Election 2012

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Budget Cuts May Kill SC Primary

Gov. Haley expected to veto state funding for GOP contest

(Newser) - South Carolina's first-in-the-South Republican primary may no longer be first in the South or even a primary next year thanks to money troubles. GOP Gov. Nikki Haley is expected to veto a budget proposal that provides state funding for the primary, the State reports. The move could force the...

Bachmann Announces 2012 Run

And, with 'home field advantage,' she does it in Iowa

(Newser) - It's official: Michele Bachmann is running for president. Of course, we already knew that, but the Minnesota congresswoman formally announced her plans today in Iowa, where she was born. “We can’t afford four more years of Barack Obama,” she said to the 300 or so who...

Romney, Bachmann Leading Iowa Polls

Rest of the GOP field is far behind

(Newser) - Mitt Romney and Michele Bachmann are in a dead heat in Iowa, with 23% and 22% respectively, says a new poll by the Des Moines Register . Herman Cain is third with 10%, and all others candidates are tracking in the single digits. While Romney is a well-known name in Iowa,...

Here&#39;s the Odds for Top 4 GOP Candidates
 Betting Odds for Top 4 
 GOP Candidates 

Betting Odds for Top 4 GOP Candidates

It's Romney, Pawlenty, Perry, and Bachmann (in that order): Nate Silver

(Newser) - With the GOP candidates for 2012 out of the gates, statistics whiz Nate Silver sets the odds in the first of a 3-part series for the New York Times . The longshots will be looked at in later installments. His top four:
  • Mitt Romney: 3-2 against—a 40% chance of winning

Mark Kelly&#39;s Next Career: Senator?
 Mark Kelly's 
 Next Career: 

Speculation Dept.

Mark Kelly's Next Career: Senator?

Gabrielle Giffords' husband might run for Jon Kyl's seat

(Newser) - Mark Kelly’s sudden retirement from NASA and the Navy has Washington a-tizzy with speculation that he’ll jump into the race for Jon Kyl’s Senate seat in Arizona. So far, Gabrielle Giffords is polling higher than any of the other potential Democratic candidates for the seat, but since...

Top Pawlenty Aides Working for Peanuts

And in some cases, not even peanuts, says aide

(Newser) - Tim Pawlenty is paying peanuts—or nothing at all—to several top members of his team. His top two strategists as well as at least three advisers are working for just zero to $1,000 per month, plus expense reimbursements, an anonymous aide tells the Washington Post . But “this...

Laughing at Bachmann Only Makes Her Stronger

People aren't voting for Bachmann, they're 'voting against us'

(Newser) - "Michele Bachmann has found the flaw in the American Death Star," Matt Taibbi writes in a long and (typically) profane profile of the Tea Party queen for Rolling Stone . "She is a television camera's dream, a threat to do or say something insane at any time,...

Gingrich: My Staff Quit Because I'm Too Different

Reagan aides quit during 1980 campaign, Newt notes

(Newser) - Staffers are departing the good ship Gingrich because he's just too different for them, the candidate says. "Philosophically, I am very different from normal politicians, and normal consultants found that very hard to deal with," he told reporters in Atlanta yesterday, Reuters reports. Gingrich, who lost 16...

GOP Hopefuls React to Obama War Speech

Pawlenty, Romney hawkish as Huntsman calls for faster withdrawal

(Newser) - The withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan could become a major bone of contention among the GOP's 2012 hopefuls, judging by their differing responses to President Obama's speech outlining the US drawdown.
  • Tim Pawlenty took the most hawkish position, calling the decision to bring all the surge forces

Jon Huntsman on High Road to Nowhere
 Jon Huntsman  
 on High Road  
 to Nowhere 
Dana Milbank

Jon Huntsman on High Road to Nowhere

Playing nice doesn't win elections, Dana Milbank warns

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman’s campaign did not get off to an auspicious start yesterday. Before his announcement speech , staffers were passing out materials that misspelled his name (“John” instead of “Jon”), notes Dana Milbank of the Washington Post , and when the actual speech kicked off, all the major...

Sarah Palin's Bus Tour Hits the Brakes
 Palin Bus Tour Hits the Brakes 

Palin Bus Tour Hits the Brakes

She and her family head to Alaska

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has abruptly cut short her bus tour and gone home to Alaska before hitting such planned destinations as Iowa and South Carolina. Though the trip had no formally announced schedule, Real Clear Politics reports that top aides had drafted an itinerary that would have seen her tour the...

Newt's Top Fundraisers Call It Quits

Gingrich campaign to continue 'as committed as ever'

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich’s campaign woes keep piling up: Now two top members of his finance team have departed. Fundraising director Jody Thomas and fundraising consultant Mary Heitman follow 16 other aides who left this month. His press chief says the campaign is "as committed as ever" and spins the...

Who Exactly Is Jon Huntsman?
 Who Exactly Is Jon Huntsman? 
'nyt magazine' profile

Who Exactly Is Jon Huntsman?

'New York Times' delves into the latest 2012 candidate

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman announced today that he’s running for the presidency, but the former Utah governor and ambassador to China is far from a household name. In fact, when his campaign first began, even his aides knew little about him. “I just met him this morning,” Huntsman’s...

Huntsman Makes It Official, Enters 2012 Race

Calls our economy 'totally unacceptable and totally un-American'

(Newser) - And another Republican is officially in: Former US ambassador to China/Utah governor Jon Huntsman today announced that he is running for president. Huntsman joined the race "with a campaign premised on a somewhat radical idea: being nice," write Chris Cillizza and Aaron Blake for the Washington Post in...

Ron Paul: Those Tired of 'Unwinnable' Wars Love Me

The Texas representative explains his recent straw poll win

(Newser) - Why did Ron Paul do so well in a GOP straw poll over the weekend ? Simple, he said on Today this morning: He’s popular with all those who are tired of the “endless, undeclared, unwinnable wars dumped on the young people" and the rising US national debt....

Bachmann Latest to Get Glitter Bombed

Sparkly attack largely misses its mark

(Newser) - Add Michele Bachmann to the list of GOP presidential hopefuls who have been "glitter bombed" by gay rights supporters, reports Politico . Bachmann was leaving the stage after a 40-minute speech yesterday in Minneapolis when a young woman approached the stage and threw glitter, but largely missed the congresswoman. “...

Pentagon: Wait Til Fall 2012 to End Afghanistan Surge

Military pushes for slow withdrawal as Obama weighs next move

(Newser) - The military has called on President Obama to keep the Afghanistan troop surge in place until the fall of next year, ensuring that many of the 33,000 extra troops remain in the country for the next two fighting seasons, when the weather is warm. The military wants to avoid...

Democrats Blast Romney Joke: 'I'm Also Unemployed'

Aides say Mitt was mocking himself, got laughs

(Newser) - Discussing unemployment at a Florida coffee shop, Mitt Romney said he felt the pain of his jobless listeners: “I should tell my story, I’m also unemployed,” he said, according to the New York Times . "I'm networking," he added. “I have my sight on...

Mark Penn: How Obama Could Lose

 Mark Penn:
 How Obama 
 Could Lose 

Mark Penn: How Obama Could Lose

Ex-Hillary strategist advises him not to gloat, attack the wealthy

(Newser) - President Obama is looking good for the 2012 election, but he can still be beaten, according to former foe Mark Penn. In a GQ interview, Hillary’s ex-strategist lays out the ways the president can screw this up:
  • He gloats too much about bin Laden—“People are going to

GOP Field So Bad That Bush Looks Good

 GOP Field So 
 Bad That Bush 
 Looks Good 
EJ Dionne

GOP Field So Bad That Bush Looks Good

He at least had a moderate bone in his body

(Newser) - The latest GOP presidential debate gave EJ Dionne Jr. “an experience I never, ever expected,” he writes in the Washington Post : “I had a moment of nostalgia for George W. Bush.” Sure, Bush got us into two wars and exploded the deficit with tax cuts for...

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