Election 2012

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Dems Want Betty White to Counter Clint

Petition drive seeks to draft Golden Girl for DNC

(Newser) - Democratic activists are trying to draft a convention speaker even older than surprise Republican speaker Clint Eastwood . A social media campaign has been launched to bring Betty White, the last surviving Golden Girl, to the Democratic National Convention this week, reports ABC . White, who endorsed Obama in May, turned 90...

Obama Campaign: We Have More Donors Than 2008

Obama 2012 boasts 3.1M donors, though Romney leads in cash

(Newser) - President Obama may not be able to recapture 2008-levels of voter fervor, but he's managed to get even more donors on board this time around. The campaign says there have been 3.1 million donors this cycle, compared to 3 million in 2008, ABC reports. Three women have donated...

Campaigns Plunge Reporters Into Depression

It's loathing and loathing on the campaign trail

(Newser) - You think you're depressed by this political campaign season? Pity the poor reporters, some of whom are facing a career crisis as they stare into the abyss of their jobs. The rattling revelations started with New York Times Magazine reporter Mark Leibovich, who bemoaned the soul-destroying "joylessness" of...

Romney Speech a Record Dud
 Romney Speech a Record Dud 
poll finds

Romney Speech a Record Dud

Acceptance gets lowest ratings in Gallup history

(Newser) - Gallup has been polling on convention acceptance speeches since 1996, and Mitt Romney's has received the lowest ratings yet. Only 38% of those polled described his speech as excellent or good, compared to 47% who said the same about John McCain in 2008. (McCain was the next lowest-rated...

Calif. Dem: Lying Ryan Is Like Goebbels

Delegation chief John Burton: I never used the word 'Nazi'

(Newser) - The head of the California delegation to the Democratic National Convention has triggered a storm of criticism after he compared Paul Ryan's "lying" to the actions of Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels. “They lie and they don’t care if people think they lie," John Burton...

Obama Addicted to Winning
 to Winning 


Obama Addicted to Winning

From politics to card games, he's a competitor

(Newser) - President Obama's winning instinct isn't just about elections: The president is highly competitive in most facets of life, whether it's card-playing or reading a story to children. And he's not shy about his drive, reports the New York Times . To wit: He told a fundraising crowd...

30K Dead Voters Registered in NC, But...
 30K Dead Voters 
 Registered in 
 NC, But... 

says group

30K Dead Voters Registered in NC, But...

...there's no word on whether fraud actually occurred

(Newser) - An anti-voter fraud group says it has discovered 30,000 dead folks registered to vote across North Carolina. The group collected the names by comparing death records from the past decade to voter rolls; it says the figure would have been bigger had the group had access to death records...

Dems Look to Michelle as DNC Kicks Off
 T-1 Day Til Dems' Convention 

T-1 Day Til Dems' Convention

Team Romney looks to steal some thunder from Charlotte convention

(Newser) - Counting the minutes til the Democratic National Convention begins? Here's what has been happening in advance of tomorrow's kickoff, and what you can expect when the Democrats' big shebang begins:
  • Yesterday saw weaker-than-expected protests: Some 800 protesters took to the streets in Charlotte to slam big banks, lax

Dems: RNC Bombed, Bring on Charlotte
 Dems: RNC 
 Bring on 

Dems: RNC Bombed, Bring on Charlotte

Democrats get ready for convention opening Tuesday

(Newser) - As the Republicans came off their convention week with very little bounce , Democrats descended on the Sunday talk shows today to drum up their own soiree in Charlotte, which kicks off Tuesday. "I think the race is exactly where it was before they walked in [to Tampa], and now...

GOP's Subtle New Strategy: 'Disappointment'

Calmly say Obama hasn't lived up to expectations: Politico

(Newser) - Politico's Jonathan Allen thinks Republicans have emerged from their convention with a subtle but potentially game-changing strategy that he sums up in one word: "disappointment." That's the label they want to lay on President Obama, especially with independent voters. Instead of bellicose attacks on policy,...

Reporter Goes Inside Karl Rove's Elite Fundraiser

He talks strategy, jokes about murdering Todd Akin

(Newser) - In a rare look behind the super-PAC curtain, BusinessWeek 's Sheelah Kolhatkar was able to crash an American Crossroads breakfast yesterday, featuring Karl Rove speaking frankly to the 70 top donors who fund the leading political action committee. Rove said the key to the election was persuading undecided voters...

In This Election, Fact-Checkers Take a Hit
 In This Election, Fact-Checkers Take a Hit

In This Election, Fact-Checkers Take a Hit

Neither party seems to care about getting called out

(Newser) - Paul Ryan's campaign speech on Wednesday was almost universally decried for distortions and inaccuracies , and Mitt Romney told his share last night as well. "The two speeches … seemed to signal the arrival of a new kind of presidential campaign," Michael Cooper of the New York Times...

Romney Speech &#39;Solid, Workmanlike&#39;
 Romney Speech 
 'Solid, Workmanlike' 

Romney Speech 'Solid, Workmanlike'

He got the job done, but Eastwood speech may be the one people remember

(Newser) - Mitt Romney delivered the biggest speech of his life in Tampa last night, and while his solid, heartfelt address did not disappoint, there were no surprises. Some pundits suspect Clint Eastwood's ad-libbed ramble will be the speech more people are talking about this morning.
  • Romney's address was short

What Romney Should Do Tonight

 What Romney 
 Should Do 

What Romney Should Do Tonight

For one thing, talk at length about his faith, say strategists

(Newser) - Tonight is Mitt Romney's big chance to win over millions who may be watching him speak at length for the first time. And if he wants to win, he'll need to make some adjustments, GOP strategists tell the Washington Post , including:
  • Talk about himself—something he doesn't

Oops: Secret Service Leaves Gun in Romney's Plane

Meanwhile, candidate is about to receive security briefings

(Newser) - There was something of a scare aboard Romney's charter jet yesterday, when a gun was found in the bathroom. The firearm turned out to be Secret Service gun presumably accidentally left there by a member of his security detail, CBS News reports. A member of the Service quickly retrieved...

Ryan&#39;s Speech Flunks Fact Checks
 Ryan's Speech 
 Flunks Fact 
OPINION roundup

Ryan's Speech Flunks Fact Checks

VP candidate lambasted for various deceptions

(Newser) - Paul Ryan's speech last night may have been rousing , but accurate it was not. Ryan is being lambasted today for what Sally Kohn of Fox News calls "an apparent attempt to set the world record for the greatest number of blatant lies and misrepresentations slipped into a single...

Ryan Speech a &#39;Conservative Rallying Cry&#39;
 Ryan Speech a 
 Rallying Cry' 

Ryan Speech a 'Conservative Rallying Cry'

'Speech of the convention' makes case against Obama

(Newser) - Paul Ryan made GOPers swoon with what most pundits say was the best speech of the convention so far. He used his regular-guy appeal to clearly set out a case against the Obama administration—but critics are challenging many of his facts.
  • Ryan "came off young, which he is,

Yahoo Fires Reporter for Romney Slam

Said Romneys 'happy to party with black people drowning'

(Newser) - Remember when Hurricane Katrina spurred Kanye West to say that George W. Bush didn't care about black people ? Well, this is kinda like that—except it involves a reporter, not a celebrity. Seems a hot mic caught Yahoo News Washington bureau chief David Chalian saying today, during a...

Convention-Goers Trapped on RNC Buses for Hours

Needless to say, not a great ending to the night

(Newser) - Republican delegates had a rousing day at the Tampa convention yesterday, were moved by Ann Romney's and Chris Christie's speeches , and then … spent two hours trapped on buses before finally being dropped off at their hotels in the wee hours. Convention attendees boarded buses to leave the...

Quayle Shot Down in Arizona Primary

Schweikert, Flake win GOP primary battles

(Newser) - Ben Quayle has become the first freshman House Republican to fall in the primaries. In a fierce race caused by redistricting in Arizona, Quayle was defeated by fellow freshman Rep. David Schweikert. Schweikert attacked his rival, the son of former vice president Dan Quayle, as part of the establishment, and...

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