Election 2012

Stories 1461 - 1480 | << Prev   Next >>

Chris Christie Working Out Logistics of Run

Filing deadlines loom as aides discuss feasibility of campaign

(Newser) - Despite the many, many, many times he has said he's not running, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie spent the weekend considering whether he should. He discussed the logistics of a late entrance to the race with his aides as well as his family, sources tell the Wall Street Journal...

Cain: Perry Camp Name &#39;Vile&#39;
 Cain: Perry Camp Name 'Vile' 

Cain: Perry Camp Name 'Vile'

(Newser) - Rick Perry is bashing today's incendiary Washington Post story that his family's longtime hunting camp was long known as "n-----head," but Herman Cain is having none of it. Asked on Fox News Sunday about the story, Cain called it "extremely insensitive," reports Politico . "...

Frank Bruni: Chris Christie's Weight Has Nothing to Do With His Ability to Be President
 Chris Christie 
 Is Fat—So What? 

Chris Christie Is Fat—So What?

'Girth doesn't equal character,' writes Frank Bruni

(Newser) - Sometimes, size does matter, such as in spelunking or squeezing into a middle seat on economy class flights. "But the presidency? That’s ludicrous," writes Frank Bruni in the New York Times , referring to recent sneering coverage of the portly Chris Christie and his presidential amibitions. There are...

Rick Perry's Family Camp Long Known by Racist Name

Perry says name changed, but others contradict him

(Newser) - Rick Santorum might not be the only Republican presidential candidate with a name problem. Back when Rick Perry was a young Democrat politician, he used to host events at his family's West Texas hunting camp, a retreat called "n-----head," reports the Washington Post . The offensive name, written...

Obama: Don't Just Sit There When People Boo a Soldier

President fires away at GOP contenters at gay rights fundraiser

(Newser) - Ah, election season—when politicians remember that they once had guts. President Obama swung hard at GOP presidential hopefuls last night, blasting them for not condemning the crowd that booed a gay soldier at a Republican debate on Sept. 22, reports the Hill . "We don’t believe in the...

Obama's 2012 Plan: Nab Some Red States

President jumps on demographic shift, eyes white-collar independents

(Newser) - Amid a bad economy and troubled poll numbers among blue-collar voters, the 2012 election won’t be an easy one for President Obama—so his team is building an unorthodox plan. Though he’ll keep an eye on standard battlegrounds like Ohio and Florida, Obama also will make a big...

Christie Is Considering Run: New Jersey Paper

Governor listening to donors, wife listening to Barbara Bush: Star-Ledger

(Newser) - As the will-he-or-won't he—and the maybe-he's-too-heavy —speculation continues to build, a source tells Chris Christie's hometown paper that the New Jersey governor may soon stop saying no. Pressure from Republicans—including major donors unhappy with the current field—is beginning to pay off and Christie...

Obama&#39;s Shift to Left Will Lose Swing Voters
Obama's Shift to Left
Will Lose Swing Voters
karl rove

Obama's Shift to Left Will Lose Swing Voters

It's a 'politically dumb' strategy: Karl Rove

(Newser) - President Obama has begun dishing out "red meat" to the Democratic base, thrilling "left-wing activists and donors." The problem for the White House, writes Karl Rove in the Wall Street Journal , is that the move is "politically dumb." Yes, the strategy will shore up Obama'...

Gingrich Offers New 'Contract With America'

Newt updates his plan for 21st century

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich gained fame in the 1990s with his original Contract With America, and now he hopes to re-energize his humdrum poll numbers with a retooled version for the 21st century. Gingrich will unveil his new contract today, and the Des Moines Register says it mirrors the original with its...

Romney 1st, Cain 3rd in New Poll

Michele Bachmann's support evaporating

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has regained his undisputed frontrunner status in the race for the Republican nomination, according to the latest Fox poll. The poll of Republican primary voters found Romney holding steady at 23%, while Rick Perry was down 10% from a month ago, dropping into second place with 19%, Reuters...

In 2 Key Swing States, Bad News for Obama

He's statistically tied with Romney, Perry in Ohio, and close to it in Pennsylvania

(Newser) - Barack Obama is in for a fight in a pair of major swing states that he carried handily in 2008, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll. In both Ohio and Pennsylvania, 51% say the president doesn’t deserve another term, and 53% and 54% respectively disapprove of the job...

Herman Cain Might Actually Deliver

 Herman Cain  
 Might Actually  
Dana Milbank

Herman Cain Might Actually Deliver

Are straw polls that different from primaries?

(Newser) - It’s getting tough to “separate fact from farce” in the GOP presidential debate, writes Dana Milbank of the Washington Post . Former Godfather’s Pizza CEO Herman Cain, for instance, recently said he might actually use the goofy “I will deliver” motto SNL made up for him. So...

Perry Camp: We Won&#39;t Change a Thing
Perry Camp:
We Won't Change a Thing

Perry Camp: We Won't Change a Thing

Staffers shrug off criticism, say they'll just hit Romney harder

(Newser) - Problem? What problem? Rick Perry’s campaign doesn’t see one, despite the drubbing he’s been taking for his lackluster debate and his grisly Florida straw poll defeat . “We’re not going to change what we’re doing,” a Perry spokesman tells Politico , dismissing judgments from “...

Christie Still Not in, but Doesn't Kill Hopes

New Jersey governor points to his earlier denials when asked

(Newser) - Chris Christie gave a high-profile speech at the Ronald Reagan library last night and left Republicans who want him to run for president with at least a glimmer of hope, according to Politico and the Star-Ledger . The New Jersey governor, asked if he'd enter the race, pointed to a...

NC Governor: Just Kidding About Suspending Elections

Bev Perdue says critics didn't get her 'hyperbole'

(Newser) - Today's weirdest political brouhaha: North Carolina Gov. Bev Perdue spoke to the Rotary Club today and said this: "I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won't hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just...

As Bachmann Fades, Santorum Plots 'Slow and 'Steady' Rise

He hopes to mimic Mike Huckabee's success in Iowa

(Newser) - Rick Santorum may not have Mike Huckabee’s charm, but he’s hoping he can repeat the ex-governor’s performance in Iowa. The former Pennsylvania senator has “essentially moved” to the state, where he aims to win over onetime supporters of Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry, writes Shushannah Walshe...

Jon Stewart: GOP Race Like 'American Idol' Gone Wrong
 Stewart: GOP Like 
 Bizarro American Idol 

Stewart: GOP Like Bizarro American Idol

Adds a new idiot every week

(Newser) - Jon Stewart tackled the latest Republican debate on the Daily Show last night, and the Republicans’ seemingly insatiable desire for more candidates. He summarily dismissed Rick Santorum’s opposition to gays in the military (“What planet do you f***ing live on?”) and joined the dog pile mocking Rick...

It&#39;s Time for a Third Party
 It's Time for a Third Party 

It's Time for a Third Party

Because these parties suck, Matt Miller observes

(Newser) - Take a gander at the political landscape, and odds are you won’t like your choices. You might, like Matt Miller of the Washington Post , start asking things like, “Why doesn’t the president propose measures equal to the scale of our challenges?” or “Why can’t Republicans...

Romney Stomps Rick Perry in Mich. Straw Poll

Wallops Texan with 34-point win in home state

(Newser) - More bad news for Rick Perry, though not as tough as yesterday's loss to Herman Cain: Mitt Romney walloped the Texas governor in his home state of Michigan, nabbing a whopping 51% in the Mackinac straw poll today, reports Hotline . Perry did hang onto second place, with 17%, while...

Mitch Daniels: Lay Off of Rick Perry
 Mitch Daniels: 
 Lay Off of 
 Rick Perry 

Mitch Daniels: Lay Off of Rick Perry

Fat lady ain't singing down in Texas, Indiana governor says

(Newser) - Mitch Daniels has some advice for those who are writing Rick Perry's political eulogy : Hold your horses. "It's way too early to know, or to issue, to pronounce last rites over one performance," Daniels said today. "There's still many of these (debates), too many...

Stories 1461 - 1480 | << Prev   Next >>