Election 2012

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What We Learned in Florida's Straw Poll

Orthodoxy vies with electability among party faithful

(Newser) - Herman Cain's surprise win in Florida's straw poll yesterday shows how unpredictable this election cycle is—but it also provides some valuable lessons about that state of the GOP nation, reports the St. Petersburg Times .
  • The top GOP contender is still Not-Mitt-Romney: Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry—Republicans

Actually, Straw Poll Taught Us Nothing
 Straw Poll 
 Taught Us 

Actually, Straw Poll Taught Us Nothing

Florida straw poll too unrepresentative to be useful

(Newser) - The Florida straw poll yesterday that saw Herman Cain trounce the competition means ... well, nothing, writes Ben Adler in the Nation . Cain received 37% of the vote, compared to 15% for Rick Perry and 14% for Mitt Romney. "In the usual manner of these inane expectations’ games, the loss...

Perry Loses Florida Straw Poll to Herman Cain

Cain takes 37.1% of the vote to Perry's 15.4%

(Newser) - Rick Perry lost a key test vote in Florida to businessman Herman Cain today, just days after he faltered in a debate in Orlando. Cain captured 37.1% of the vote at the Presidency 5 straw poll in Orlando, with Perry coming in second with 15.4%. Mitt Romney came...

GOP&#39;s Government Haters Happy to Work for It
GOP's Government Haters
Happy to Work for It

GOP's Government Haters Happy to Work for It

Candidates, like voters, often two-faced on government: Gregg Easterbrook

(Newser) - For a group of people who loudly denounce government, most of the GOP presidential contenders sure have spent a lot of time working for it—as politicians, as an attorney for the IRS, as an Air Force serviceman, and in other ways, observes Gregg Easterbrook at Reuters . People who have...

Debate a Lousy Night for Perry
 Debate a Lousy Night for Perry 

Debate a Lousy Night for Perry

Texas not looking ready for prime time, pundits say

(Newser) - After the third Republican debate in three weeks, one thing is becoming clear: Mitt Romney is pretty good at debating. Most pundits see Romney as the winner of last night's Fox News/Google debate , and believe fellow front-runner Rick Perry's performance should worry his campaign. The Texas governor "...

Ron Paul Is Winning

 Ron Paul 
 Is Winning 
Dana Milbank

Ron Paul Is Winning

At least, in the way that matters to him

(Newser) - Ron Paul isn’t going to be the next president, or even the GOP nominee. “And yet, in a sense, Ron Paul is winning the 2012 Republican presidential primary,” writes Dana Milbank in the Washington Post . Because Paul’s real goal is to push his Austrian economic theories...

Elizabeth Warren's Class Warfare Rant Goes Viral
 Fiery Warren Video Goes Viral 

Fiery Warren Video Goes Viral

Senate candidate's class warfare diatribe excites liberals

(Newser) - A video of Elizabeth Warren beating up Republican allegations of "class warfare" is going viral, with gleeful liberals passing it around (and this image transcribing her comments). "There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody," Warren declares. "You built a factory...

Karl Rove's Tips for Tonight's GOP Debaters

Perry must stop getting beaten up, Romney needs to light a fire

(Newser) - It’s debate time yet again tonight, and Karl Rove offers four of the 2012 presidential contenders some advice in the Wall Street Journal :
  • Rick Perry: Instead of focusing on turning Social Security over to the states, he should continue making the “compelling case” for reform that he started

GOP Voters to Palin: Don&#39;t Run
 GOP Voters to Palin: Don't Run 

GOP Voters to Palin: Don't Run

But Giuliani might thrash Obama, poll finds

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is leaving the door open for a presidential run —but most Republican voters want that door slammed shut, according to the latest McClatchy-Marist poll . More than 70% of Republican and Republican-leaning voters don't want Palin to run for the presidency, the poll found. If Palin and...

Elizabeth Warren Leads Scott Brown in Poll

It's a small lead, but her numbers are surging

(Newser) - A new poll confirms it: The Massachusetts Senate race is shaping up to be a doozy. The survey from Public Policy Polling has Elizabeth Warren ahead of Scott Brown 46-44. While the margin is slim, it marks a big jump for Warren since she announced her Democratic candidacy this month....

George W Bush-Rick Perry Rivalry Runs Deep
 Bush-Perry Rivalry Runs Deep 

Bush-Perry Rivalry Runs Deep

Stems from a long-ago slight in Texas politics

(Newser) - Rick Perry took over George W. Bush's job as Texas governor, and he'd sure like to grab Bush's old gig in the Oval Office, but don't expect Dubya to leap up to help put him there. Seems there's long-running tension—if not an outright feud—...

Paul Ryan: 'Buffett Rule' Amounts to Class Warfare
 Paul Ryan: 
 Obama Waging 
 'Class Warfare' 


Paul Ryan: Obama Waging 'Class Warfare'

'Buffett Rule' finds no fan in Budget Committee chair

(Newser) - The so-called Buffett Rule, President Obama's pending plan to raise taxes on the rich named for Warren Buffett , found an outspoken critic in Paul Ryan today, Politico reports. "Class warfare might make for good politics, but it makes for bad economics," the House Budget Committee chairman tells...

Pennsylvania Rule Change by GOP May Doom Obama
Pennsylvania Rule Change
by GOP May Doom Obama
in case you missed it

Pennsylvania Rule Change by GOP May Doom Obama

State may switch from winner-take-all in Electoral College

(Newser) - Pennsylvania Republicans are proposing a radical change in how the state divvies up its electoral votes that could have a huge impact on the 2012 election. The plan, which is being championed by Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi and already has the governor’s support, would switch Pennsylvania from a...

Support Slipping for President Obama in New York Times/CBS Poll

 Obama Support 
 Slipping; GOP 
 in Discord 

Obama Support Slipping; GOP in Discord

59% of independent voters disapprove of prez

(Newser) - President Obama is in hot political water but Republican contenders aren't faring much better, a new poll says. Obama's disapproval rating hit 50% for the first time in the New York Times/CBS poll, and reached 59% among the all-important independent voters. His overall approval rating, 43%, isn't...

Conditions Right for a New Ross Perot
 Conditions Right 
 for a New Ross Perot 

Conditions Right for a New Ross Perot

An independent candidate might do some damage in 2012: Steve Kornacki

(Newser) - Not that it necessarily will happen, but today's political climate is more favorable to a Ross-Perot-type of independent candidate than it has been for quite a while, writes Steve Kornacki at Salon . Three key conditions that help: an incumbent president (check), a lousy economy (big check), and a nominee...

GOP Election-Law Rewrites Pose Threat to Dems

Minorities, young people targeted in new rules, say voting-rights groups

(Newser) - Pennsylvania’s Republicans aren’t the only ones instituting voting laws likely to hurt Democrats. Some 12 states have begun requiring voters to carry picture ID; Florida and Ohio have reduced early-voting time; and Florida has cracked down on ex-felons voting, the Washington Post reports. Republicans say they want...

James Carville to President Obama: It's Time to Panic
 Carville's Advice 
 for Obama: Panic! 

Carville's Advice for Obama: Panic!

It's time to 'fire. Indict. Fight,' he writes

(Newser) - What should the White House do now that Republicans won the special elections in New York and Nevada? "Panic," declares Democratic strategist James Carville. "The course we are on is not working," he writes on CNN . "The time has come to demand a plan of...

Perry Swipes Back at Bachmann's HPV Allegation

Mental retardation claim has 'no basis in fact,' he says

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann made waves this week by claiming that the HPV vaccine can cause mental retardation, and now more critics are piling on—one of whom is Rick Perry. Perry, of course, was the target of Bachmann's original statement; she disagrees with the executive order he issued requiring Texas...

Look Out Democrats, 2012 Is Looking Like 2010
Look Out Democrats,
2012 Is Looking Like 2010
nate silver

Look Out Democrats, 2012 Is Looking Like 2010

That could be bad news in the Senate: Nate Silver

(Newser) - It can be dangerous to draw broad conclusions from special elections, but last night's results from New York and Nevada make it safe to say that "the special election scorecard is starting to look pretty ominous for Democrats," writes Nate Silver at the New York Times . Coming...

Jon Stewart Slams CNN's 'Amerigasm'

Was that a debate, or a reality show?

(Newser) - Monday night's GOP debate started off in "fine reality show style," noted Jon Stewart last night , offering up as proof a clip of CNN's opening, in which the network actually assigned each candidate a title. (Mitt Romney is "the early frontrunner," Rick Perry "...

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