Election 2012

Stories 1661 - 1680 | << Prev   Next >>

Romney Surges to Clear GOP 2012 Lead

And in second place ... Sarah Palin

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is now the clear frontrunner in the Republican 2012 race, according to a new Wall Street Journal /NBC News poll. Of those likely to vote, 30% said they support Romney, an increase from last month’s 21%. Sarah Palin, who still hasn't said if she's in...

Newt Rips Media, 'Backstabbing' Ex-Staffers

They just didn't understand a relationship like the Reagans, he says

(Newser) - To say that Newt Gingrich is not happy may be a bit of an understatement. In an interview with Greta van Susteren last night on Fox News, Gingrich ripped his “backstabbing” ex-staff members for criticizing his wife , calling it “despicable” and claiming that they just didn’t like...

Governors Have a Big Advantage in Primaries
Governors Have a Big Advantage in Primaries
Nate Silver

Governors Have a Big Advantage in Primaries

Nate Silver breaks down the statistics

(Newser) - Conventional wisdom states that governors have an advantage over senators in presidential primaries—but Nate Silver decided to run the statistics just to be sure. The result? “The advantage may be even more powerful than you think,” he writes on his FiveThirtyEight blog at the New York Times....

Rick Perry Hints at White House Run
 Perry Hints at White House Run 

Perry Hints at White House Run

'Prophet' says GOP nomination is now on his radar

(Newser) - Rick Perry has dropped his clearest hints yet that the race for the Republican nomination could soon be gaining another Texan. Perry, speaking at the New York Republican Party's annual Lincoln Dinner, slammed "Obamacare" and presented himself as a Reaganesque conservative stalwart, Reuters reports. He told Fox that...

Obama Makes Historic Trip to Puerto Rico

It's the first presidential visit in 50 years

(Newser) - President Obama visited Puerto Rico today, becoming the first sitting president since JFK to do so. “When I ran for president, I promised to include Puerto Rico not just on my itinerary, but also in my vision of where our country needs to go. And I am proud to...

Huntsman Joining 2012 Race Next Week

Former China ambassador will make it official, sources say

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman is making the rumors official: He’ll throw his hat into the 2012 ring next Tuesday, officials tell the AP . Huntsman left his post as US ambassador to China in the spring and started putting his campaign organization together. The former governor of Utah is seen as a...

Romney Committed Voter Fraud: GOP Opponent

Fred Karger claims Romney voted in Massachusetts, didn't live there

(Newser) - When Mitt Romney voted for Scott Brown in last year’s Massachusetts special election, his voter registration listed him as living in his son’s basement. Considering Romney is worth $500 million, that little tidbit struck Fred Karger—one of Romney’s opponents in the 2012 presidential race—as odd....

Obama: Family Would Be 'Fine' With One Term

But says he's still got work left to do

(Newser) - President Obama says the first family would be just fine if they were just a regular family. “If I said, ‘You guys, I want to do something different,’ they’d be fine,” Obama told the TODAY show this morning. “They’re not invested in daddy...

Empty Seats Abound at Obama's Fundraiser

Event draws 980, one protester

(Newser) - President Obama held a relatively cheap fundraiser in Florida last night, and Politico wasn't impressed with the turnout. Obama filled around 980 seats in the 2,200-seat Adrienne Arsht Center for Performing Arts, leaving the entire top level empty. Tickets cost $44. One Democratic official downplayed the turnout: “...

Bachmann, Romney Score as Debate's 'Big Winners'

Bachmann impressed while Romney held firm, say pundits

(Newser) - Mitt Romney and, more surprisingly, Michele Bachmann looked like the big winners in last night's Republican debate in New Hampshire, analysts say.
  • Bachmann, who announced her candidacy during the debate , was "at ease and forceful without looking at all crazy or out-of-control," writes EJ Dionne Jr. at

Leno Or Conan? Debaters Field Personal Questions
 Leno or Conan? Debaters
 Field Personal Questions

Leno or Conan? Debaters Field Personal Questions

Bachmann picks both Elvis, Johnny Cash

(Newser) - Good gimmick, or bad? At the Republican debate in New Hampshire , CNN moderator John King occasionally departed from talking policy to ask GOP hopefuls a "this or that?" question.
  • To Rick Santorum: "Leno or Conan?" Leno, Santorum decided after a pause, "but I don't watch either.

GOP Hopefuls Target Obama, Not Each Other

Rivals seem united at New Hampshire debate

(Newser) - Seven rivals for the 2012 Republican nomination took to the stage in New Hampshire for a debate tonight, but their focus was on attacking President Obama, not trying to score points off each other. Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Tim Pawlenty, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, and Michele Bachmann—who...

John Ziegler, Maker of Sarah Palin Documentary: She Can't Win Election 2012
Maker of Fawning Palin Documentary: She Can't Win

Maker of Fawning Palin Documentary: She Can't Win

Her many missteps and 'bunker mentality' will sink her in 2012: John Ziegler

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has zero chance of winning in 2012, says John Ziegler, the maker of the "very first pro-Sarah documentary." Writing for the Daily Caller , Ziegler explains that despite "being approached by Sarah’s husband Todd only a month ago," you won't find him working...

A Cheat Sheet to Tonight's GOP Debate

Among the things to watch for: Will Weiner make an appearance?

(Newser) - Tonight’s New Hampshire debate marks the “informal kickoff” to the 2012 GOP race, with nearly all the major candidates appearing. Joshua Green of the Atlantic breaks down the seven things to watch for:
  • Romney in the lead? He’s topping the polls; will he shine in this performance?

Herman Cain: Obama Was Raised in Kenya

Er, yeah, Indonesia, GOP candidate later acknowledges

(Newser) - Herman Cain is the latest Republican to state that Obama “was raised in Kenya,” though he quickly backtracked on the mistake. When interviewer Jeffrey Goldberg pointed out that the president actually spent four years in Indonesia, not Kenya, Cain—who has dallied in birtherism, Goldberg notes—replied, “...

For 2012, Obama Wants 'Fat Cats' Back on His Side

The president reaches out to Wall Street donors

(Newser) - President Obama—who famously angered Wall Street executives by calling them “fat cats,” the New York Times reminds us—is now courting those same executives in his quest for re-election campaign contributions. He kicked off the push by hosting two dozen of them, many longtime donors, at the...

GOP Shift: Obama Isn't Just Liberal, He's a 'Failure'

Charles Krauthammer: Campaign now about 'stewardship,' not ideology

(Newser) - Republicans coasted to victory in the midterms by painting President Obama as a liberal and running against him on ideological grounds. That long looked to be the GOP template for the 2012 elections as well, but Charles Krauthammer detects a significant shift thanks in part to the weak economy: "...

Mitt Romney's Week: So Good It Was 'Startling'

Peggy Noonan: Behold the genuine front-runner

(Newser) - Mitt Romney had always been the kinda-sorta GOP front-runner, but after this week he is the bona fide leader of the pack, writes Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal . "It was startling," she writes. "He stepped out from the blur." For starters, he gave a...

Johnson Rips 'Elitist' CNN for GOP Debate Snub

'I've had my teeth kicked in,' says former NM governor

(Newser) - Gary Johnson won't be joining other Republican hopefuls for CNN's debate next week, and he's hopping mad about it. The libertarian former New Mexico governor, who took part in the Fox News-sponsored GOP debate last month , says CNN is being "elitist" by not inviting him because...

Mitt Skipping Iowa Straw Poll

2007 Ames winner saving his cash for the primaries

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is going to skip the Ames Straw Poll in Iowa this summer, along with every other straw poll in the country. The Iowa poll is seen as a crucial test of a campaign's strength, but Romney campaign officials say they plan to save resources for winning primaries...

Stories 1661 - 1680 | << Prev   Next >>