Election 2012

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GOP Formally Nominates Mitt Romney

Republican convention makes it official early in state roll call

(Newser) - The GOP convention's main order of business is in the books: In the state roll call late this afternoon, Mitt Romney claimed the magic number of 1,144 delegates to secure the nomination, reports AP . For the record, New Jersey put him over the top. Romney is in Tampa...

Congrats, Todd Akin: 83% Now Know Who You Are

And more stumbles in the 'legitimate rape' controversy

(Newser) - Todd Akin certainly upped his profile when he made his now-infamous comments about "legitimate rape" : A full 83% of registered voters are aware of the comments, despite the fact that Akin wasn't a national name before he made them, according to a new Public Policy Poll. And 85%...

Author to Mitt: You Owe My Family 130-Year-Old Debt

Romney's great-grandfather never repaid $1K bail, she claims

(Newser) - Mitt Romney seems like the type to pay his debts, but now he's being plagued by one that went unpaid—130 years ago. Author Judith Freeman explained this week in the Los Angeles Review of Books why Romney owes her family $25,000: It seems that, back in the...

What to Watch at RNC Tonight
 What to Watch at RNC Tonight 

What to Watch at RNC Tonight

Ann Romney, Chris Christie, Rick Santorum the highlights

(Newser) - After a rained-out Day 1 , Republicans will finally get to speechifying today at their national convention in Tampa, with things officially kicking off at 2pm. Here are the biggest names on the docket today, according to USA Today :
  • The star will be Ann Romney, who has the perhaps unenviable job

GOP Turncoat Charlie Crist to Speak at DNC

Republicans slam turncoat ex-governor

(Newser) - Looks like Charlie Crist has become the Joe Lieberman of this election cycle. The former Republican governor of Florida, who turned independent for a failed 2010 Senate bid, will be speaking at the Democratic National Convention next week, reports USA Today . Crist, who declared his support for President Obama over...

GOP Opens Convention, Immediately Adjourns

Hurricane may derail more than just first day

(Newser) - Republicans officially kicked off their convention today, but only officially. RNC Chairman Reince Priebus gaveled the convention to order before dozens of delegates in a mostly-empty hall today, the AP reports, but 10 minutes and a giant debt clock later he'd adjourned the proceedings thanks to Tropical Storm Isaac...

How I Reluctantly Learned to Like Mitt Romney
How I Reluctantly Learned
to Like Mitt Romney

How I Reluctantly Learned to Like Mitt Romney

Andrew Ferguson is won over by candidate's kindness

(Newser) - What with Mitt Romney's "Ken doll mannerisms" and "wanton use of the word 'gosh,'" Andrew Ferguson spent a lot of this campaign disliking the guy. But since Romney is now officially the GOP presidential nominee and has an "excellent chance" of winning, Ferguson...

Catholics Question Bishop's RNC Role

New York cardinal set to deliver benediction

(Newser) - New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan is headed to the Republican National Convention to deliver a benediction, a rarity in modern times: Not since 1972 has an out-of-town bishop flown in to bless a party convention. While observers at first called it a win for Mitt Romney, now some Catholics are...

Why Christie Nixed VP Job: Fear of Loss
 Why Christie 
 Nixed VP Job: 
 Fear of Loss 
says 'ny post'

Why Christie Nixed VP Job: Fear of Loss

Would have had to relinquish governorship to run

(Newser) - Had Chris Christie joined Mitt Romney's ticket, he would have had to quit as New Jersey governor—and he just didn't have the confidence in a GOP victory to justify that sacrifice, reports the New York Post in an exclusive. Christie "felt, at one point, that (President)...

Just One RNC Event Today: Start National Debt Clock

Clock will be unveiled at brief session

(Newser) - Hurricane Isaac has winnowed today's Republican National Convention events to just one: a short pro forma session in which RNC Chairman Reince Priebus will unveil a "national debt clock." The clock will start ticking at 2pm, bearing a figure somewhere north of $15.9 trillion, above the...

Romney: &#39;Sad&#39; How Low Obama Is Sinking
 'Sad' How Low 
 Obama Is Sinking 

Romney: 'Sad' How Low Obama Is Sinking

GOP candidate thinks pres is stooping with attacks on Akin

(Newser) - The GOP's luminaries descended on the Sunday talk shows ahead of their abbreviated convention in Tampa, with none other than Mitt Romney leading off with an interview on Fox, reports Politico . Addressing Team Obama's effort to link him to Todd Akin, Romney said: "It's really sad,...

Gen-Xers React to Own Paul Ryan: Eh, This Bites

First Gen-Xer on presidential ticket inspires, well, angst

(Newser) - At 42-years-old—and a fan of grunge music, Coen brothers movies, and microbrews—Paul Ryan is the first Gen-X candidate to appear on a presidential ticket. But unlike the pride Baby Boomers felt for sax-playing Bill Clinton, Ryan is generating some very Gen-X angst, irony, and diffidence, reports the New ...

In Appeal to Working Class, Romney's Tone Sharpens

Campaign thinks it not enough to criticize Obama's economics

(Newser) - Still narrowly trailing President Obama, Mitt Romney is hardening his message in an attempt to nail down the white working-class vote, reports the New York Times . Now concluding that it is not enough to campaign on Obama's economic failings, Romney and his advisers are trying to add edgy overtones...

Obama Slams Mitt Romney&#39;s &#39;Extreme&#39; Views

 Obama Slams 
 Mitt Romney's 
GOP Fires Back

Obama Slams Mitt Romney's 'Extreme' Views

Romney rep counters that Obama is 'not the best America can do'

(Newser) - Days before the GOP convention, President Obama grabbed the political spotlight by attacking Mitt Romney's "extreme positions" in an AP interview. "He has signed up for positions, extreme positions, that are very consistent with positions that a number of House Republicans have taken," Obama said. "...

74 Days to Go: It&#39;s a Dead Heat
 74 Days to Go: 
 It's a Dead Heat 
cnn poll

74 Days to Go: It's a Dead Heat

CNN poll shows 49% for Obama and 47% for Romney among likely voters

(Newser) - With 74 days until the election and three days until the Republican convention, one major poll has President Obama and Mitt Romney in a dead heat. The CNN/ORC International poll reports that among likely voters, 49% will vote for Obama and 47% for Romney, a statistical tie. Among all registered...

What Bain Capital Taught Me
 What Bain Capital Taught Me 
Mitt Romney

What Bain Capital Taught Me

Mitt Romney on how his time in business prepared him for presidency

(Newser) - If you're shopping for school supplies at Staples this fall, you can thank Mitt Romney, the presidential candidate reminds readers in today's Wall Street Journal . Staples was "one of many businesses we helped create and expand at Bain Capital," he writes. "The lessons I learned...

'Dogs Against Romney' Crashing GOP Convention

Will rally in Tampa ahead of RNC start

(Newser) - The Republican National Convention will be protested by ... dogs. Yes, Dogs Against Romney is planning a Tampa rally Sunday, one day before the convention starts, The Hill reports. "Should we have a president that isn’t even qualified to adopt a pet?" asks the group's founder in a...

Amazon: GOP Sells a Lot More Books

Conservative books outselling liberal ones in 46 states

(Newser) - If Amazon book sales were votes, the 2012 election would be the most lopsided in history. Amazon has introduced an " election heat map " tracking sales of political books, and right-wing books are crushing left-wing ones, the Guardian observes. Overall, "red" books lead "blue" ones 56% to...

Obama, Romney Battle in New iPhone App

'VOTE!!!' is available today

(Newser) - Sure, you can support the presidential candidate of your choice—but wouldn't it be more fun if you could make President Obama and Mitt Romney smack each other around a bit? Download "VOTE!!!" on your Apple device this week and you can do just that. The mobile...

Now You Can Text Your Donation to Obama

Campaign launching new method this week

(Newser) - The Obama and Romney campaigns are already basically spamming supporters via email, and now Obama 2012 is entering the brave new realm of text message donations and will begin accepting them for the first time this week. Donors can text "GIVE" to 62262 (corresponds with "Obama" on a...

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