, Politico reports. She was riffing on a quote from Revolutionary War...

Republicans Trounce Dems in Small Donors

GOP pulls in $70M in checks of $200 or less, to Dems' $44M

(Newser) - Republicans are cashing in the populist outrage they've helped stir up, raising more money from small donors than Democrats for the first time since 1998. GOP candidates have raised $70 million from small donors this year, compared to $44 million for Democrats, the Washington Post reports. That's still only 16%...

Pink Elephants | The New Republic
 In Today's GOP, Only 
 the Women Have Balls 

in case you missed it

In Today's GOP, Only the Women Have Balls

Conservatives, yes, but even Betty Friedan would be intrigued

(Newser) - Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Liz Cheney. Whether or not you agree with their politics, there's no denying that a "certain breed of fire-breathing pink pachyderm is clearly on the rise," writes Michelle Cottle at the New Republic . Disagree? Then, quick, name any male Republican who comes even close...

Palin, Bachmann 'All Wow,' No Substance
 Palin, Bachmann 'All 
 Wow,' No Substance 
gail collins

Palin, Bachmann 'All Wow,' No Substance

This is not a good development for female politicians

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton proved in 2008 that a serious female politician can have a "wow factor," writes Gail Collins. Clinton's transformation "from a perfectly-fine-but-slightly-boring presidential candidate to a really terrific campaigner" came too late to save her own bid for high office, but it gave Collins hope for...

Palin: Obama Asking for Punch in the Face

Nuke policy is asking for trouble, she tells Sean Hannity

(Newser) - President Obama's nuclear weapons reduction policy is "like a kid asking for a punch in the face," Sarah Palin said yesterday. "It's unbelievable," Palin told Sean Hannity. "It's like getting out there on a playground, a bunch of kids, getting ready to fight, and one...

Palin: GOP Not Party of No ... It's Party of No to Obama
Palin: GOP Not Party of No ... It's Party of No to Obama

Palin: GOP Not Party of No ... It's Party of No to Obama

Republican star minces words at rally for Bachmann

(Newser) - Sarah Palin had a little fun with the Republican Party’s reputation as the “Party of No” during a rally in Minnesota for Rep. Michele Bachmann … or maybe she just got a bit tongue-tied. “Republicans have been getting criticized lately with this, this mistaken concept, I guess,...

Palin, Bachmann Rev Up Tea Partiers

Movement is "growin' and steamin,'" says Palin

(Newser) - A political dream team—for the tea party set, anyway—of Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann wowed the faithful today during a joint appearance in Minneapolis. "The tea party is growin' and steamin,'" declared Palin, who showed up to give Bachmann a boost in her campaign for re-election...

Republicans Fear Census Undercounting

Tea partiers' push for noncompliance may backfire, GOP warns

(Newser) - The GOP is worried that an anti-government backlash could lead to underrepresentation of conservatives in the census and shrink the number of Republican lawmakers. Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul have urged supporters not to provide anything to census workers except the number of people in their household. "The census...

For Liberals, a Bracket of Evil
 For Liberals, a Bracket of Evil 

For Liberals, a Bracket of Evil

No hoops knowledge? No worries here

(Newser) - Feeling left out of the NCAA basketball bracket-mania because of hoops-knowledge deficiency? If politics is more your thing, activist cell-phone company Credo Mobile has you covered with its “ Bracket of Evil .” Features matchups include Dick Cheney vs. Fox News (in the media division), Sarah Palin vs. Michele Bachmann...

Republicans the Tea Party Hates, Loves
 the Tea Party 
 Hates, Loves 


Republicans the Tea Party Hates, Loves

John McCain, you are not Mr Popularity. Michael Steele, neither are you.

(Newser) - Republicans hoping to ride the Tea Party wave this year and beyond might end up soaked. Politico surveyed leaders of the movement nationally, and found that almost every single prominent Republican was on the Tea Party's bad list. The party whipping boy? 2008 GOP nominee John McCain, underscoring the disconnect...

Bachmann Drops Out of Tea Party Convention

Concerned about pricey tickets, profit motives of the organizers

(Newser) - More turmoil for the National Tea Party Convention: Firebrand Michele Bachmann is dropping out. The Minnesota congresswoman says she's decided against speaking at next week's event in Nashville over concerns that organizers are fleecing the political faithful. Sarah Palin remains on the docket, with a reported $100,000 speaking fee.

Specter to Bachmann: 'Act Like a Lady'

'I am a lady,' she replies

(Newser) - Things got a little testy when Republican-turned-Democrat Arlen Specter sat down with conservative rabble-rouser Michele Bachmann in a Philly radio interview. When Bachman began to refute something while Specter was talking, he scolded her, "I'm going to treat you like a lady. Now act like one." To which...

Sarah Palin Will Campaign for McCain, Bachmann

Fox personality keen on 'commonsense conservative principles of liberty'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is buoyed by the Republicans’ “truly amazing” win in Massachusetts yesterday, and is prepared to stump for GOP candidates in this year’s midterm elections. The erstwhile Alaska governor singles out particular candidates in a Facebook post, including Texas Gov. Rick Perry, Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, and...

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