Election 2012

Stories 1501 - 1520 | << Prev   Next >>

Mitt Romney's Tortoise Act Beats Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann in Debate
 Slow, Steady Mitt 
 Winning the Race 

Slow, Steady Mitt Winning the Race

Defensive posture serving Romney well, Aaron Blake writes

(Newser) - Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann have shot out of the gate in the GOP nomination contest, but “sometimes it’s slow-and-steady that gets it done,” writes Aaron Blake of the Washington Post , and if there’s one thing Mitt Romney’s proven so far, it’s that he’...

Debate Winners: Romney, Bachmann, Tea Party
Debate Winners: Romney, Bachmann, Tea Party

Debate Winners: Romney, Bachmann, Tea Party

Rick Perry-bashing pays off for rivals

(Newser) - It was "attack Rick Perry night" at last night's GOP debate in Florida -—to the extent that even Jon Huntsman got in on the act—and the Texan's rivals succeeded in landing a few blows. Mitt Romney, who wisely ignored the Tea Party debate audience to...

Bobby Jindal to Endorse Rick Perry for President
 Jindal to Endorse Perry 

Jindal to Endorse Perry

Louisiana governor will make endorsement before tonight's debate

(Newser) - Tim Pawlenty might think Mitt Romney's the guy for the job, but Rick Perry just scored a key endorsement of his own in his quest to be president: Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is headed to tonight's Tea Party Republican Debate to give Perry his blessing, reports CNN...

Perry: Sticking to My Guns on Social Security Reform

We must admit the program is a problem, he writes

(Newser) - Many pundits are saying Rick Perry’s views on Social Security could be his biggest problem as he campaigns for the Republican presidential nomination, but the Texas governor isn’t backing down. In an op-ed for USA Today , he declares that we must admit Social Security is a problem—and...

Perry Living High on the (Donors') Hog

Lives the high life—but you wouldn't know it listening to him

(Newser) - Rick Perry may play up his modest background, but these days he’s living in the lap of luxury—with a little help from his friends. Donors pay for the mansion he rents from the state for $10,000 a month—and they’ve covered worldwide travel, resort visits, top-tier...

Tim Pawlenty Endorses Mitt Romney
 Pawlenty Endorses Romney 

Pawlenty Endorses Romney

He will be Romney's National Co-Chair, rules out VP run

(Newser) - Tim Pawlenty didn’t wait long to throw his weight behind a candidate in the GOP primary race. The former Minnesota governor told Fox News today that he is endorsing Mitt Romney, adding, “I think he’s going to be a transformational and great president for this country.”...

5 Things to Watch For in Tonight's Debate

Social security and Tea Party topics likely to be big issues

(Newser) - Yes, it’s debate time again. Here’s what to watch for when the 2012 GOP presidential candidates face off tonight in Florida, at an event sponsored by CNN and the Tea Party Express:
  • Social Security will likely continue to be a flash point. At the last debate, Rick Perry

Dems Worry There's No Fight in Obama 2012

White House insists criticisms off-base, but liberals frustrated

(Newser) - With the economy's continuing weakness, a 9.1% unemployment rate, and the president's sagging poll numbers, leading Democrats are voicing louder doubts and concerns about President Obama's re-election chances, reports the New York Times . Attempts to capture the middle ground have both failed with independents and alienated...

Ron Paul: Sorry, No 'Cross Words' With Perry

Says he doesn't even recall the exchange

(Newser) - Images of Rick Perry seemingly getting in Ron Paul's face during a TV break in this week's debate have triggered all kinds of fun speculation about what was going on, and now we've got explanations form both camps, notes Ben Smith of Politico . Prepare to be disappointed....

Bachmann Will Rebut Obama's Speech

She appears to be only Republican planning to do so

(Newser) - As she struggles to stay relevant in the 2012 presidential race, Michele Bachmann has figured out at least one more way to keep her name in the news. She’ll offer a rebuttal to President Obama’s jobs speech tonight at 8:30pm, The Hill reports. No formal Republican response...

Election 2012 Opinion Roundup: Michele Bachmann Is 'Done. Fini. Kaput.'
 Is 'Done. 
 Fini. Kaput.' 
OPINION roundup

Bachmann Is 'Done. Fini. Kaput.'

Critics agree: GOP debate confirmed she's just an 'afterthought' now

(Newser) - If the fat lady didn’t quite sing for Michele Bachmann at last night’s debate, she at least hummed a few notes, say the critics:
  • It was “remarkable” to see this once-top-tier candidate “relegated to an afterthought, getting barely as much face time as Herman Cain, Rick

Bad Sign: The Hamptons Are Totally Over Obama
Bad Sign: The Hamptons
Are Totally Over Obama

Bad Sign: The Hamptons Are Totally Over Obama

Richard Cohen spent Labor Day there, and found zero fans

(Newser) - Richard Cohen spent his Labor Day hobnobbing around the Hamptons, that magical place where, in his description, "the Democratic energy, money, and intellectual firepower of Manhattan goes for R&R." It may not be the vacation destination of the working-man Democratic base, he acknowledges, but it's a...

Ann Coulter: Palin Is 'the Obama of the Tea Party'

And she should 'just run so we can get this over with'

(Newser) - Ann Coulter is the latest pundit to jump into the “will she or won’t she?” discussion about Sarah Palin’s potential presidential run, and she has a message for Palin: “Fish or cut bait, because you are ginning up this group of Americans who will not even...

What to Watch for in Tonight's Debate

Will Perry make a good impression? Can Bachmann survive?

(Newser) - Sure, some of them have faced off before—but tonight’s Politico/NBC News debate marks the first time new frontrunner Rick Perry will join the fray, making it what Politico calls the “first Fall Classic” for 2012 GOP presidential hopefuls. And it’s the start of a busy month...

Bachmann's Shooting Star Is Burning Out

Bachmann's poll numbers have dropped in half since winning Ames

(Newser) - A month ago, Michele Bachmann won the Ames Straw Poll and was a leading candidate in the GOP's nomination process. Today, her support has plunged in half, her campaign manager has quit, and she's struggling to keep her name alive in a contest increasingly all about Rick Perry...

Romney: I&#39;ve Got a 59-Step Economic Plan
Romney: I've Got a 59-Step Economic Plan

Romney: I've Got a 59-Step Economic Plan

Plan includes cutting regulations, corporate taxes, expanding trade

(Newser) - Mitt Romney will today unveil 59 specific policy proposals designed “to turn around America’s economy,” he announces in a USA Today op-ed, promising that his proposals are “rooted in the conservative premise that government itself cannot create jobs.” The op-ed outlines the broad strokes of...

Hey, Palin: Mock Polls at Your Own Risk

When you've got a 59% disapproval rating, best not to mention them at all

(Newser) - Sarah Palin took a moment to ridicule polls during her Iowa speech : “They’re for strippers and cross-country skiers,” she said. But “Palin (R-Snarklaska)” is in for a rude awakening, writes Jonathan Capehart in the Washington Post . “If the half-term Alaska governor gets into the race...

Palin's Unique Strategy: Attack From Left

Rhetorical contortions amazing, 'mind-bending,' says critic

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's hot-blooded barrages were loved by crowds in Iowa on Saturday, but despite the usual right-wing boilerplate solutions, the former Alaska governor's attacks are coming dressed in uniquely left-wing language, notes David Sessions on the Daily Beast . "Crony capitalism," "corporate welfare," and "...

Michele Bachmann Again Vows $2 Gas
 Bachmann Again 
 Vows $2 Gas 

Bachmann Again Vows $2 Gas

Slams White House for blocking domestic energy production

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann isn't giving up on her $2-a-gallon gas, today repeating her pledge to bring pump prices down, reports Politico . Asked by Face the Nation's Bob Scheiffer how she would hit that magic number, Bachmann cited "an all-of-the-above energy strategy,” blasting the Obama administration for foiling...

Jim DeMint: I'm Sick of Obama's Speeches
 I'm Sick of 


DeMint: I'm Sick of Obama's Speeches

'Grand gestures' don't amount to jobs, says Tea Partier

(Newser) - He's not exactly yelling "You lie!," but count Jim DeMint as less than thrilled about President Obama's jobs speech on Thursday, Politico reports. “I’m so tired of his speeches it’s going to be hard for me to watch,” the South Carolina Tea...

Stories 1501 - 1520 | << Prev   Next >>